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Messages - JediJman

Pages: 1 ... 608 609 610 611 612 [613] 614
Feedback / Re: JediJman's feedback
« on: February 21, 2007, 12:37 PM »
He's off to a good start!

Joined yesterday and he's already scored a nice minty fresh Kubrick from me.

Thanks Justin   ;)

Jay - thanks for setting this up!  And for the figure of course!!

PM sent

Finally, the fish are biting!  PM back at ya.  Thanks!

Newbies / Re: JediJman joins the ranks!
« on: February 21, 2007, 12:28 PM »
Welcome to JD Justin!  Our son's name is Justin and we call him JediJman too!  Very cute babies, btw :)

Seriously?  What a small world!  If your son would ever like to trade places with me and go to my work while I dress up in Star Wars and play, just let me know.  Cool pic of your son btw - can't wait until next Halloween with my kids!

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Acquisitions
« on: February 21, 2007, 11:00 AM »
I got one step closer to completing my Kubrick collection today thanks to a fellow JD collector.  Thanks for the Royal Guard Jay!  ;)

Modern Trading / JediJman's Swap Shop - UGH and Wave 4 Trade Thread!
« on: February 21, 2007, 12:25 AM »
   Updated 09-13-2007           
   Hey, thanks for stopping by and checking out my all new list!  Don't have anything to trade?  Feel free to make me a $ offer and maybe we can still work something out.          

Feedback (JediDefender):;topicseen            
Feedback (Rebelscum):            


   B A S I C  F I G U R E S …scroll down for multi-packs, vehicles, and more!         

   Mail-Away Items:          
   Rebel Fleet Trooper Army Builder (Sealed Box)         
   Mail-In Pre-Episode I Mace Windu         
   Mail-in Han Stormtrooper from Kelloggs         
   Mail-in Spirit Obi-Wan Kenobi         
   Mail-in Saga George Lucas Trooper!    x 2    * 1 Pending to Cohens4*   

   Foreign Bootleg Clone Troopers - Marching or Firing    x 5 of each      
   C3 Exclusive talking Vader! (Without Case) x2         

    30th Anniversary Collection         
 - C4 Exclusive McLuke  *Pending*
 - Legends W1 Battle Droid 2 Pack (with Oom-9)
 - SDCC Exclusive Shadow Speeder with Scout x2

 - UGH Droids Fett
 - UGH McChewie
 - UGH Airborne Trooper

    Saga 2006         
   UGH AT-AT Driver with Stormtrooper Mini!         
   UGH Darth Vader with Vader Mini (Small ding in bubble)         
   UGH Darth Vader with Dooku Mini         
   UGH Anakin with Dooku Mini         
   UGH Fett with Maul, Stormtrooper, or Sideous Mini         
   UGH AT-AT Driver with Stormtrooper Mini         
   UGH Scorch with Han Solo Mini   *Pending to iFett*      
   UGH Grievous with Maul Mini                  
   #56 HOLO COMMANDER CODY         
   #57 CLONE TROOPER (442nd Siege Battalion) x2         
   #59 CLONE TROOPER (Fifth Fleet Security) x2         
   #62 BATTLE DROID 2-PACK X2         
   #63 HOLO OBI-WAN Dark Blue version (With Obi-Wan Mini Fig!)
   #63 HOLO OBI-WAN Dark Blue version (With Amidala Mini Fig!)
   #64 COMMANDER APPO X4 *1 Pending*         

    Original Trilogy Collection         
   Lando Skiff Guard         
   Princess Leia Bespin         
   Cloud Car Pilot         
   Biker Scout         
   TRU Silver R2 (Mint on Card!) x2         

     Revenge of the Sith         
   #2 Anakin (Dooku Red Saber OR Dooku Pink Saber!)         
   #6 Clone Trooper (all white) x3         
   #6 Shock Trooper Repaint (Carded) x2         
   #34 Clone Pilot (Black) x2         
   #35 Palpatine with Blue Lightsaber :shocked:         
   #36 Exploding Grievous         
   #37 Vader's Medical Droid          
   #38 AT-TE Gunner x4         
   #39 Polis Massan          
   #40 Mas Amedda         
   #41 SA Clone Trooper (Reg & With Custom stickers to look like Target Clone! - several colors to choose from.  Choose carded or loose!)         
   #42 Neimodian Warrior         
   #55 Obi-Wan Kenobi Pilot         
   #56 Mustafar Sentry         
   #63 Neimodian Commander         
   #64 R4-P17 (error printed #68 or with #64 sticker)         
   #66 Plo Koon Hologram         
   #67 Aayla Secura Hologram         
   #68 Wookie Gunner (Printed #68 or with #68 sticker)         
   Target Exclusive Mustafar Obi-Wan and collector case         
   Target Exclusive Mustafar Darth Vader and collector case(Anakin without armor)         
   TRU Exclusive Holo Yoda (Mint on Card!)    x 2      
   TRU Exclusive Emperor Palpatine (Loose, complete)         

   Clone Wars Animated Series:          
   Carded Anakin Skywalker (1st version)         
   Yellow Clone Trooper (Carded)         

   Clone Wars: (Non-Animated)         
   Super Articulated Clone Trooper (Loose or on card)     x 2    *1 Pending*   
   Blue/Gray Arc Trooper (Not the Shoulder mis-paint error)         
   EU Yoda         

    Saga 2004         
   Target Exclusive: Boba Fett plus Cup Figure Set         
   Target Exclusive: Stormtrooper plus cup Figure Set         
   Clone Pilot with Gunship Turret Ball          
   02-01: Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise)          
   02-02: Padmé Amidala (Arena Escape) - With or without mole variation         
   02-14: R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry)         
   02-22: Anakin Skywalker (Hanger Duel)         
   02-29: Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel)          
   02-30: Darth Vader (Bespin Duel)          
   03-12: Barris Offee (Luminara Unduli's Padawan)         
   03-25: Darth Maul (Theed Hangar Duel)          
   04-11: Holographic Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace)         
   04-16: Admiral Ozzel         
   04-19: Han Solo (Endor Strike)         
   Deluxe Death Star Trooper + Accessories (Target Exclusive)         

   Sandtrooper    x 2      
   Boss Nass         
   Bespin Security Guard    x 2      
   Elorrs Madak (loose)         

   Episode I:          
   Pit Droid 2-pack (Carded or Loose)     x 2      
   OOM-9 (with bonoculars in hand or in bubble)         
   Naboo Royal Guard     x 2      
   Naboo Royal Security     x 2      
   Naboo Accessory Set         
   Sith Accessory Set         
   Tatooine Accessory Set         
   Destroyer Droid     x 3     *1 Pending to Vlad*   
   Destroyer Droid (Battle Damage)     x 3      

   Red Deluxe Crowd Control Stormtrooper (.00 or .01)         
   Green Deluxe Boba Fett         
   Green Deluxe Probe Droid         
   Green Deluxe Snowtrooper + Cannon   x3      
   Red Carded Obi-Wan (Long or short Saber)         
   Red Carded Luke Tatooine (Long Saber)         
   Red Carded Luke Jedi (Tan or Black Vest)         
   Red Carded Luke Dagobah (Long Saber or Short Saber/Long Tray)         
   Red Carded Luke X-Wing (Long Saber or Short Saber/Long Tray)         
   Red Carded Stormtroopers    x 10      
   Green Carded Stormtrooper         
   Expanded Universe Space Trooper          
   CommTech Stormtroopers    x 4      
   CommTech Jawa + Power Droid     x 2      
   General Veers figure from AT-AT Walker    x 3      

   ***Have lots of Spare VTSC clam shells available - these are perfect for storage or display and work great for carded vintage figures too!***         

   M U L T I  P A C K S         

   30th Anniversary: Target Exclusive: Attack on Ilum Battle Pack!    x 2      
   30th Anniversary: Target Exclusive: Ambush at Felucia Battle Pack!    x 2      
   30th Anniversary: Episode I Collector Tin 4pack         
   30th Anniversary: Episode II Collector Tin 4pack         
   30th Anniversary: Episode III Collector Tin 4pack         
   30th Anniversary: Episode IV Collector Tin 4pack         
   30th Anniversary: Episode V Collector Tin 4pack         
   30th Anniversary: Episode VI Collector Tin 4pack         
   Entertainment Earth Astromech Droid 5-packs (Sets 1 & 2 available!)    x 2    *1 set Pending*   
   Target Exclusive: Mace Windu Squadron Battle Pack         
   ROTS Deluxe Clone Army 3-pack - all 4 versions (Single Red Clone, Single Blue Clone, Single Green Clone, or all white!)         

   V E H I C L E S          
   30th Anniversary: Darth Vader's Black Jedi Starfighter MIB!         
   Green Box A-Wing Fighter + Pilot         
   Red Box Millenium Falcon (Mint/Boxed)          
    AT-AT Imperial Walker Complete with Figs!(Mint/Boxed)          
   ** Extra General Veers figures from AT-AT Walker available!         
   ROTS Kohl's AT-RT with Bonus Clone Trooper!         

   O T H E R  S T A R   W A R S         

   1 2 "  F I G U R E S          
   Electronic TC-14 MIMB         

   Series 6          
    -Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot         
   Series 5          
    -Yoda X2         
    -Luke Jedi X2         
    -Death Star Gunner X2         

   Galactic Heroes:          
   New! Obi-Wan & Durge!         
    Han and Luke in Stormtrooper Disguise!    x 2      
   Boba Fett + Dengar (1st print error - Wrong Sides!) MOMC         
   Obi-Wan with Bly (loose)         
   Anakin with 501st Trooper (loose)         
   Yoda with Gree (loose)         
   Emperor with Shocktrooper! (loose)
   Lots of others loose - PM if interested.         

   Micro Machines Transforming Playsets: (opened, but complete to my knowledge)         
   Luke X-Wing         
   Royal Guard         
   Tie Pilot         
   Darth Vader         

   Episode One Collector Pepsi Can Set - Complete!  (soda drained via a small hole in the bottom of each can.         

   N O N - S T A R   W A R S         
   Marvel Legends 14 Psylocke (Loose) x2         
   Marvel Legends Scarlet Witch (Loose)         
   Marvel Legends Mystique (Loose)         
   Marvel Legends War Machine (Loose)         
   Marvel Legends Red Iron Fist         
   Marvel Legends Bald Bishop         
   Marvel Legends S1 Captain America         
   Toybiz X-Men 3 Storm (Loose)         
   Transformers Alternators PROWL (Red Box)         
   Transformers Alternators Meister (Red Box)         
   Transformers Alternators Wheeljack (Red Box)         
   Tons of old Spawn, animated batman, Flash gordon, X-Men, Spiderman, etc - PM if interested.         



   Luke and Yoda Mexican 2 Pack          
   Loose Toy Fair Vader         

   B A S I C  F I G U R E S         

    30th Anniversary MOMC:                       -              - All of Wave 5
              - Wave 4 UGH Figures (Let me know what you've got)    
              - Mara/Luke Comic pack with Mara Green Lightsaber MIP      

   The Saga Collection     *Pending      
   Loose/opener Death Star Gunners         

   UGH Pewter Mini Figure Pack-ins (Loose)    *Priority!*      
    - Amidala         
    - Rebel Fleet Trooper         
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi         
    - Luke Jedi          
    - Yoda         

   Deluxe Droid Fighter (Both versions)               

   VOTC & VTSC               
   Stormtroopers - loose is fine         
   Biker Scouts (not a priority - just listing as an item to use for leveling off trades)      

   Jawas 2-pack MOC         
   Tusken Raider MOC   

   Sandtrooper MOC          

   McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper 03-34 with saber over his head          

   Clone Wars Animated         

   Episode I:          
   Ric Ole (Completely Filled in Left Hand) - Loose is okay          

   Green Carded Lando from the Sam's 3-pack (MOMC)         

   Blue Snaggletooth (loose)         
   Warok (just need the bow)         
   A-Wing Pilot's Gun         
   Most vintage 12" Figures[/b]         

   Individual Figure Stands!!! (vintage and new), especially 'grass' stands from various ROTS figures         
   Also looking for custom figures and playsets. Nothing specific - lemme know what you've got.          

   M U L T I  P A C K S         
   30th Anniversary: Tantiv IV Battle Pack (Error with two Black haired Rebels)         
   Saga 2004: Battle of Hoth 4-pack    (loose)      * PRIORITY! *

   V E H I C L E S         
   30th Anniversary: TIE Fighter (Loose)         
   OTC Loose Sandcrawler + Figures   
   POTF2 Y-Wing Pilot (Just need the figure)

   O T H E R  S T A R   W A R S         

   1 2 "  F I G U R E S          
   12" Biker Scout Troopers (Saga MIB) *ALSO LOOKING FOR LOOSE BIKER SCOUTS*         
   TPM 12" Valorum and Senate Guard 2-pack MIMB         

   Series 1-7: Any Chase Figures         
   All of Series 8!         

   N O N - S T A R   W A R S         

   YellowJacket (Variant)         
   Quicksilver (Variant)                  

    MARVEL LEGENDS SERIES 15:         
   Marvel Legends Series 1 Stealth Iron Man         
   Marvel Legends Series 1 Gold Iron Man (Not Yellow Version)         
   Custom ML Avengers Figs (Tigra, Photon, Swordsman, Mockingbird, others)         
   Emma Frost (AKA White Queen) statues, mini busts, etc. - let me know what you have.         
   Thanks for looking!!!         

I hope once I start I won't want to go back to carded collecting!

That's my big fear is wanting to go back once those figs have come and gone.  I've had that happen before and it sucks trying to track down stuff you missed the first time around - especially carded stuff.  At some point though, you do end up running out of space.   :-\

Newbies / Re: JediJman joins the ranks!
« on: February 20, 2007, 11:58 PM »
Just wanted to welcome you to the boards Justin, I've seen you post at Fwoosh as well (make sure you check out our Other Toys section!) I currently live in Mankato but have also called: New Hope, Robbinsdale, Crystal, Elk River, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Hugo and Maplewood all home at some point in my life.  So, not sure if I'm a West Sider, East Sider or out-of-towner :)

Thanks man.  I think you qualify as an all-arounder!  Are you under the same name on Fwoosh?

...  Saved me at rip out actually had I gone that route.

Okay, no offense, but what in the heck did you just say?  ???

I was seriously considering picking up two more Ties as well, but I went the Bantha route instead.  One for me, the other for another local.  My order came to $56 - not a bad deal but now I'm thinking I should have gotten the Ties instead.  I had no idea their website still had them in stock, but I'm not going anywhere near that $45 price point anytime soon :-\

Keep me in mind for the next outting - maybe I'll trade/sell you one.  I already had one and probably don't need 3 of them - it was just too hard to pass up.  Wish I had seen that they had the bantha pack.   :P

I broke the habit right around AOTC and am glad I did! I do collect Vader's Carded. because he's been on practically every card. I figure if I have one version of a card in the collection do I need 500? a FF vader looks cooler than a FF Malikilli! Plus it's easier and creates a IMHO nicer display to focus on one or 2 characters carded (Vader, Yoda, R2 and you'd pretty much cover every line, from the original 12 to now, except special circumstances, like AOTC preview, ROTS preview, but you coudl get those astromechs... and then ALL loose.

Here is a US link to the shelves:

I use these for my Marvel Legends and loose Star Wars - they work awesome.  What I did was use one vertically as shown, then I built a huge 6ft x 7ft frame using particle board and used the second detolf cabinet for glass shelves.  That gives me 6 six foot shelves (base of particle board, 4 sides of detolf #2 and the door from detolf #1.  Had to get a little creative, but it looks sweet all finished.

Clones aren't very sporting are they?   :-[

You're nuts!  ;D Seriously, that may be the best thing for you...on the other hand, 10 years down the road when you want to display something carded and its open, you'll be kicking yourself.  You can ALWAYS open your stuff later, but you can NEVER reseal your stuff - just remember that.   Personally, I open one of everything and keep a sealed version of everything, but that's a freaking expensive way to go about this, AND you have even less display space than if you did just one or the other, so who am I to give advice.  Good luck in your decision. 

The Vintage Collection / Re: Target DPCI #s
« on: February 20, 2007, 05:05 PM »
I was hearing rumors of some price adjustments showing up in the Target computers, so I decided to check for myself and punch in the latest round of DPCI #s for 30th Anniversary stuff.  Here's an update on pricing plans for 2007:
30th Anniversary Basic Figures: 087-06-1990 - $6.99 same
30th Anniversary Darth Vader w/Coin Album: 087-06-0886 - $9.99 (lower price, was $11.99)
Order 66 2-packs 087-06-0884 - $9.99 (lower price, was $12.99)

## Please note that these are the prices here in MN and your local milage may vary a bit...

Very good news!  What target did you try this at?  The Knollwood store always has higher prices on the basic figs - I'm curious to try the DPCIs there and see if they're the same...  :-\

Got to the store too late to get anything good (Battle Droid 2pack and an Emperor - meh), but I did order Buy one Get one on the TRU Mega-sized TIE Fighters.  Gonna get reamed when that massive box shows up at the house...

Newbies / Re: JediJman joins the ranks!
« on: February 20, 2007, 04:50 PM »
Not sure how the west-side east-side breaks down for this group.  I'm in Golden Valley (still pissed that I missed living in a "New Hope" by just a mile), so that probably puts me in with the W's.   ;D

Oh, you're in my neck of the woods. I live in N Plymouth just off of 169.

The whole eas'side, wes'side thing is just a joke we have. We often curse the other side if one gets all the goodies before the other side does. And, I'm sure you've heard it before, we tend to look after each other for figures too, so be sure to list your wants in our "Who's in need" section of our MN forum.

Cute kids, Justin.

West Side Rulez!  What are we using for the border?  If this is basically St. Pual vs. Minneapolis, I had better put on my riot gear.  I'm actually doing pretty good on my wants right now - all caught up on Saga except for the WM wave, and I have those on the way via a Rebelscum trader.  I'm looking for the Yavin 4 Battle Pack that has been showing up at WM, probably another TIE Fighter, couple more Appo's maybe.  I'll go check out that section and see if there's anything I can help out with.  Thanks!

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