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Messages - Muftak

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 86
The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 30, 2025, 03:34 PM »
Looking at that C-3PO closely, it is the same old craptastic removable panels TVC version they keep putting out since 2010. The right arm's weird pointy elbow and very specific finger pose are dead giveaways, as is the barrel chest.

(That said, Jayson did update his rumor list to include C-3PO today, so the plot thickens.)

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Rogue Squadron
« on: January 12, 2025, 03:29 PM »
I hope beyond hope that sanity prevails and the "Rogue Squadron" project moves to the OT era as well, even if I realize that it will probably not include the characters from Stackpole's very enjoyable novels.

If they move forward with the project as set in the sequel era as it was originally announced I will be much less interested, if only because of the limited appeal of the muddy Resistance/First Order conflict.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 HasLab - TVC The Ghost
« on: December 16, 2024, 11:40 AM »
I ordered one Ghost....and I have two labels created in FedEx.

This could get interesting.

I didn't know Neca was selling the Ghost...

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2025 Kenner Retro Collection ANH Wave
« on: December 8, 2024, 07:49 PM »
At the live presentation in England where these were revealed, Steve Evans showed an image that had the 1979 Walrus Man on it, as well as Luke's medal and Han's helmet.

Kenner Retro Collection / 2025 Kenner Retro Collection ANH Wave
« on: December 8, 2024, 10:52 AM »
Announced/pipeline today, a new A New Hope wave consisting of:

Rebel Fleet Trooper
Han Solo (Stormtrooper Disguise)
Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony)
Walrus Man
Dr. Evazan

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Disney Star Tours Starspeeder 3000
« on: September 28, 2024, 02:14 PM »
Wow, I am surprised they sold you the carded sample that comes with the set, that is the only piece of the set with the limited edition number on it from what I've heard...that's something I would have a hard time justifying taking off the card. I agree you might want to hold out to see if that figure comes out some other way in the next year or so before freeing him from the packaging.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Mandalorian - Season 4? (SPOILERS possible)
« on: September 26, 2024, 05:16 PM »
Season 4 was mapped out and ready to go after season 3 wrapped, then Disney decided they needed a Mando movie, so Favreau and Filoni  took the overall story arc of Season 4 and turned it into the script for the movie instead.

Season 4 isn't happening in that form anyway. I would assume if the movie is a success it will get movie sequels rather than more TV seasons, and if it isn't successful it will just be put aside.

I found a case of Cobbs on the shelf at Walmart today. Though I am not thrilled with the mark-up, I am resigned to it if I want a character with extra paint apps an complex construction. And I have wanted this character in this configuration for 5 years, so I bit.

That said, I am very glad that there were quite a few on the shelf, and that they have switched to the blister cards, because at these prices the figure needed to be perfect, and I was able to sort through a bunch that were iffy on the face deco to find one I was satisfied with.

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Disney Star Tours Starspeeder 3000
« on: September 19, 2024, 01:13 AM »
I am two weeks away from my trip to Orlando...I really wonder if there might be some lingering that far out.

From the numbers on the cases I saw it looks like they had 1150 of the 3000 set aside for WDW. It is crazy that how they broke it out, online got the smallest allocation.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: September 18, 2024, 02:55 PM »

Off the top of my head?

--Mos Eisely Alleys (kind of a hall)

Excellent dream manifestation!

Lol. I threw a LOT at the wall in that post. Something had to stick!

I would take four "hallways" a year if they all turn out like the Tatooine Street and Light Cruiser Hall.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Streets of Mos Eisley Playset
« on: September 13, 2024, 06:33 PM »
Same.  Seems like maybe this is more for people that didn’t get the cantina?   

I was thinking the exact opposite...this is the answer for those people who wanted exterior walls for their Cantina set-up.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Streets of Mos Eisley Playset
« on: September 13, 2024, 03:42 PM »
I like this but I don’t even want to know how overpriced it is going to be…

Surely it is just a $60 set like all the retail playsets are?

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Streets of Mos Eisley Playset
« on: September 13, 2024, 03:33 PM »
I am so beyond happy to see this set. How many will I buy? 2? 3?

I might have to cap it at three and wait for more on clearance.

The only nitpick I have is the lack of a vaporator accessory, but there are really good accessories here. I never thought they'd make a yellow cube crate!

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Disney Star Tours Starspeeder 3000
« on: September 10, 2024, 08:07 PM »
I really hope this is the start of open stock / beyond the 3000, but I am worried this was an allotment set aside for WDW from the beginning. From everything I have seen, there were only 700 set aside for the online sales, and those were staged in two different shipping spots (east coast and west coast) prior to D23, so it makes sense to me that there could have been a whole separate allotment for Orlando.

Entirely selfishly, I will be in Orlando in a couple weeks and if there should be Starspeeders available at that time it will really really tempting. So I am praying to the toy gods tonight!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: September 5, 2024, 08:30 PM »
Off the top of my head?

--Mos Eisely Alleys (kind of a hall)
--Death Star Halls
--Echo Base Halls
--Cloud City Halls (white)
--Cloud City Halls (red)
--Star Destroyer Halls
--Death Star II Halls (cut scene)
--Trade Federation Droid Control Ship Halls
--Theed Palace Halls
--Coruscant Lower Level Alleys
--Kamino Halls
--Invisible Hand Halls
--Utapau Halls
--Mustafar Halls
--Profundity Halls (Vader Rogue One scene)

There are quite a few I would be interested in...

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