For weeks now, two Walmart’s near me have been showing 6+ Clone Troopers (332nd) in stock, but every time I went by either store they were nowhere to be found, so I finally gave up and figured they were just sitting in a stockroom somewhere buried under other stuff.
Evidently one of the stores found the shipper and put it out, because I saw the counts go down to 3-4 last night so I booked over there first thing this morning and finally found the big shipper waaaaay in the back, past electronics and near dog food. It was set up in the middle of an aisle with a bunch of other random shippers.
This probably worked to my advantage because if they had just put them in the toy section they would have been devoured instantly I am sure. When I got there they still had a few Ahsokas, Clones, and one Super Commando. Was really a beautiful sight! I got the extra Clone Trooper I have been looking for so now I am completely done with this wave.
Just have to go cancel my original Walmart preorder now, which has been in limbo for months.
On the retail question, the one big change I have noticed is a **** ton more competition out there now. It used to be just a small handful of guys around here and it was never too hard to find what you wanted if you were on the ball with the apps and whatnot. Now it is just crazy. People stalking parking lots prior to stores opening, haranguing employees to bring stuff out early, etc. it is really a blink or you miss it proposition now. I have been really lucky to find pretty much everything to this point, but it takes a loot more time and energy than it used to, that’s for sure.