There are six confirmed so far, and they are all designs that are visible in the Droid Depot shop at Galaxy's Edge. those six droids are:
C1-4B - a blue & white version of Chopper with some red highlights
G4-S8 - a white & green R4 droid
B5-SL - a white & blue BB unit, looks to be the same sculpt as BB-8
JB-9 - a yellow and gray BB unit, looks to be the same sculpt as the First Order BB-9E
CH-83 - a white & yellow BB unit, also looks to be the same sculpt as BB-8
S3-R9 - a gray R2 unit
There is a lot of similarity in these offerings to the wind-up offerings that are also available from the Droid Depot, so there is potentially a seventh droid, which is:
M5-K7 - a white & yellow w/silver & yellow dome R2 unit
There are a total of 10 droids that can be seen throughout the shop, in addition to those seven, there are also two more BB designs (one maroon and another that's a brownish color) and another R4 design that is mostly white with striping/color highlights on the dome and legs.
Hopefully for sanity's sake there are only six blind-boxed figures though.
They are $14.99 each, which is $2 more than the individually carded figures. Someone really needs to tell Disney, that the cost for blind-bagged/boxed should be
LOWER, not higher than being able to buy an item that you actually know what it is.