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Messages - Muftak

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I found Mando and 2 Deathtroopers on the shelves Friday at 2 different Targets.

I was able to order a Boba Fett off the Target site yesterday morning (had to come up with a $35 order to get them to do it, though.)

Today I found Ahsoka and the Armorer at a WalMart (along with another Deathtrooper that I did not buy)

To keep myself sane and not drive around endlessly searching I bit the bullet and bought a Bo Katan off an in-hand eBay listing.

Then I cancelled my EE case. Even with the eBay upcharge I spent less than the case (though with the double Deathtrooper I was technically one figure short too.) Glad that is done, I do like having these figures!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: April 10, 2022, 09:06 AM »
Hasbro: before you make the excuse that you have to make the Dark Trooper a "World-Building" figure because it simply won't fit in a TVC bubble, let's preemptively just make it a Troop Builder 4-pack and call it a day.

I am simply not going to buy any of these upcharge packs without the value proposition being fulfilled in some way. I don't care what figure they put in there.

I put a Chewie in my cart, then went to check out and the sticker shock of over $20 for the thing with shipping made me change my mind. Maybe if I see him available online or in a store...maybe, but most likely not. I think I am getting priced out of picking stuff up for fun.

The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC Nevarro Cantina Playset
« on: April 6, 2022, 07:08 PM »
For the window, if they were going to make it cardboard, they could have at least included a second version that is not shot out.

The cardboard window piece does have both shot and pristine versions in it. If you pull out the cardboard and rotate it 180 degrees you switch the style.

Unfortunately the sculpted hanging lights remain shot up either way. Oops.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends
« on: March 29, 2022, 09:50 AM »
I found a couple of cases on the shelf last Friday, and had to talk the manager through selling me one of each even though they didn't scan in his system. I wonder if the large cartload of stuff I was also purchasing that I was ready to walk away from was any kind of motivator? These street dates for retro products have got to go away.

If Wolverine and Phoenix weren't semi-spoiled by their prepaint release in the fall this wave would have absolutely knocked my socks off! As it is, Venom is the definite highlight, while knowing the Thing is a wave away made Mr Fantastic a must have, even if I am a bit miffed he doesn't have any rubbery bits or swappable stretched limbs. Falcon is...just okay.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Walmart TVC "Original 96" Exclusives
« on: March 24, 2022, 12:56 PM »
I was just able to get the two Bespin Guards. It wanted me to add something else for free shipping, so I went to toss in a Stormtrooper. But "Sold Out" so instead I added the gangle-creature Death Star Gunner.  I could've done another BG and found a different head to stick on it, but I do feel like a 4-pack will come sooner or later...

It is intended to be glued down. People who got early loose ones from Tunghori have versions with removable helmets, and nondecoed heads underneath.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Walmart TVC "Original 96" Exclusives
« on: March 17, 2022, 09:38 AM »
I find this selection interesting. I am not about that weird underscaled Artoo mold at all, the only time I have bought it was for the Droids repaint. I am not worried about the Stormtrooper because I have plenty (even with holsters if you count Han, luke and Carbon Freeze modern ones, I am kind of covered there.) The DS Gunner has wonky weird proportions that don't work for me.

But I will snap up the Bespin Guards no problem. And I am beyond happy for all the folks who are honestly trying to complete a collection of carded updates to the Kenner line. C'mon Sim Aloo!

One thing I noticed that may be of interest is in comparison to last year's line of these recard exclusives. Last year's all seemed to get distributed as shippers with equal amounts of 3 figures. No cases as far as I ever saw, either solid or mixed. Just shippers.

If this year follows suit, they have 5 figures to distribute over 6 slots...could they have made the smart move of doubling up on Stormtroopers so that one shipper is Stormtrooper, Bespin Guard 1, and Artoo, and the second shipper Stormtrooper, Bespin Guard 2, and DS Gunner? I truly hope so for everyone who wants one. (I can also see Patrick making a case for shipping Artoo in both slots because that's a cheaper figure to produce and they are morons when it comes to figure selection.)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: March 4, 2022, 11:51 AM »
I was shocked to see what looked like a fresh case of TVC on the pegs at my local Target this morning.  But then it was the Lando / Emperor / IG-11 / Teebo wave.  I picked up a Teebo since I've got multiples of the others already.  And I couldn't help but think where is the Bo-Katan wave?  Shouldn't that be the one that's currently shipping?

I have seen remnants from the Lando wave (him of course. Plus Emperor's and IGs) the past week or two as well, at both Walmart and Target. Maybe these are the regular stock now getting unloaded from the boats, as opposed to the early air drop?


EDIT - I forgot about the RESISTANCE line from 2019 or so.  But I think so did a lot of collectors.  And Hasbro might want to forget it, too.

My Five Below remembers them. It remembers them a lot.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: February 24, 2022, 05:54 PM »

Bespin Leia seems like one of the few OT main character figures from TVC 1.0 that's worth reissuing.  And it fits with the release of Lando and Lobot over the past few months.  If Hasbro intends for this figure to complement another Original 96 release?  I'd like it to be a TESB specific Chewbacca and/or a C-3PO with cargo net (and maybe the bin that Chewie puts the parts in).

I have been dying for a TVC Bespin Escape Chewie with Threepio sculpted on his back so that it can look like they did in the movies. we have long aged the line out of needing Threepio to be a removable play feature, just sculpt him in pieces in the backpack with an articulated head and one arm. I would even consider buying it from the "deluxe" line at twice the price if they threw in an Ugnaught control station or something...

and did Jeff mention a Dinner playset? I did a "Retro" version last year that sold out pretty quick, and I intend to reuse the room for a TVC version if I can successfully line up someone to do a good 3D print of the furniture. But, sure, let Hasbro try... >:D

It's a fun location and lots of figures can interact with it.

I would have done $28 for Artoo and Threepio.

I can't justify that much for Dengar and IG-88. Maybe I would have if it was Bossk instead of Dengar, but he is the absolute worst figure choice for this format IMHO. I won't keep a big box or these carded at all, and I can find pretty minty originals for less than this.

Hasbro is still testing those boundaries.

Are these definitely target exclusives?!  Usually they don’t do a full wave of brand new high quality sculpts and have them as exclusives.

Exclusives make sense to me since the only new pieces are heads.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: February 14, 2022, 02:00 PM »
Reading those comments it seems like the bots really appreciate his blog!

What a blast from the past!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: February 14, 2022, 12:46 PM »

My other choice would be the Emperor's throne room, since we just got a new Emperor for that, along with the window. It's super toyetic (all of Luke and Vader's 3rd act action was here), and it could be an avenue for them to "complete the 96" by including Sim Aloo, who would absolutely tank of pegs by himself.

I agree the Emperor's Throne Room would be a great set to get out there, but I fear at even the $250 pricepoint we wouldn't get much of the Room.

It doesn't really go with a lot of figures, but I can attest to its play value as when I made my tiny Cardboard Galaxy version, my then 8 year old son commandeered the prototype so he could have Vader and Luke fight all day long, going up and down the stairs. Something about the dual level design makes it extremely toyetic and inviting for play!

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