Collectibles > The Black Series 6" Figures

6" Black Series Sales and Discounts

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More May 4th deals at Amazon:
- $12.99 Jedi Luke
- $12.99 Sandtrooper
- $11.49 AotC Clone Trooper


--- Quote from: Jeff on May  4, 2015, 11:52 AM ---More May 4th deals at Amazon:
- $12.99 Jedi Luke
- $12.99 Sandtrooper
- $11.49 AotC Clone Trooper

--- End quote ---

These things are like stock prices.
Clone trooper is at $6.49 now

The others are back to $19.

Yeah, "Deal of the Day from Amazon has sold out" for that first batch...  sounds like more will be popping up during the day.

Right now:  $12.99 6" Chewbacca


--- Quote from: Master_Phruby on May  4, 2015, 03:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: Jeff on May  4, 2015, 11:52 AM ---More May 4th deals at Amazon:
- $12.99 Jedi Luke
- $12.99 Sandtrooper
- $11.49 AotC Clone Trooper

--- End quote ---

These things are like stock prices.
Clone trooper is at $6.49 now

The others are back to $19.

--- End quote ---

Just an FYI on the Episode II Clone Trooper.  They may be $6.95, but they aren't Prime eligible.  Shipping is $4.95 for each figure.

amazon has some new figures for 16.09

Commander Cody
Leia Boushh

Good luck.


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