Multimedia > The Sequel Trilogy

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)

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I don't think Obi's child would be unknown to him once he's a spirit.  If he can find Luke on Hoth or Endor it would be silly for him to not know about his kid.  Its just not a good fit for his character or the existing story.  I hope they go another direction.  30 years after ROTJ would give us plenty of time for some cool Solo and Skywalker Jedi along with a number of others from other worlds. I don't see any need to tap into Obi-Wan genes.

If it's going to be a relative....I hope it's a child or grandchild of a sibling of Obi-Wan's.  It would make more sense and preserve the Obi-Wan character as we know him.

Today at -

"In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe."

Nice to see that finally officially confirmed.  Back to speculating about the horrible idea of an Obi-Wan love child! :P

Good.    Glad to see it confirmed.  Forcing the filmmakers to adhere to the post-ROTJ EU would be the equivalent of painting them into a story telling corner.  It was tough enough for George Lucas to make certain that he hit all the notes to set the stage in the prequels for the known backstory of the OT.  Expecting the Sequel Trilogy to do the same with stories that barely got George Lucas's attention would be a terrible thing to do.  It would kill any surprise that could come from these new movies.

In other more pertinent news, the budget for the movie has been roughly set at close to $200 million.  And 2nd unit photography has begun in Abu Dhabi.  Casting announcements appear to be coming soon, but according to Horn, he wants to leave that announcement to the filmmakers.

Jesse James:
I like that they're trying to incorporate the little stuff...  Like SFS as a major player in the galaxy (along with KDY I assume), and things that are inconsequential to a degree but the kind of details I like.

I'm sure some post rotj EU will still fit.  I'm betting they'll rework some existing EU to fit too, or at least some characters.


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