Collectibles > Revenge of the Sith

TOMY Remote Control R2-D2 at

<< < (2/16) > >>

Dammit, much cheaper than the place I ordered from, but the delivery date looks to be a matter of several weeks later through SWS. I can't wait for this lil guy.

Very cool.  Thanks for the link!!  I even got 10% off for being a hyperspace member.

I've got some coming from Japan, but if anyone wants to order an extra, I don't think I'd be too put out to have one more.  I've been wanting this thing since Jeff mentioned it at C3.  Looks awfully nice and I'd be happy to own several.   8)

So, is anyone going to be ordering extras to customize?  ;)

Jesse James:
Hah, I'd like to Jared...

Won't do it, but I'd like to.

I think this is great...  Nice to see something that has had a bit of buzz being offered for an ok price.  I'll definitely nab one even though it technically does stray outside what I'd normally buy.  I love the concept and can't wait to nab one.  Saw someone do an RC Custom droid once a while back with small RC modules...  Pretty neat.


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