Collectibles > Kenner Retro Collection

2021 Kenner Retro Collection - The Mandalorian

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Not official, but we all know Jayson's track record by now.  ;)

Original Rumor from Yakface: "the 3.75″ Retro Collection will continue on next year as I found listings for 7 codenamed figures"

Updated Rumor from Yakface:  "a couple independent, anonymous sources have indicated that the next wave of Retro Collection figures will be from The Mandalorian"

I imagine these will get revealed during one of the Mando Mondays (unless they leak first). 

So, Kenner "Retro" figures from The Mandalorian.  Yea or Nay?

I love it. I've also loved the Retro line from the start. I can imagine these will be tough to find. I do though think this would go over better if there were more TVC Mandalorian figs.


How about some more TVC for Mando, and use Retro to start making unmade OT figures in that style.


--- Quote from: Rob on October 15, 2020, 04:06 PM ---Nay. 

How about some more TVC for Mando, and use Retro to start making unmade OT figures in that style.

--- End quote ---

What he said.

Retro figures were already hard to find, Mando retros will be impossible.

I am 100% in. Love the idea, it makes sense with "The Mandalorian" being the only entertainment to push currently, and opens doors to new horizons with the Retro line. Customizers have certainly proven there is a market for these, why shouldn't Hasbro do their version?


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