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Messages - Paul

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart "Early Bird" Exclusive
« on: April 5, 2005, 10:17 PM »
ok, well after getting lucky and finding all the EB sets I needed (for me and guys in Canada) in person on Saturday and Sunday, I forgot to Cancel My online order.  So I've got a couple extra coming.  If somebody missed this or is out of country and can't buy it online, PM me.  I'd hate to send em back.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Clone Trooper #6 - Worth Army Building
« on: April 3, 2005, 11:45 PM »
BY the way, with the "gape" in his stance...he can actually ride  a Taun Taun very nicely...I'll post pics tomorrow.  If I can find my speeder bikes, I'll post those too Jesse..

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Clone Trooper #6 - Worth Army Building
« on: April 3, 2005, 05:47 PM »
It is Hasbro's attempt at Irony...Child Bearing Hips/Stance on a Clone... I get it...

I was tempted to grab a couple but I grabbed the Target cup instead.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Clone Pilot!
« on: April 3, 2005, 01:24 PM »
2 Krogers within 15 minutes of the house...I think we need Eggs.....or Milk.....I'll post here if it was successful.


Kroger here didn't have a thing.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 Red Metallic Darth Vader @ Target
« on: April 3, 2005, 11:14 AM »
Jesse, you deserve a pat on the back for it.  Because sadly the impression that Mom was going to get otherwise that all those other ravenous Fan-Boys and "E-bay Donald Trumps" were indicative of the people in our hobby.  Even though I tend to think the latter are not part of our hobby, but merely an unfortunate side effect.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart "Early Bird" Exclusive
« on: April 2, 2005, 10:38 PM »
I got mine after what can only be described as a hell-ish experience.

I do have a theory on the figures.  I think the relaunch will be the original line...IN order of their release, but with new (hopefully VOTC-esque) sculpts.  I know it won't happen, but that is my wish.  The art for the Death Star Trooper makes me want to break out my vintage ones and have them take on all the New stuff.

I also ordered a couple online just to make up for the few I couldn't find for buddies.  I plan to use the packing receipt for them, but I also have printed my e-receipt/confirmation as well.  I am sure they are aware of Online Sales and will have a way for this to work...

Modern Classifieds / Re: Request for a favor - April 2nd
« on: April 2, 2005, 10:47 AM »
Private Message Sent

The Original Trilogy / Re: Fun with the Military!
« on: April 1, 2005, 07:48 PM »
ah the intricacies of the Imperial Navy Uniform.

My 3 color's I was contemplating were all in Tunic Form.  Gray, Green and Black.

We've definately seen the Black Tunic (DS Detention Block) the Gray/Green debate is where #2 and #3 come in.  I am going to look for the photo of the guy behind a control panel who looks VERY Green (albiet Olive) but not the ambiguous Feldgrau of the German WWII Tunics (I've seen originals that ranged from Slate Gray to Sage Green to even Brown due to the low quality/late war materials).

I always assumed the higher ranks in the Imperial Army kind of had that "Liberty" with their uniforms that Rank has had in it various Military figures in History (Custer, Pieper, Monty, Any Southern Officer of the ACW, Any General of a South American Banana Republic, Patton, Bradley).  Most German Generals wore the Riding Boots as a sign that they were "Old Guard"...

I'd just like to have enough on screen evidence to justify the big H making us variations.

I didn't even count the Jump Suit with Helmet Combo from ROTJ cuz I didn't even notice it.  I just assumed they were just like the regular DST.

So for argument sake the variations seen include:

With Helmet:

Black Tunic, Jodphurs and Riding Boots
Black Tunic, Baggie Pants Jack Boots (or am I just making that up in my mind?)
Gray/Green Tunic, Jodphurs and Riding Boots
Black Jump Suit and Jack Boots

I would tend to agree with your supposition that the Gray tuniced DST is of the officer class (regardless of missing rank tabs).   I'll have to watch the movies over the next few days (like I needed an excuse) and see what I can pick out.

As far as those that we see armed, it does appear that most have the Rebel Fleet trooper type Blaster Pistol as oppossed to the Stormtrooper Blaster (E-11).

The Original Trilogy / Re: Fun with the Military!
« on: March 31, 2005, 09:40 PM »
I was watching Master and Commander the other day and thought the same thing. (as far as the Red Coat correlation).

If you view the DS and DSII as more Naval Stations it is especially easy to see them as Naval Support troops.  THey aren't Naval Aviators, they aren't Naval Gunners or even Engineers, but I could see that particular branch handling Ship and Shoreside Security and the other mundane or "un-skilled" positions required in the IMP Navy.  And best of all you can tell they aren't CLONES.  But the obviously ran the Brig/Prison Levels on the DS and along with the Stormies ran security.

They are (and have been since my Death Squad Trooper in 78) my favorite non-Stromtrooper Character in the whole OT. 

I just wish there was "Canon" on uniform color...

The Original Trilogy / Re: HyperSpace has Some Benefit...
« on: March 31, 2005, 09:33 PM »
I guess I need to actually use that Hyperspace account I have and check these things out...I thought it was all about EPIII stuff.

Where in Photoreceptor do I go? 

The Original Trilogy / Re: Anything give you the willies??
« on: March 31, 2005, 09:31 PM »
Chewie's Tarzan impersonation

Of all the things I've read in this THREAD...this is the one that I had suppressed enough to not even remember...but now I will curl up in the fetal position and rock back and forth from it's mere mention......

Boba Fett's Death was a Cringer....(almost as bad as Greedo shooting first)

The other ROTJ Cringe I got the first time around was the Luke/Leia sibling thing...I spent 4 years in my "Adventures" pretending that Boba Fett was the "Other"...

Since the Prequels pretty much have shut me out of OT figures, I will probably pick up a Tarkin, Bail Organa, Captain Antilles and possibly some Alien Senators.

The Mon Calamari would make a good Mon Remonda Crewman....

I'm at best a neophyte to customizing (I am the proverbial NOOB who can't even manage a boil and pop head swap).  BUt I have decided with a lack of stuff out to spend money on, I'd start up customizing and ACUTUALLY FINISH  a custom.  I will post it here...maybe even do the whole WIP first lofty goal is to take a Micro-man and cover him with parts of Saga Snowtrooper but I have to baby step my way there....

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart "Early Bird" Exclusive
« on: March 30, 2005, 07:35 PM »
I am approaching this with Guarded Optimism.

After cancelling GI Joe out of nowhere and giving the Yu-GI-Joe Sigma Six, When I heard re-launch I got very nervous.  But with the assurance of the line staying to scale, unless they go to the Animated "Style" that the Clone Wars figures are, then I can definately see getting the figures.  If they are the "Definatives" or "ultimates" as speculated above....then it is a dream come true.  I just wonder what the "Stars" or "Core" figures will be....I hope the first 12 for sure.

Ultimate Tusken Raider, Jawa, Death Squad Commander and Stormtrooper....where's that drooling Icon from the Top 5 hotties when I need it....

Plus as a purely OT collector, the EB sets give me a chance to get OT figures this year!!!!

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: New Death Star Trooper ?
« on: March 30, 2005, 07:10 PM »
I was thinking the same thing....but I thought it would be very audacious to reply to myself...

Oh and I need to add Leia Boushh to the ROTJ major Character List....

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Official Fast Food Thread!
« on: March 25, 2005, 08:48 AM »
And now we get commercial upon commercial for , "Ihop", Steak & Shake (Though I know of 2 in my area, and one coming to the new mall opening here out in the boonies where I live), and "Sonic" as well.


Those others though are non-existant in the Pittsburgh area.  Not a one of them exists, and yet they taunt us with commercials relentlessly.  They make me wanna run out and get that nice looking food, and yet I'm left wanting.  *sigh*

If you ever get a SONIC you will be blessed.  Sonic is my "Mothership".  They are very big here in Texas and have basically choked out the DQ's in the Small rural areas.  But don't be fooled they are Nothing like DQ...Sonic is actually good food. 

They use the "Pellet" Ice too.  Ok, I have to get a Route 44 Coke (perhaps with Vanilla) on the way to the office now...thanks alot!!!

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