Author Topic: 2012 Movie Heroes Battle Packs  (Read 52729 times)

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2012, 02:26 PM »
I was looking at these pics again today - and if they kept them to a place like Battle Packs or even the Movie Heroes (or whatever it is called in the future) type line, I don't know if I'd mind it as much.  If they did though, there is two things I'd like to see done - if they are limiting articulation so much, make the sculpts/paint/etc. absolutely perfect - as good as it can be.  Then, lower the price.  If they are going to give us '95 (or even '78) style articulation, then get the prices more in line with that time period too.  I realize the issue of inflation and all that, but $6 (or less) would be nice.  They would obviously stick more to the main characters/army builders, and we pretty much have "ultimate" versions of those already anyways.  And, if we did see new "ultimate" versions, stick those in the collector line (TVC or whatever it might be).

From a certain standpoint, I can see wanting sturdy toys that can stand and interact with vehicles - particularly for kids - and I think as long as they still offered the collector-quality figures in that line, it would be alright.  That said, I do agree with Jesse and others who have said that the SW brand could stand a scaling back.  Personally, I'd be happy with one line (at least eventually), but I do sort of understand why they go with as many as possible to get more retail space.  Kind of a weird time for the SW line right now.

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2012, 06:02 PM »

I said before this line launched that how that movie does will be very telling of this line's future, and I think the movie has done worse than they anticipated.
Not to beat a dead horse, but I think TPM3D did pretty much what they projected it would.  The BD is already planned for spring, so it doesn't sound like they expected this to sit in theaters for months and months...

I thought I'd read something about the 20 million-ish mark being less what they projected and more their minimum projection to continue with the 3-D releases?  that could've just been a rumor or made up though, but I've been going by that... 

It made that, but kind of barely, so if that was true and their minimum, that's not entirely positive news.  That was my point there was all.  It could be total bunk too, I just heard that at some point prior to the release.
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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #47 on: March 1, 2012, 11:07 PM »
To Hasbro's credit...  the heads on Obi and QGJ look ok.  But the rest of it?  That blows.

Is that "these are great sculpts!" lline a way for them to try and get collectors to buy what is otherwise an utter pile of **** in a box for an absurdly high price?  To get the head so you can stick it on the single figure you ALREADY overpaid for?

Shouldn't that first friggin' figure have the perfect sculpt?  Ya know, cause it cost so much and stuff?

Isn't that a tad insulting?

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #48 on: March 2, 2012, 12:05 AM »
What I find insulting is that Hasbro flat-out said that these were the best sculpts ever for these characters... Really now?
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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #49 on: March 2, 2012, 12:30 AM »
See what happens when the jr sculpter gets promoted.

These blow. :-X
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #50 on: March 2, 2012, 01:07 AM »
To be fair, I thought the heads on OBi and QGJ aren't bad, but if that's the only way to get the best, what a kick in the nuts huh? 

"Want a good headsculpt for your Obi and QGJ?  Well now you can have 'em!  Buy these packs and put the heads on your SA figures you already way overpaid for!  Yeah!  F you collectors, have fun!"

I'm happy enough with the BAD Obi and Evolutions QGJ so I don't care, I guess, but it's still almost like the Hasbro guys were going, "neener neener neener!" or something.

As for the rest of the figures, they look like crap to me.  Boba is so close to his original POTF2 figure it's disturbing.  Luke's not terribly far off that look to me too.  Vader's not a complete trainwreck like some of the others, but who cares? 

I'm sure these sets are more for kids, but yeah I'm a little miffed they wasted tooling on this stuff, and regressed quality to an almost comical level.  Also it really does make me fear for the quality going forward in all aspects of this line.  Hasbro is really becoming insanely lame in how they're cutting corners, and this could be a really slippery slope with them I'm afraid.  They're taking liberties left and right anymore, to the point my interest in the line is at an all time low.
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Offline Greg

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #51 on: March 2, 2012, 07:30 AM »
I don't understand why folks are angry about these sets. If you don't like them, don't buy them. There is nothing to indicate that these sets "took the spots" of "better" toys, or are a waste of tooling. This appear to be providing sturdier versions of main characters to kids at a cheaper price, simple as that.

Personally, I don't mind the figures but I probably won't get the sets. Initially I thought I would pick them up, but I have so many Lukes, Bobas, Mauls, etc. that I don't want any more. If I see the BPs on sale I will definitely be tempted, but at normal price they are definite passes.

Offline McMetal

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #52 on: March 2, 2012, 08:55 AM »
I don't understand why folks are angry about these sets.

Maybe people are wondering why they pissed away money on this and we're only getting 19 Clone Wars figures this year?

It's the allocation of resources that gets people frustrated I think. I don't know what kind of physical evidence could be produced to "prove" these BP's took tooling dollars away from other, worthier projects, but it's completely logical to assume IMHO.
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Offline Jeff

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #53 on: March 2, 2012, 10:29 AM »
I don't understand why folks are angry about these sets.

I think some of the anger is really just misplaced worry that these are some sort of harbinger of the future of the line.

People see the reduced articulation in these battle packs, the reduced articulation in the new Avengers/Marvel movie lines, the reduced articulation in the GI Joe movie vehicle pack-in figures and they start to wonder - are we heading into a future where 5-points-of-articulation figures are the new 'normal' for the lines aimed at kids? Or are these just an abberation?

I also agree with McMetal that some of the anger is indeed because Hasbro flat out told us in the Q&A that YES, tooling for new movie stuff like this was at the expense of the Clone Wars line - "we will continue to support The Clone Wars, but more of our tooling dollars, resources, etc. are being put against new movie figures".  It makes sense that many of the Clone Wars collectors out there are pissed that the line they love is being reduced so Hasbro can crank out stuff like this.
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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #54 on: March 2, 2012, 10:44 AM »
I don't understand why folks are angry about these sets. If you don't like them, don't buy them. There is nothing to indicate that these sets "took the spots" of "better" toys, or are a waste of tooling. This appear to be providing sturdier versions of main characters to kids at a cheaper price, simple as that.

Like I've mentioned before, I like the overall esthetic of the figures and if they were to release them in cool Vintage packaging (which they won't) that would be great. The kick in the nuts is that these won't be any cheaper than the current SA versions but they will sell because of how recognizable the characters are. Owner/Content Manager
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #55 on: March 2, 2012, 11:42 AM »
Make your voices heard with your dollars, folks.  But also look at these two new battle packs with the mindset that these aren't targetted at collectors.  I get that, and I'll be passing on these.  In the past couple of years we've gotten all of these characters in better forms than this.
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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #56 on: March 2, 2012, 11:54 AM »
I have mixed feeling on these but I mayl buy them both. I like the Vader's pose and the fact that he does not have soft goods, He may look pretty good in a dio. I think the Luke is neat for the true vinty nostaligia factor and the uber yellow hair. The Fett is just stupid big and is a give away. The TPM set would be bought for heads only but I have to see them in person and gauge the likeness/fit otherwise it's a pass.
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #57 on: March 2, 2012, 01:46 PM »
For me it boils down to two, well actually three things, basically already touched upon...

-It's tooling wasted IMO.  Better versions exist ultimately, and Hasbro's always saying expenses expenses expenses have driven the line to higher costs, then they make these, which cost something, and took away from other aspects of the line...  Clone Wars is just one example.  Line's costs are spread out amongst everything, so even when something isn't directly targeted at us, its cost is at least tied to the things we do have targeted to us and I do feel it detracts from the line as a whole then.  Hell, more durable, but inferior, versions of these figures already existed.  Why waste the money?

You can certainly vote with your dollars by not buying, but that doesn't detract from the fact those took away from something else.  It's not like the 30th Pilot Obi-Wan that was gravey, and actually added some value to the line to be spread out elsewhere.

-Again, the slippery slope argument...  I think it's valid.  Hasbro looks for ways to cut corners all the time, and this is a prime example of them trying that out, without dropping the price, which I could easily see something very similar happen with the regular line...  Which when you think about it, it already has with Movie Heroes figures being similar to the figures in these battlepacks (the new ones anyway).  I'm not opposed to compromise, I just see Hasbro viewing compromise as "taking liberties with collectors will be ok because they're not as important overall".

I don't view 5 points as the future of the line, but I've seen features steadily cut in the line while the price has steadily risen.  Paint aps are down, but prices are up.  Things are molded to the figure now that once were almost always a separate sculpt.  Headgear is going back to being non-removable on many figures.  Accessories are arguably a different now than they used to be too.  Two packs are basically gone.  Running Variants are gone more or less as well...  all while prices went up.

-Battlepacks had just gone late last year from 4 figures to 3, but with a promised price drop.  Then as soon as the new year rolled around, new prices for Battlepacks followed that were up again.  Now the figures themselves are of an ultimately inferior quality (they certainly cost less, at least, not arguing aesthetic value), plus the price is still up so there wasn't any real compromise there at all. 

I have zero intent on buying these, as I noted, so that's not an issue.  Everything else wrong about them is though, and in my view it's quite a lot and impacts other aspects of collecting.
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Offline P-Siddy

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #58 on: March 2, 2012, 02:57 PM »
I keep hearing about how much more durable the figures will be. Did Hasbro figure a way to make figures resistant to firecrackers?

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Re: Movie Heroes Battle Packs
« Reply #59 on: March 2, 2012, 07:53 PM »
I actually don't mind these.  I think lifers who still like old school Kenner probably find something appealing in these.

It would make me mad if we were waiting on superior versions of these characters, but we're not.  As a CW fan, it disappoints me Hasbro spends its time/money here, especially when so many versions of these characters exist.  So there has to be a reason they'd even bother, and I have to think it probably has to do with the future direction of the figure line.

We could be seeing the beginning of a deeper divide between the collector 'vintage' line and the basic line in terms of price and quality.  Hasbro has to be looking to cut costs and they know we'll pay a premium.  Kids/moms won't.  They're happy with unarticulated featureless Legos, so why spend so much time/money on toys that aren't really toys but display pieces?

Could be wrong but that's my thinking.