Multimedia > TV-9D9

Star Wars: Detours

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Jesse James:
Watched the trailer to this...  It's ok.  I just don't know if it's for me.  I thought it was funny that their animations look like Fighter POds figures though.  :)  Like that show has its own line now!  They should've worked together and made it like a tie-in.

If that's really Billy Dee Williams, then I'll give it a shot.

I think some of the character designs are bad, even for exagerrated style. And Seth McFarlane's Emperor never sounded like even an impression of the character, just another Seth McFarlane voice.

Leia is like 10 and Han is like 30? I realize there's age gap in the live action actors, but...

From what I have read, it is indeed Billy Dee, which is cool (Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best were also mentioned as reprising their roles).  I think I read in some of the interviews from CVI, that Leia is supposed to be about 15 in this series, although it is tough to tell with the exaggerated animation styles.

This definitely piqued the interest of my son. I am sure we will give it a shot. If it turns into a 30 minute all star wars robot chicken 3D it may have its moments.

I noticed the Official Site has a few more clips from this show than I have seen elsewhere, especially enjoyed the Lando/Greedo one, just to hear Billy Dee in the role again:


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