Author Topic: Where Does Your Collection Reside?  (Read 54683 times)

Offline JediJman

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #60 on: May 1, 2009, 01:03 AM »
In the official Star Wars room, with some light spillage out into the rec room downstairs. 
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Offline Brian

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #61 on: June 3, 2010, 02:26 PM »
Just bumping this thread up again.....I'm currently in the process of cleaning up our office/collection room, and trying to decide what stays and what goes/gets packed up.  It really is starting to feel crowded in here, and I hate a "cluttered" collection anyways.  I know my wife would probably like it if I got rid of about half of it (preferrably sold), but I haven't quite gotten to that point yet.  It is hard to know what to pack away at this point.  Obviously, there is all the Star Wars stuff, which I definitely would like to leave out.  But, beyond that it has branched out to Marvel and DC (two scales of Marvel now, with Legends and Universe) well as the 25th Joes, Indy, MOTU Classics, SW sub-lines like Unleashed 7" and Galactic Heroes, and a handful of LOTR figures.  Not to mention miscellaneous odds and ends like some minibusts, glasses, a few Transformers, etc.

Just curious if any of you, at this point, have had to pack a lot of things away.  Do you rotate your display?  Do you even try to display anything outside of Star Wars?  The vehicles obviously take up a lot of space, but I can't see myself parting with those (or packing them up), especially the OT ones.  The simple solution would be to not collect so many lines ;), but I was just curious what many of you do with your collections.  Do you have the space to display it all, or is it sitting in storage (or maybe some of both?).  Personally, I don't have a storage space, but do have some things packed away in rubbermaids in our closets.  I do display the majority of what I have though, but it is starting to get to be too much.  Plus, with our daughter getting older, I feel more like I should be devoting less space (and money) to this, and clear room for storage/space for other things.

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #62 on: June 3, 2010, 11:51 PM »
I definitely have a lot of things packed away.  With a major reorganization going on in other parts of the house, just about all of the stuff I don't display is now residing in the attic....basically all my carded figures are up there!

My collection room is relatively unchaged, although I've moved a couple of items around, updated some figures, etc.
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Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #63 on: June 4, 2010, 03:54 AM »
I've been putting my collection room through a big overhaul the last few months.  I've sold off the majority of my carded collection so I could make more room for my Darth Vader focus and loose figure displays.  I only have a couple boxes of items in storage right now - if I'm going to buy it, I want to display it.

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #64 on: June 4, 2010, 09:12 AM »
Good thread  ;D

My collection is currently boxed and in a spare room with some items such as a CW AT-TE on a blanket box in my lounge room for "a display" and I have some loose CW (Bly,Thire,Secura,Sidious,TX-20,Artoo and Threepio and two second released type Magnaguards) and TVC figures (Dak and AT-AT Commander) as well as the G.I.Joe/M.A.S.K. 'Trakker' figure and a MU Modern Thor on my computer desk.

Kind of have been having some less than good thoughts on all of the stuff that is boxed cause it's not "right" for it to not be displayed somehow however as my collection represents hard graft and time gathering it plus it's inherent value to me I cannot sell any of it off.

Dollars wise and space wise it is more than able to remain there so I have to get creative and think of a way to make it displayable which is not impossible.

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Offline Brian

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #65 on: June 4, 2010, 10:15 AM »
I've been putting my collection room through a big overhaul the last few months.  I've sold off the majority of my carded collection so I could make more room for my Darth Vader focus and loose figure displays.  I only have a couple boxes of items in storage right now - if I'm going to buy it, I want to display it.

That has always been my feeling as well, if I'm going to buy/collect it, I want to be able to display it as well.  Much of my problem comes from collecting multiple lines - and the fact that I don't want it to get too cluttery looking.  I'm also keeping pretty much everything in a small-ish office space, so that doesn't help much.  Like you, I've been looking into selling more stuff off...or maybe just having to pack some away for "someday".  I've been thinking of going more the "focus" route outside of the basic SW display as well.

Offline Greg

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #66 on: June 4, 2010, 03:25 PM »
My Star Wars stuff still sits in my bedroom. Next year I'll be out of the house, so it will pretty much become a collection room with a bed. I have some toys in the bonus room, but none of them are Star Wars. I have some shelves near one of my family's desktop computers where I keep my Iron Men, Marvel Universe, and random movie figures.

Back in March I was considering packing away a lot of Star Wars toys due to lack of shelf space. Like others have mentioned, it's very difficult what to pack away, what to leave out, and, worst of all, what to sell. My solution then was to get additional shelf units. I still have space in my room, and have enough room for my Star Wars toys (Plus the Cloverfield monter, which takes up a decent amount of space.) The downside of new shelves was the height: my new shelves are taller than the old ones, so I don't have a lot of space to hang vehicles from the ceiling like I used to.

While I had the ability to add shelf units back in March, it will not be a possibility in the future. Any additional furniture in my bedroom will cause it to look very, very cramped and cluttered. With the onslaught of Star Wars stuff coming in the Fall, space will once again be a problem. I would really like to avoid packing toys away and rotating displays, those might become the only options.

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #67 on: June 4, 2010, 03:44 PM »
I've been putting my collection room through a big overhaul the last few months.  I've sold off the majority of my carded collection so I could make more room for my Darth Vader focus and loose figure displays.  I only have a couple boxes of items in storage right now - if I'm going to buy it, I want to display it.

Smart approach, wish I'd used it.  Building a house then moving and not having a collection room for a while was a real pain.  Worse I continued to collect like a madman to the point where I ended up with probably twice as much stuff as I could practically display.  So now I end up rethinking just about everything and thinning that stuff out.  Somewhat tragic as it was all kind of cool.  Back in 2005 it was probably a manageable amount, now not so much. 

I'm still not really happy with my display setup either as I'd much prefer to have three Bertby cases in the room ultmiately and that hasn't happened between Ikea no longer shipping them up here, charging way too much up here and limited ability to transport them from Minneapolis on my own.  The $300 USD they'd cost isn't remotely an issue but getting them here is.  I think my satisfaction with my collection and the ultimate look of my collecting room/office depends on me getting those.  Then I can reset my collection in a manageable size that I'd enjoy and be proud of. 
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Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #68 on: June 4, 2010, 07:15 PM »
I've been putting my collection room through a big overhaul the last few months.  I've sold off the majority of my carded collection so I could make more room for my Darth Vader focus and loose figure displays.  I only have a couple boxes of items in storage right now - if I'm going to buy it, I want to display it.

Smart approach, wish I'd used it. 

I'm very lucky in that I have a large room to display my collection (I think it's about 8' x 10' or so with 9' ceilings), so obviously I can display a lot before I have to make those tough decisions of what to store or sell.

It's a shame about those Bertby cases - they don't carry them in BC (Coquitlam) either.  I guess they're a US item only now?

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #69 on: June 4, 2010, 10:22 PM »
Ah, Ikea is ridiculous in Canada.  First they wouldn't ship them, but I wasn't about to order them anyway.  Regardless of what the dollar was worth they were $159 up here and $99 down south.  Hopefully this fall I'll get them. 
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Offline Jabba the Slug

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #70 on: June 29, 2010, 01:47 AM »
I stand my figures up on 2 shelves I have in my own bedroom. My room is a light blue color, and there's a small window across the shelves, so there isn't an excess of light that poses any threat to fading the colors of the figures.

The only downside to how I store them, however, is that the shelves are a good 3.5 and 4 feet, respectively, above the floor, and the floor is bare, all na-tural wood - no carpets or anything else. So, if they happen to take a tumble, guess how far they fall? - onto bare wood!! :( I've had a few paint chips and broken lightsabers that way.
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Offline Pete_Fett

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #71 on: September 6, 2010, 02:06 PM »
My collection primarily resides in my basement, which is finished.

I've recently been working on trying to turn three curio cabinets into displays for all of my open/loose TPM, AOTC and ROTS toys.

Yesterday and today I've been working on the AOTC curio and since this is the first time I've ever gotten all of my AOTC loose stuff out and together, I am shocked at how much AOTC stuff has been put out. I'm also putting figures from the Hasbro Clone Wars sub-line and the realistic figures based on the first Clone Wars microseries. (the animated 3D line has it's own cabinet, which is bursting at the seams at this point too)

I will say I had A LOT of fun putting together the Geonosis Arena playset yesterday - I hadn't had that set up since I bought it 7-8 years ago.

Later today, I'm gonna be putting together the Theed playsets and unpacking the Mustafar playset - I can't wait!


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Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #72 on: September 26, 2010, 06:33 PM »
I wish I had a basement. Cheap ass home builders in California never do that. :(
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Offline iFett

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #73 on: September 26, 2010, 08:20 PM »
I wish I had a basement. Cheap ass home builders in California never do that. :(

I don't think basements work well with earthquakes?  Always thought it was neat to have a basement as a kid growing up in Vegas, but no dice in that town.  Most basements stink of old out here in MN for some reason....
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Offline Brian

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Re: Where Does Your Collection Reside?
« Reply #74 on: July 18, 2012, 11:42 AM »
This question is sort of along the same lines, but dealing with storage.  My collection has outgrown the space I have to display it, so I've found myself packing more and more stuff away in rubbermaid totes.  I've always pretty much kept those totes in the storage areas in our basement/laundry room, but since that is our main storage areas for other stuff (Christmas decorations, etc.), the space is running low.  Anyways, I thought about moving those out to our garage (or at least some of them), but I've always heard how harsh extremes are tough on toys.  I live in Nebraska, so our summers are hot and humid and the winters can get freezing cold, so I know it isn't exactly "climate control" in our garage, but it isn't terrible either.  I realize, in the end, that they are just toys and they aren't made to last a nuclear attack by any means.  My question is, how hard would this type of storage area be on plastic toys?  Would they show signs fairly quickly, or is this more of a "they might start breaking down/looking crappy in 10-20 years".  It makes me think what I'd even be doing with this stuff when I'm 50, 60, etc. years old anyways, so why am I worried about it.  Unless we move, display space won't be getting any bigger...and at this point I think I'd rather have a more condensed display anyways.  Just wondering if anyone here stores stuff in places like this (garages, attics, etc.), and if it makes much of a difference.