Author Topic: DARK ILLUSIONS Photonovel (Complete)  (Read 185859 times)

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2005, 11:12 AM »
SA, I think you'd be a great customizer if you got into it.  You're obviously very talented and have a vivid imagination.  It just takes practice and practice.

If you do want to though, we could discuss me making a custom or two for you.  All you need to do is give me the word and we could discuss via PM.  If it was something you'd have show up in your photonovels, I would be happy to try and create a character or two for you for free (just would need the parts from you).

Maybe you could come up with a fan fic Jedi or something that survives Order 66.


Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2005, 01:05 PM »
If you do want to though, we could discuss me making a custom or two for you.   If it was something you'd have show up in your photonovels, I would be happy to try and create a character or two for you for free (just would need the parts from you).

Trying to seduce me to join the Dark Side?  ;D

I have thought about customizing only for purposes of the photonovels.  But I need to get an understaing of what parts are interchangeable.  And when you say "boil & pop", do you actually mean placing a figure in boiling water???

I thought about a fan fic Jedi from the speices of Orn Free Taa.  It would still be a fat Jedi!  :D
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2005, 01:10 PM »
Yep - the boil-n-pop is just putting a figure in hot boiling water for a few minutes, and then removing it with a pair of tongs (or anything else that will keep you from getting scalded) and then wrapping it in a towel to dry off, and then quickly tugging at the head, legs, etc. to remove them.  When the plastic is heated up from the boiling water, it's a lot more flexible for about 30 seconds and you can do that.  If you do try it, I would say experiment on some "junk" figures first as once in a while it doesn't work just as planned.  Takes a lot of practice.

An Orn Free Ta type Jedi could be cool.  You just don't ever seem to see fat Jedi, but it's very possible I would think.  I don't know what body would work though, maybe a Pote Snikin body?


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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2005, 02:33 PM »
Orn is a fatty Twi'lek (just as Boss Nass was a fatty Gungan) :)

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2005, 05:44 PM »
In Rots when Anakin is talking to obi-wan he is going on about how he is on the council and not a master, look at the top of the stairs.
There is a fat man walking around up there!
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Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2005, 10:06 AM »


Chapter 13

Anakin Skywalker:   You…..underestimate……my power!

Count Dooku:   No…….impossible!

Count Dooku:   Argh!   Impressive……….but foolish.
Anakin Skywalker:   I’ve waited a long time for this, Dooku.

Count Dooku:   Then, you will continue to wait, for this is my day.  Master Kenobi  was always a novice with a light saber.  I shouldn’t expect any different from you.  Your technique lacks elegance and grace.

Count Dooku:   And you lack the focus required to challenge me.

Anakin Skywalker:   Nice try, but you missed.
Count Dooku:   You still have much to learn, Skywalker.  Things are not always as they seem.  For all of your heroics, you lack an understanding of this.

Count Dooku:   Don’t be a pawn for the Jedi Order.  Do you really believe the Order is the path to the greatness that you so desperately seek?  Your destiny lies on a different path.

Anakin Skywalker:   What do you know of destiny, Dooku?  You turned your back on the Order.  You gave up everything.  And for what?  To be the leader of a bunch of mindless minions?

Count Dooku:   Qui-Gon would have been so disappointed.  My departure led Qui-Gon down a different path.  Why do you think he was so quick to rescue you off that hideous desert planet?  He was determined to prove the Prophecy of the Chosen One.  If only to destroy the Jedi Order!
Anakin Skywalker:   NO!!  That’s not true!!  I’m tired of listening to your lies!!

Count Dooku:   Perhaps you should… might actually learn something.
Anakin Skywalker:   Uhhhhhh….

Count Dooku:   And as for you, my dear………time for you to stop meddling in our plans.  Your influence on the young Skywalker is only delaying the inevitable.
Padme Amidala:   No!!  Leave me alone!!

Anakin Skywalker:   Don’t you touch her!!!

Anakin Skywalker:   Release her!!!  NOW!!!

Count Dooku:   Or what?  You’ll kill me?  That is not the Jedi way.  At least not the way Master Kenobi has taught you.

Count Dooku:   It is time to see through the lies of the Jedi, boy!  For too long they have ruled over the Republic, allowing her to die from corruption and greed.

THUD!!!  THUD!!!
Count Dooku:   The Jedi are close-minded.  If you are to restore balance, shouldn’t you have unlimited power?

Count Dooku:   Something he may never achieve if you, my dear, continue with this feeble relationship.

Count Dooku:   It would be in your best interest to step aside while you still can.
Anakin Skywalker:   DOOKU!!!

Count Dooku:   What??? 

Count Dooku:   Argh!!! 

Anakin Skywalker:   Your time is at an end, My Lord!!!

Count Dooku:   Not by you, Jedi! 

Count Dooku:   My powers are far superior to yours.

Anakin Skywalker:   Droids can’t save you, Dooku!!!

Count Dooku:   No………but my knowledge of the Force can.

Count Dooku:   Don’t ever turn your back to me, boy.  Not only is it rude, but disrespectful.

Count Dooku:   You always were a slow learner. 

Count Dooku:   Now do you realize you are no challenge for me?

Count Dooku:   The “Chosen One” could not be defeated so easily by an old man.  Perhaps if you had a stronger teacher……

Count Dooku:   Give my regards to Master Yoda.  He will be very interested in  our little meeting.

Count Dooku:   Don’t worry, my dear.  He’ll be alright.  It is your future you should be concerned about.
Padme Amidala:   Get your hands off of me!  You will never win this War, Dooku.  No matter what you do, the Republic will always stand!

Count Dooku:   Don’t be too proud of this Republic, Senator.  It grows weaker by the day.  I bid you both a Good Night.

Count Dooku:   And you can keep my…… tokens of my appreciation for this evening.

Count Dooku:   I have concluded my business here.  Let’s go.

Count Dooku:   My Master will be pleased with tonight’s events.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2005, 11:02 AM by S_A_Longhorn »
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2005, 10:08 AM »

Chapter 14

After a long journey, the gunship “Kimcharise” arrives on Coruscant, returning from Adaven.

Tau:   The Jedi Temple landing pad is just ahead, General.

Aayla Secura:   Good.  We are finally home.

Commander Bly:   I requested additional troops to assist with the unloading.

Commander Bly:   Here comes your Jedi friends, General.

Ki-Adi Mundi:   Welcome home, Aayla.
Yoda:   Pleased by your safe return, we are.

Aayla Secura:   Thank you, Master Jedi.  We could not get back soon enough.
Mace Windu:   All the preparations have been made.  Everyone has assembled in the meditation room.

Aayla Secura:   Master Gallia is aboard.  I rode with her…personally.

Mace Windu:   Commander Bly, please direct the procession.  Follow us to the meditation room.
Commander Bly:   Yes, Sir.

Commander Bly:   Alright men!  Everyone lift and walk together.  On my mark……ready……march!

In the sacred Meditation Room, a traditional ceremony is held for the fallen Master Jedi Adi Gallia, a member of the Jedi Council.

All available Jedi are called back to Coruscant for the sacred ceremony, to be broadcasted on the Holonet.


Agen Kolar:   Here comes Chancellor Palpatine, ready to deliver another impassionate speech.  How is he allowed to speak at this memorial, when the Code forbids any non-Jedi speakers?
Mace Windu:   Since Adi was a part of the Council and a friend of the Chancellor, he made it an Executive Order.  He also invited some of his fellow politicians.  The Senate requested his presence.

Chancellor Palpatine:   Thank you for joining me for this very special ceremony.  It is under the saddest of circumstances we come together to remember a fallen hero.  A hero which was a member of the Jedi Council, but also a friend to the political society of Coruscant.

Chancellor Palpatine:   Jedi Master Adi Gallia was born & raised on Coruscant.  Being the daughter of high-ranking Corellian diplomats, she understood the importance of the Republic & it’s democracy.  Her close friendship to Chancellor Valorum led to the successful liberation of my home planet of Naboo over ten years ago.

Chancellor Palpatine:   It was shortly after the blockade that I first met Maser Gallia.  She quickly earned my respect as a very instinctive & intelligent Jedi.  She was not one to be fooled easily.  Master Adi Gallia’s long contribution to the Jedi Council has saved the Republic from many dangers over the years.  Her loss is especially difficult  during these troubled times.

Chancellor Palpatine:   Quite frequently, I would consult with her regarding the security of the Senate and Coruscant.  In fact, we had an appointment to meet today regarding the Galactic Security.  It is my strong belief that Master Gallia would have supported the upcoming measure, as a way to preserve the working democracy of the Republic.

Agen Kolar:   Leave it to the Chancellor to turn this into a platform for his Security measure.
Mace Windu:   He is a politician.  He’d never miss opportunity to promote his agenda, even at the expense of a fallen Jedi.

Chancellor Palpatine:   Please join me in a Moment of Reflection, to honor the work and life of the great Jedi Master, Adi Gallia.

Chancellor Palpatine:   Thank you.  It is now my privilege to introduce a dear friend of Master Gallia, Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan.

Bail Organa:   Thank you, Chancellor.  Fellow Senators, Jedi, ladies and gentlemen…………….
Obi-Wan Kenobi:   You’re late, Anakin. 
Anakin Skywalker:   Sorry, Master.  I had……an unexpected visitor.  It won’t happen again.  Has the Chancellor spoken?

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Yes, he just finished.  Senator Organa is now speaking.
Bail Organa:   …………………we must remember her for all of the sacrifices she made throughout her lifetime…………
Anakin Skywalker:   I’m sorry I missed the Chancellor’s speech.  I’m sure his words offered some comfort.

Captain Antilles:   Welcome, M’Lady.
Padme Amidala:   Thank you, Captain. 

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   You’re delay didn’t have anything to do with Senator Amidala, would it?
Anakin Skywalker:   Of coarse not.  Why would you ask that?  We would have arrived together then.  Which we did not……as you can see.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   I suppose you’re right.  Strange, though, since she is usually very punctual.
Anakin Skywalker:   Perhaps I will ask her…….the next time I see her…..whenever that might be.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   No, don’t bother.  I know your distaste for politicians.
Anakin Skywalker:   Well……Padme…….Senator Amidala is not just a politician, Master.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Well, that may be true but…….wait……where’s Master Windu going?
Anakin Skywalker:   Shhhhhh……I can’t here Senator Organa.

Mace Windu:   Are your here?
Shade:   I am.

Mace Windu:   Let me start by saying whatever we speak of today shall remain confidential.  Few know of this meeting, and even less know the purpose of it.
Shade:  Understood.

Mace Windu:   Begin the hunt for Darth Sidious.  Find proof of his existence, and the possible location of Count Dooku & General Grievous.  All of this is critical to ending the War. 

Mace Windu:   The Dark Lord has some connection to the Chancellor’s office.  Begin there.

Mace Windu:   When you find something, report directly to me. 
Shade:  As you wish.

-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2005, 10:09 AM »

Chapter 15

While the Jedi ceremony concludes, the remaining Clone Commanders are assembled in one of the outpost hangars on Coruscant, awaiting their next orders.

Commander Gree:   Have you got your orders yet?
Commander Bacara:   Not yet.  Rumor is Rhen Var or Mygeeto.  General Mundi doesn’t tell me anything until we ship out.  What about you?

Commander Gree:   My latest orders have me researching the origins of Grievous.  The Jedi believe a better understanding of his background will give us an advantage whenever we find him.
Commander Bacara:   If they gave me a week, I could hunt down & destroy Grievous. 

Commander Bacara:   All I need are my Marines and no meddling Jedi.   

Commander Gree:   Hey, no arguments here!

Commander Gree:   But my research has been very interesting.  The Kaleesh species have always been at war.  Grievous has known nothing else his entire life.  It would explain his expertise during battle.

Commander Bacara:   Is that why the Jedi are afraid of him?  We could have destroyed him on Raxus Prime, but Mundi wanted to sweep through the barracks on foot.  We lost a lot of men that day……unnecessarily. 

Commander Gree:   The Jedi are one “species” I prefer not to understand.  Why are we wasting our time here on Coruscant, anyway?
Commander Bacara:   Some Jedi ceremony.  What is Commander EZ doing now?

Commander EZ:   And I want that speeder bike secured to the ship!  When you get done with that, inspect the exterior cannons!

Commander Bacara:   Why don’t you do some of the work yourself, EZ, instead of barking out orders?  You can always catch up on your rest when you get to the battle, anyway.
Commander EZ:   Wha???   Oh……Bacara……I should have guessed.

Commander EZ:   Well, I am a commander.  I give orders, and my men take orders.  You would be wise to teach that to your men.  Or what’s left of them…
Commander Bacara:   What did you say?

Commander Bacara:   Why don’t I do your men a favor and dump you off at the nearest Separatists base?
Commander EZ:   Heeeyy!!!

Commander Gree:   Calm down, Bacara.  We don’t need him filing another complaint.
Commander EZ:   That’s right.  Wouldn’t want your squadron to be without their beloved barbarian commander!

Commander Gree:   Enough, EZ.  Get back to your work, and we’ll get out of your way.
Commander EZ:   Good thing you were here, Gree.

Commander EZ:   What are you guys staring at!!!  Get back to work!

Commander Bacara:   One day he’ll get his…...
Commander Gree:   Forget him, Bacara.  Here comes Bly & Oddball.

Commander Bly:   Too bad our brethren don’t get that type of ceremony.
Commander Oddball:   No problem, because the Republic knows who really is responsible for winning the War.

Commander Gree:   Commander Bly & Oddball!  So good to see you guys again.  Heard you got in.  Where’ve you been?

Commander Bly:   Just left the memorial for General Gallia. 

Commander Bacara:   Why waste your time remembering a Jedi?  They could care less about us.  Their only concern is whether or not you can follow their commands.

Commander Bly:   General Gallia was a great warrior.  And General Secura has saved my men plenty of times.
Commander Bacara:   Only because you didn’t do it yourself…

Commander Bly:   You want a fight, you got it!

Commander Bacara:   Just as long as your bleeding heart can take it, banana boy!
Gree & Oddball:   Break it up guys!

Commander Bly:   It’s not my fault you lost some men at Raxus Prime, Bacara!

Commander Bacara:   Only because of your precious Jedi!  My men gave their lives for nothing!!!

Commander EZ:   Which one of you is responsible for denting my Gunship?

Commander Bacara:   I’ve had enough of you bleeding hearts.  I’m outta here! 

Commander Bly:   Gree, you know him best.  What is his problem??
Commander Gree:   He just needs to be back on the battlefield.  All this time waiting is just making him more and more irate about what happened at Raxus Prime.

Commander Bly:   Trust me when I say that Commander Deviss and his men were given a proper burial at Adaven. 
Commander Oddball:   And the next offensive should be happening very soon.  Since all of the Generals and Commanders have been recalled to Coruscant, a new attack plan will be created to win the War.

Commander Gree:   Nevertheless, Deviss did not get his name all over the Holonet like the Jedi.  Just remember that.  What ended up happening to General Gallia & Deviss anyway?
Commander Bly:   According to General Secura, the Seppes ambushed Gallia, Deviss, and his men.  The attack was led by General Grievous.

Commander Gree:   I have been studying Grievous and the Kaleesh species.  Based on my research, Grievous has known nothing else but war his entire life.  Deviss’ squad had no chance of survival as soon as they arrived on Adaven.

Commander Bly:   That could be very true, but someone still had to alert Grievous to their exact location.  That is more troubling than the attack itself.

Commander EZ:   I would not be taken out so easily.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a ship to inspect.

Commander Oddball:   If only EZ was as good in battle as he is in keeping his armor clean.
Commander Bly:   What else have you learned about Grievous?
Commander Gree:   Well, let me tell you his history in the War with the Huks………

To be continued…

-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2005, 11:25 AM »
Good Lord, three chapters all of a sudden!  I can't keep up with that many at once, so I read the first two chapters and will pick up on the third.

Dooku vs. Anakin - This was a very good, personal chapter.  I love the clear pics and backgrounds you make as always, but it was the dialogue and poses of the characters that really made this to me, your best chapter yet.  Everything made perfect sense and was very believable of Dooku, and I see you mixed the ROTS Dooku with the Evolutions Dooku - any reason in particular?  The only reason I really noticed was because of the different capes.  Also, I'm not too sure the Red Guards know about Dooku being on Palpatine's side?  Maybe they do, but I thought different - that only Dooku and Palpatine knew their true identity.  Regardless, this was brilliant.  Great way to twist Anakin even further.

Funeral - A good chapter - to be honest, it dragged for me just a bit - but every chapter can't be just fighting.  So that's good and it was realistic.  Palpatine's dialogue and agenda was spot on.  Great work.  I was a bit confused at first as to who Windu was talking to - I literally thought that "Shade" might be the window shades.  Maybe a bit of description rather than just dialogue would be helpful in a few areas.  That's not a knock on your work at all, just an idea - like where there are pics of Mace walking towards the mediation room, there's no words of description at all - I think that would be a good addition.

Looking forward to reading the next chapter.


Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2005, 09:52 AM »
Thanx again for the critique, CHEWIE!

Chap 13 (Anakin/Dooku) - Glad you liked the poses of the figs.  Dooku is much easier to work with than Anakin (swivel elbows! argh!).  The dialogue for Dooku is a lot of fun to create since he has such a personality tht looks down upon everything.  I inter-changed the ROTS and Evolution Dooku mainly for the facial expression.  The Evolutions Dooku has a more angry and determined face than the ROTS version.  I like both tho.  :)  As for the Red Guards, they are basically as faceless as a wall.  Since they flank Palpatine/Sidious all the time, I decided to use them to explain how Dooku could simply walk into a Senator's home.

Chap 14 (Funeral) - Fun but challenging chapter to tell.  The best dialogue to write is definetly Palpatine's.  He has such a way of speaking that it is a lot of fun to get all the points across.  The Mace Windu scenes didn't work as well as I would have hoped.  It was mostly a lighting challenge.  I wanted to hide Shade in the dark while keeping Mace in the light.  In the end, I couldn't get the lighting just right, so I just kept Shade out of the pic until the end. :-\

Thanx again for the feedback.  Always look forward to your info.   8)
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2005, 10:39 AM »
Well, I 'm home sick today so I took the time to read these. Let me say, these are amazing. The fact that you did it all with straight Hasbro production figs makes it better too. I realy like the storyline and my favorite part was Chapter 15 with the Commander's fighting with each other. You really captured their personalities, IMO. Awesome job, I can't wait for the next chapter.
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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2005, 01:48 PM »
Because this is such a HUGE update, I have only read part of it.  I will comment more in detail when I have finished.

This, as always, is AWESOME.  I LOVED the duel with Anakin and Dooku.  VERY exciting and some great dialogue. LOVE the shot of Anakin "jumping" in mid-air!  WELL DONE!  An excellent, tense and thrilling sequence all around!

The Jedi funeral is also fantastic!  Your use of props and locations is always imaginative.  These scenes, if nothing else, have a wonderful look to them.

But obviously there's much more than that.  This is another superbly written scene with great dialogue.  LOVE how Palpatine segues from a moving memorial into a political speech...and how that chafes the Jedi! 

This is exemplary work and I look forward to reading the rest!

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #42 on: December 23, 2005, 09:39 PM »
I love the new updates Longhorn!
I just didnt really think that clone troopers would ever fight eachother, but yet again it was pretty neat.
I like how they had the funeral and Shadow was really cool!
Clone Commander Appo.

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #43 on: December 27, 2005, 06:05 PM »
Thanx for the feedback guys.  It was fun to get back to creating these stories after a short layoff after Act I.

The holidays are "distracting" me so the next three chapters will be delayed.   ;)

The Dooku/Anakin scenes were fun to create, since the figs are easily posed.  I was hesitant to do the funeral scene b/c of the complexity but I was pleased with the look of them.  And the Clone Commanders was an opportunity to showcase their  personalities.

The dialogue has become the hardest part.  I re-write it many times over to get the right flow.  Glad it is appreciated!  :D

Hopefully I can have the next few chapters up within a week or two.

Thanx again for the feedback guys.  All is appreciated!

-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #44 on: December 27, 2005, 06:58 PM »
that was a great update!

- it actually made me angry when palpatine had the nerve to speak at a jedi memorial services! bastard.

- the conflict between the clone commanders was really cool too. i like that you showed that not all the clones are equal or exactly alike, that EZ seems like a chump and bacarra is quite a hot head. it seems wierd to hear the clones have such a distaste for the jedi and bad mouth them, but i can see them actually feeling that way.

again great update, the dialog is very good, you have some good action scene's and the complexity of the plot of your story is awsome, so many entity's ploting and schemeing aginst eachother, good stuff. can't wait for the next chapter!
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