Author Topic: Drop in Collector Interest?  (Read 48176 times)

Offline iFett

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #60 on: February 9, 2010, 01:07 PM »
I dread going back to the POTJ days, while the line was really great for the time it was so slow with new releases.

I really enjoyed collecting back in the POTJ days.  I loved how we weren't overloaded and everything was evenly spaced....Probably the best time I had in this hobby.  Not sure about you guys but I also have two other toy lines that I collect so I'd welcome back those days with open arms - but it'll never happen.  Sorry for not typing up a few paragraphs on the subject gang.   ;)
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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #61 on: February 9, 2010, 01:18 PM »
I also have two other toy lines that I collect so I'd welcome back those days with open arms - but it'll never happen.  Sorry for not typing up a few paragraphs on the subject gang.   ;)

How dare you not type a long winded paragraph!!!

You comment about collecting more lines is a good point for many collectors. The only other line I collect is MOTU Classics which is really manageable. I am a very focused collector so that what influences my habits/comments and whay I want more >:D I chose a long time ago to focus solely (Until the sweet MOTUC line) on SW to maximize my money and create an impressive collection. (Also SW has outlasted pretty much every other Toy Line, even Marvel Legends so you always know that it would be around for a long time.)
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Offline Brian

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #62 on: February 9, 2010, 02:03 PM »
I dread going back to the POTJ days, while the line was really great for the time it was so slow with new releases.

I really enjoyed collecting back in the POTJ days.  I loved how we weren't overloaded and everything was evenly spaced....Probably the best time I had in this hobby.  Not sure about you guys but I also have two other toy lines that I collect so I'd welcome back those days with open arms - but it'll never happen.  Sorry for not typing up a few paragraphs on the subject gang.   ;)

Yeah, aside from maybe the VOTC/OTC line(s), I don't know if I ever enjoyed collecting more than the POTJ line.  Sure, figures have improved since then, but the quality for the time was great, the waves were mixed in nice ratios it seemed, and things came out at a nice pace.  Like you mentioned, I'm one who collects other lines as well (but probably shouldn't), so the slow down is more welcome for that reason too.

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #63 on: February 9, 2010, 02:42 PM »
I dread going back to the POTJ days, while the line was really great for the time it was so slow with new releases.

I really enjoyed collecting back in the POTJ days.  I loved how we weren't overloaded and everything was evenly spaced....Probably the best time I had in this hobby.  Not sure about you guys but I also have two other toy lines that I collect so I'd welcome back those days with open arms - but it'll never happen.  Sorry for not typing up a few paragraphs on the subject gang.   ;)

I'll chime in on the POTJ joy theme.  That's the time I got back into collecting and figures were even absurdly expensive ($11.99 at TRU before taxes) but I didn't mind all that much.  The figures were nice enough in execution, some new/novel figures came out and the cards were decent enough.  The gaps between waves wasn't all that huge and frankly made it tolerable to pay THAT MUCH for figures as you could save up for them. 

Now insert about 350 words randomly for me bitching about Hasbro and move onto the next paragraph. 

I think hasbro has it figured out with the CW stuff - if it sells get it out there.  At the same time though if they're expecting the license to have any life out there until 2018, they'd probably not ignore any segment of their market. 
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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #64 on: February 15, 2010, 10:28 PM »
Hi guys. I'm not new here, but it sure may seem that way.

When you talk about collectors whose interest has dropped, you are referring to me. I collected Star Wars as a kid back in the early 80s right up till the bitter end of the original Power of the Force. I jumped right back in in '95. I bought everything up until the prequels started coming out, and then started to pick and choose, while maintaining an OT interest that precluded me passing any of that stuff up. I have fond memories of POTJ and even fonder of OTC in '04. Looking back on it, I didn't buy much of that year's offerings, but it was a joy to see the stuff at the store.

I took off most of '05 due to disinterest in the ROTS line, although some stuff like Tarkin and 3P0 kept me checking the pegs. I bought a few Wookiees to use as placeholders for the Thrawn trilogy characters I have longed for.

'06 was fun, the new Saga was made a lot more interesting to me because I avoided the forums and the websites and stumbled on figures for the first time at the store like I had as a kid. I'll never forget seeing Foul Moudama at the store...a Talz at retail!!!

By '07 I came back to the web and followed the 30AC from here, never getting too involved and happily finding everything I wanted. It was around this time that I had my collector epiphany: Hasbro was never going to stop making figures, and didn't seem about to slow down either. I didn't want everything they made, but I was still emotionally invested in every new wave and wanted to support the line. JACKOFTRADZE called it an abusive relationship and he's right: we just keep on playing the role of codependent. To make sense of it all I made a Master List of all the figures I ever wanted, figuring that in due time Hasbro will make all of them (plus a whole lot more that I could remain emotionally disinterested in.) This did wonders for my collector angst, and help me really focus in on what my collection was to me.

'08 Found me watching the Legacy line's arrival with trepidation. There was pretty much nothing announced that fit my new criteria (except the impressive Falcon) and I had to settle for the thought of having the year off. Once the stuff started hitting I really lost interest with keeping up with the updates and basically bailed. I blamed a lot of my disappointment on having gotten so involved here again, and having spoiled the new figure finds. So I stopped paying so much attention. I knew up through the Tatooine wave of earlier this year, and after that and the Yavin Battle Pack I was happy as "done until I see something still on my Master List."

The past few months have shown me some Empire figures I resisted except for Needa (from the List!) and just a couple weeks ago a Snowspeeder Luke. The master list is holding at 30 or so strong. I still look in the toy aisles, and checking out the Toy Fair coverage here I like the looks of the new stuff I saw even if I know I won't buy any of it except Dack.

In short, I still feel like a collector (little c for sure) but one who has gotten little support from Hasbro these past few years. I can't justify buying the same things again (Legends) or the new cartoon toys (since that's a separate entity to me), I no longer get even a few of the prequel figures, and the OT stuff I "need" is not lining up very well with what Hasbro is producing. In effect, I am what is killing the line. Sorry.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #65 on: February 15, 2010, 11:47 PM »
In effect, I am what is killing the line. Sorry.

Read your entire post, and YES of course most of us remember you.   ;)

Sorry that you're not happy with what Hasbro's been pushing the past few years... I guess from what it sounds like you're saying, is that you have a specific niche of what you want to see Hasbro make.  I can't see Hasbro at this point trying to cater to any specific niche, otherwise they're going to lose their broad base.  But, hopefully they'll continue to make things here and there that keep the hobby enjoyable for you.

Anyways, even when they make major upgrades to figures of characters that you like (and that you have decent versions of)... are you not interested in those figures either?  For instance, let's say they upgraded the ANH Tarkin or something (since you have the ROTS version, which I think is pretty weak) - would you care if they made one of Needa quality?

Offline Muftak

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #66 on: February 16, 2010, 10:47 PM »
Thanks, CHEWIE.

Far from being unhappy with the recent offerings from Habro, I have actually really enjoyed seeing the stuff, especially since I have divorced myself from the theory that liking it means I ought to take it home. If everyone took that philosophy, the line would surely die, but as it is I get to enjoy the new stuff for the novelty.

As far as what I'm looking for, it's just odds and ends to fill the gaps in the OT stuff...guys like Bom Vimdin and Grizz Frix. Serious upgrades I'm looking for are sparse, Nien Nunb and Uncle Owen pop to mind immediately. And then there are my pet EU wants, chief among them Heir to the empire characters and Splinter of the Mind's Eye figures.

To address your hypothetical directly I have the ROTS Tarkin repaint from the Imperial Briefing set and I am satisfied with that. I just can't justify buying these incremental upgrades anymore. I was happy to see new Ugnaughts and a good articualted Death Star Escape Han Solo, but I don't feel the need to replace the ones I've got at this point. Upgrades are really a case by case situation for me then. I've taken the upgrade ride for way too many years to get all that excited about them anymore, especially since I broke out of the Collector mindset.

And, on a tangential note, one of the figures I have on my list is Medical Frigate Luke...yet when I saw what Habro offered in that regard last spring I deemed it a subpar attempt (blame the too puffy soft goods, I guess) and passed it up, preferring to not replace the custom version I made years ago.

I certainly don't expect Hasbro to limit what they make to what I want to fill out my collection. I scratch my head at some of the decisions (The B-Wing Nien Nunb and upgraded Malkili, for example) but on the whole I am very happy with where my collecting has left me.

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #67 on: February 16, 2010, 11:08 PM »
I was happy to see new Ugnaughts and a good articualted Death Star Escape Han Solo, but I don't feel the need to replace the ones I've got at this point. Upgrades are really a case by case situation for me then.

Please please please tell me that you do not consider the DS Escape Han to be an upgrade of any version of this figure ever.  I would rather be stuck with nothing but Fruit Loops Han Trooper than the Legacy Han Turd we got last year.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #68 on: February 16, 2010, 11:41 PM »
Thanks, CHEWIE.
I certainly don't expect Hasbro to limit what they make to what I want to fill out my collection. I scratch my head at some of the decisions (The B-Wing Nien Nunb and upgraded Malkili, for example) but on the whole I am very happy with where my collecting has left me.

Nothing wrong with being selective in how you collect.  If everyone had that view, I'm sure Hasbro would focus on just the kid stuff, but I do have some envy for you.  You're saving a lot of money, and probably a lot of time and headaches with the direction you've taken.

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #69 on: February 17, 2010, 01:11 PM »
I'll tell you what. Where as I decreased my purchasing by eliminating a carded collection and not picking up repacked items in recent years, the vintage set is getting me excited all over again. I'm thinking about dumping my carded collection (POTF2 - 30AVC) in favor doing a more vintage carded oriented theme.
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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #70 on: February 17, 2010, 03:31 PM »
I think many may do that actually.  Drop everything and go with a vintage carded focus.  It narrows what carded guys may consider a complete collection.
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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #71 on: February 17, 2010, 05:07 PM »
I think many may do that actually.  Drop everything and go with a vintage carded focus.  It narrows what carded guys may consider a complete collection.

As an opener that's the only stuff I ever collected doubles of to keep packaged. After the TF confirmation of Vintage I recently removed them all from the clam shell and hung them on my collection wall. It looks great and I cannot wait to add more to fill it out. I will update my collection room pics this weekend so other can see, it really is the way to go as there is a foreseeable end to it if this really does have a 2 year run..

It really is a way to get a handle on a "complete" carded collection.
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Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #72 on: February 18, 2010, 02:15 PM »
Best part for me is that I kept all the clam shells from all the extra vintage army builders I bought, so I'll be able to slide all the new ones right in.
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Offline Brian

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #73 on: February 19, 2010, 11:49 AM »
Regarding "collector interest" - I'm starting to wonder if it is decreasing to some extent as well.  It may just be the way I remember it, but it just seems like the forums were a lot more "alive" post Toy Fair, Comic Con, etc. than they are now.  I'm not saying no one is posting or discussing things, but it seems like things die back down fairly quickly (and not just with Star Wars).  I remember there being a lot of discussions back when we first saw the VOTC figures, or the first figures from the ROTS line, or even in the days of seeing prototypes of the AOTC figures.  They were talked to death, speculated on, etc.  Same went even a couple years ago when the whole BMF Falcon thing started up on Galactic Hunter.

Like I said, it isn't just in Star Wars.  I remember seeing the same sort of enthusiasm when we'd see new waves of Marvel Legends (or whatever other line you may follow).  Now we have a little discussion, but not nearly as much.  Granted, there isn't as much enthusiasm for Marvel Universe since the switch from Legends, but the same could be said for the DCUC forums.  There's a few people talking about them, but not like it used to be it seems.  Maybe it is collector fatigue, maybe we just don't have as much time to sit on forums all day, or maybe we've just moved on - but in some ways it does seem like collector interest has gone down a bit from the levels it used to see.  There also seems to be more negativity about things, but I guess that is always there with the internet.  It just seems like some of the things that we saw, for example, at Toy Fair would have been a really "big deal" 5-10 years ago (figure quality, vintage packaging, Fett mail away, new AT-AT, etc.), but now the forums sometimes seemed mixed in their reactions.  Anyways, too long of a post, and I don't mean to sound negative at all.  I know there are a ton of people that still really enjoy the hobby, and even then we don't have to like everything that Hasbro puts out.  I'm hoping that the vintage line at least will renew collector's interest.  I'm curious if anyone who has left the "Hasbro" game over the past few years is tempted to come back at all for the Vintage Collection (even just the OT figures? since some don't like the PT on these cards).

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Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« Reply #74 on: February 19, 2010, 03:12 PM »
I think there's some dwindling interest in some regards.  Some of that may have to do with many collectors having more responsibilities these days - such as kids of their own, house payments, etc.  Plus the lack of space to display so much now.  Price increases don't help either.  It's all caused me to cut back some.  But overall, my biggest curb in enthusiasm the past year has to do with Hasbro's shoddy distribution.  And it's not like they have great case assortments online these days either.  I won't shell out $100 for a case of figures that only has a handful of figures that I want along with 6 or so repacks.