Author Topic: 2024: What Are You Collecting?  (Read 211518 times)

Offline jokabofe

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Re: 2004: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2004, 01:26 PM »

It's a 13" resin statue (pretty much what I figure is that NECA uses double scale sculpting and this is the original scale version). It's numbered 309 of 600 for North America. Pretty nifty. Cost a bit much at a really bad time in my finances, but it's a one shot deal, so... had to have it.

yeah, i wanted that too, but it was a bit pricey, like you said. besides, it's just the same pose as the smaller (and much more affordable  :D ) action figure.  now, if they were smart, they would have made this version of the bride in a different action pose...

There's supposed to be a second wave of figures, but I'm surprised they've not been discussed too much or shown. Maybe they're dead in the water. They showed O-Ren a long time ago, they've removed her images from their site, and there's no new news.  ???

yeah, i remember seeing her as well, and thinking that she actually looked the best out of all the figures they had shown. i heard somewhere that the actual problem was with lucy liu herself, she had something to do with pulling the figure out of the assortment. not sure why, of if that is even true.

did you know that the bride came with two different bases? one is the house of blue leaves base to match up with the crazy 88 members, and the other is a snow base, presumably to match up with o-ren. but she never came out, and i can't figure out why they never took that base out of the bride assortment...  ???


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Re: 2004: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2004, 01:20 AM »
yeah, i wanted that too, but it was a bit pricey, like you said. besides, it's just the same pose as the smaller (and much more affordable   ) action figure.  now, if they were smart, they would have made this version of the bride in a different action pose...

If I had common sense I would have passed, but I've turned out to be a complete KB whore. Not only is it the same pose, it's identical, down to the pattern in her hair. I didn't know they were planning an alternate base for the regular scale. Interesting that this bigger one uses it.

yeah, i remember seeing her as well, and thinking that she actually looked the best out of all the figures they had shown. i heard somewhere that the actual problem was with lucy liu herself, she had something to do with pulling the figure out of the assortment. not sure why, of if that is even true.

Strange. I guess she could have shot it down, or had leverage enough to request changes that were too costly to make. Oh well.

I wish I could remember where I read about the second wave, because there's zilch on the net that I can find. I swear I remember discussion, and maybe even images, of a Bill figure, in his end showdown outfit and Hanzo sword. It seems like if they didn't get more figures out for the DVD release, they've lost their last real opportunity for a good sales tie-in.  :'(

Offline jokabofe

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Re: 2004: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2004, 09:03 AM »
It seems like if they didn't get more figures out for the DVD release, they've lost their last real opportunity for a good sales tie-in.    :'(

not 100% - remember qt's marketing strategy? there should still be another 5 or 6 dvd's coming out over the next 2 years or so  ::)

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Re: 2004: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2004, 11:51 AM »
Well, save Star Wars, theres a new Jurassic Park line just out, JP Dinosaurs2, and that's on my must have list. I wanted to buy the 18" Crow, but that looks like it's on hold with NO JOB.

Real quick, let me explain said job situation; I had a nice summer Job working for a Day Care. That ended early August. My grandma decides that we were going to North Carolina for a week and a half, and she doesn't understand that they don't let new hires to most jobs just take a Week and a Half off. She then tries to tell me she'll come in and talk to the boss. Thats a no. They wan't me to strike out on my own, I wan't no help from them.

Moving along.

Star Wars is pretty much dead here. All the same stuff I don't need or don't want.

McFarlane AVP stuff. I soooo wan't everything from this line but seeing as it's sold out, I may just buy 2 store exclusives, list one on ebay and make some quick cash.

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Re: 2004: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #34 on: September 7, 2004, 10:35 PM »
I'm collecting Star Wars (of course); Lord of the Rings action figures; Marvel Legends; and vintage MOTU (to round out the ranks of the Masters and Evil Warrior since I can't find the newer waves the last new figure I got was Keldor and when it comes in to She-Ra. and that's basically it
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Offline Bob Crane

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Re: 2004: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2004, 03:37 AM »
Old Kenner SW
Popy, Takatoku, Ark, Grip, Bullmark etc…
Bandai S.I.C.
Bandai S.O.C.
Mego- (whenever astounding deals arise) Trek, POTA, WGSU, WGSK
Dragon W.W.II 12” & 1/72 pre-painted armour
Matchbox M.A.C.
Various sci-fi and resin kits, 1/35 armour & figure kits.
Takara Microman
Matchbox Fighting Furies
Various other smaller figure lines that get picked up once in a blue moon- Clash of the Titans, Super Powers, Indy Jones etc…
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Offline Brian

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Re: 2004: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2004, 11:02 AM »
Getting to the end of the year, here's how it is looking now:

Star Wars
Modern 3 3/4" - Basically caught up, except for Cantina Wave, then it is on the preview/animated stuff, and saving up for the ROTS extravaganza.

Vintage 3 3/4" - Always intend to complete a loose, complete collection, but haven't bought any figures for quite some time.  Spending too much collecting money elsewhere...if there is a break between now and the movie, I might try to fill some holes

Unleashed - Been sticking to OT-only with these, but have started to get tempted by a few of the PT ones.  Right now, actively looking for the repackaged Vader, and will eventually pick up the Sidious.  Then it is waiting for the Stormtrooper and IG-88 to show.

Galactic Heroes - Also, OT only, but tempted occasionally for the PT.  Waiting for the Luke/Gam, Jawa/Tusken, Lando/Skiff Guard sets, and haven't seen the Stormie sets yet either.  Otherwise, would possibly pick up the AOTC sets.

Hallmark Ornaments - I've always been intersted in these, and I think I might take the plunge and try to pick up some of the past pieces (again, OT only likely).  I did get the Yoda (AOTC) ornament from my wife a year or two back, and hopefully the Chewie this year, then I might peruse ebay and pick up one here and there to slowly catch up.

Lord of the Rings
There really hasn't been much of this showing up around here anymore, at least nothing new.  I intend on picking up the new Aragorn and Frodo (SP), and the Gates of Mordor Sam once it is released.  I could be happy with that collection, although I am somewhat tempted to expand it a little bit.  Sort of trying to decide between this line and.....

Marvel Legends
I have a handful of Legends figures, consisting of Spider-Man and X-Men characters, but haven't bought anything new for quite some time.  I'm interested in many of the current/upcoming figures though (Doc Ock, Iceman, Brown Wolvie, Phoenix, Juggernaut, Captain America, Iron Man, Storm, Nightcrawler, Prof X, 1st Appearance Spidey, Cyclops, Sinister Six Box Set, Fantastic Four Box Set).  This is a line that always seems to be consistently good, and I grew up on Marvel so it always keeps me interested.  If I continued on, I'd likely stick to characters that I knew and read growing up (Spidey, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and individuals like Cap and Iron Man).  Of course, they haven't shown up around here for a long time, so it could be a moot point.

Not much anymore really, trying to avoid getting into anything else.  I recently picked up a DC Direct Superman, which I really like, and they seem to do great work.  The JLA figures interest me, but the price will likely keep me away.  The only "misc" figures I would pick up in the future would likely be Superman or Batman related, probably the "best" version of the movie figures that will come out for each in the next couple of years as well.

Star Wars is really the only line(s) I've been actively collecting for quite some time now, with a little bit of LOTR.  Star Wars will always be the big collection, but I kind of enjoy having a second, smaller one as well of one of the other lines I am interested in.  It looks like it will come down to Marvel Legends or LOTR, with Legends likely having a more lasting appeal since the LOTR franchise will be a bit quieter until the Hobbit happens (if/when).  But, then again, Star Wars could keep me intersted whether there is a movie or not, and each time I pop in one of the LOTR DVDs, I'm reminded again how amazing those movies are too.  Lots of other great lines continue out there, and some new ones coming up (Sesame Street by Palisades looks/sounds neato), but I'll probably have to steer clear.  With the possible Star Wars price increase (and so many different lines), I might not have the cash to persue anything else anyways :).  Anyways....what are you collecting, and what is the outlook for 2005?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2004, 11:04 AM by mosnab »

Offline Brian

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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #37 on: January 4, 2005, 11:06 AM »
Updated for the new year....anyone picking up or dropping any lines?  Are you dropping almost everything?  Only Star Wars?  What is our outlook for 2005?

Most of mine is detailed above, but here's a quick run down of what I'm hoping to collect this year.  Hoping to stick to mainly Star Wars, and probably will:

Star Wars Stuff
3 3/4" Line - Figures, Beasts, Vehicles - non completist, just what I like.
Galactic Heroes - Have been OT only on these, may branch into PT ones too.
Unleashed - Again, have been OT only, might pick up a few PT ones.
Jedi Force - Just wanted Chewie, now I have Vader and Droids, have to see on this one.  I don't know if the line itself is going any further or not.
3 3/4" Vintage - working towards a loose complete collection, eventually.
Other/Misc - On the fence with Bust Ups, then some other misc stuff (vintage glass sets, Hallmark ornaments, etc.)

Other Collectibles

Going to try to cut back this year.  Lots of neat lines out there, but I really need to try to limit myself (budget and space issues).  I'm going to try to stick to one other secondary line, if any at all.  Right now, that line is looking like Marvel Legends.

Marvel Legends - Selective purchasing.  Usually sticking to Spidey and his friends/foes, some of the X-Men, and possibly the other odd figures here and there, usually main characters (Cap, Iron Man, F4).  This is the line that constantly pulls me back.  As I look back at my purchases for 2004, I didn't actually buy a single ML figure last year (although a few Spidey Classics ones).  Could be that I didn't see anything past Colossus :).

Lord of the Rings - Just want the upcoming "Gates of Mordor" Sam and I will probably call it good.  I could go further, and wouldn't mind doing that, but I could be happy with my meager collection as it is.

Others - I think I can say I'm done with pretty much anything else.  The only other line that is sometimes tempting is the DC Direct JLA figures, those sure are nice.  I got the Superman, which I am quite happy I picked up.  Price and availability will probably keep me away though.  Might be tempted if they do further Superman "world" figures, we'll see.

Anyways, what is your year 2005 looking like?  Are some of your other lines wrapping up, or are there more on the horizon?  Best of luck to everyone in their various searches in the 05 :).
« Last Edit: January 4, 2005, 11:50 AM by mosnab »

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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #38 on: January 4, 2005, 11:27 AM »
Here's where I see myself heading in the new year...

Star Wars
With RotS, I'll stick to my basics.  2 of each of the NEW basic figures (1 to open, 1 to keep carded), 1 of each of the recards/repaints (to keep carded), 1 of each of the NEW deluxe/ultra type figures, NEW vehicles, NEW box sets, etc.  I don't buy repack vehicles (usually).  The only thing I keep packaged is one of every basic figure carded.  Everything else gets opened.  I'll also probably continue to pick up some of the Galactic Hero 2-packs to stash away. 

No Unleashed, no Master Replica props, no Gentle Giant busts or Bust-Ups, no Code 3 vehicles, no 12" stuff, no Sideshow Satues, no Attakus statues, no Kotobukaiya statues/models, no Die Cast vehicles, no Micro-Machine vehicles, no Action Fleet vehicles, no Jedi Force figures, no SW board games, no Wookiee super-soakers, no more WotC minatures, no Hallmark ornaments, no posters, no replica helmets, no Attacktix figures, no SW plush "buddies", etc etc etc.

I'll pick up any new Sesame Street, Muppets, Batman (villians and major characters such as Gordon, Alfred or NW), and of course Star Wars.  Probably try to track down my first box set (Early Bird, Speeder Bike, or TRU 5-pack).  Maybe branck out into some of the other lines too if I happen across any I like.  :)

DC Direct
I'll pick up some of the Green Lantern Wave planned for March to add to my Green Lantern shelf.  Will also pick up any new Pocket Hero sets that they announce (but I think this line is dead :().

That's about it I guess... unless something new pops up!  :)

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Offline Morgbug

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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #39 on: January 4, 2005, 11:36 AM »
Um, really, really trying to cutback and failing miserably.  Walking away from this crowd would do me a world of good (Brian's excused from that comment, he spent only 10% of what I did - a fine role model) ::)

Star Wars:
vintage - a few variations to finish up, viny Jawa, droids 3PO

Hasbro 3 3/4 - Mikey has me caught up pretty much to the ROTS stuff - will buy vehicles, figures (army building included, despite my best intents) and possibly vehicles.  Will be selective and hopefully patient enough to get loose stuff cheaper down the line.  Do need a few animated figs yet though.

Galactic Heroes small, easy line, cheap enough.  I may let it slide though, we have lots in the house now and I don't feel compelled to be a completeist with this line.  

Unleashed space is becoming an issue but these are really nice pieces.  

Bust ups will keep up - small, relatively inexpensive

Gentle Giant Busts - only OT and selectively so.  Chrome Sandtrooper has me concerned (mostly because the blaster is there instead of the rifle that is commonly pictured for the regular bust)

Kubrick's yeah, yeah >:(

Kotobukiya - I've always liked these and I might dabble into them a bit, we'll see.  There's a cheap, high quality Vader rip-off that's available that looks pretty nice, so that would save a few bucks.  

Hallmark ornaments - mostly just wanting some ships that I missed.

Marvel Legends - I'm in all the way on these, likely to the point of ordering cases shortly to cover the year, just like my hero.   :P  Not really keen on all of the figures in 9/10 but must have Galactus and Sentinel, plus a shot at chase figures is nice.  Should be able to sell off the spares fairly easily locally, a few collectors of this line around that I know and I should get mine months before regular retail in Canada.  

LOTR - just a few pieces left to pick up - my hobbitses minus Sam, any new female figures and a Legolas and I'll be done.  Might need to back track for a twilight ring wraith, but that should wrap it up pretty quick.

McFarlane, sportspicks and otherwise - sportspicks are near a dead issue for me now - too space consuming and too frustrating (read 3rd jersey Roy that drove me out) at times.  Most of my loose goalies have been sold and I have about all the Vikings that will be made.  There's a Jets Khabibulin coming out, but it's a Canadian only series, so no chasing stupid cardbacks this time.  Not sure, but I suspect the variant will be a Coyotes uni.  Otherwise I'll get both blue and white Jets versions.  I think I want an Esposito Legend but that should cover it for announced Legends.  Orr and possibly others down the line?  
NBA Legends may go a ways to having me back in the game.  Bird, Erving and who knows who else will end up being must haves for me.  This may be the only way I'll order a case of McFarlane stuff  again.  I see this line being poorly distributed in Canada and hugely popular.  Don't think there will be any other Legends I buy (baseball/football) or sportspicks in general, but it will always depend on players in the assortments.  

Not sure what else will crop up in the near future.  I keep toying with the idea of picking up F/X sabers from Master Replicas, but we'll see about those too.  Maybe just a Vader and a Luke?  I should probably unload all of my old plastic Hasbro sabers though.  

edit: Oops, Jeff reminded me I have the Vader statue coming (GG) and I may go with the Sideshow Vader statue as well.  Have to see what it looks like in comparison.
« Last Edit: January 4, 2005, 11:38 AM by Morgbug »
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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #40 on: January 4, 2005, 01:01 PM »
I'm going to try and limit my spending this tear, yeah right!  :P

Die Cast: Gone this far with my Gerry Anderson collection of Product Enterprise's stuff so I want to keep them up to par.

Konami: Any ships that come out of interest. So far the Battlestar Galactica set.  8)

Kubricks: Addictive crack suckers!  ;D   :P

McFarlane: Just the Gretzky Oiler's figures & any Alien/Predator stuff. Elvis for my sister.

Star Wars Vintage: Still want to complete my vinty Droids and Ewok line. Get that Ewok Battle Wagon & anything else that is eye candy.  ;)

Star Wars Modern: The end is near!   :-X

Offline Mikey D

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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #41 on: January 4, 2005, 01:07 PM »
3-3/4: Most ROTS stuff, including vehicles.  I wish I had the patience others are having and try to wait until clearance.  I'll wait and see if that happens.

Unleashed: All

Galactic Heros: All

Kubrick: Oh boy.  A line I just recently added and have a lot of catching up to do.  I can almost guarantee I'll never have a complete collection.

Marvel Legends / Spidey Classics: Not a completist, but pretty close.  I want Galactus and Sentinel, so it looks like I'll be getting all of 9 & 10.  This line pisses me off.  Damn shortpacks.  I still need Cable (passed him up a few times and now can't find him anywhere), Hawkeye, Apocalypse and Vision.  And that's not counting wave 8, which I haven't seen yet.  All I see are droves and droves of Weapon X, IMC and Ghost Rider.  All I want from SMC are the villians and we all know how they're packed.  

Sportspicks: Only figures of my teams.  Johnny Damon, David Ortiz and Mike Schmidt from the Cooperstown I'll be grabbing.  Hopefully they announce more Pats figures.  Having only two, especially after they win their third Super Bowl this year, is a travesty ;)
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Offline Morgbug

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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #42 on: January 4, 2005, 02:44 PM »
I can find you a Cable if you like.
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Offline Mikey D

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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #43 on: January 4, 2005, 03:57 PM »
I can find you a Cable if you like.

You know, if we both keep adding to our packages, neither one of us is going to get them anytime soon ;)

But yeah, if you see one, pick him up.  I think that puts the ball back in my court.  Time to start hunting for compensation for Leclair and Nathan.
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Re: 2005: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #44 on: January 4, 2005, 04:26 PM »
Minivans: a sign of the apocalypse.