Author Topic: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?  (Read 292773 times)

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #75 on: April 23, 2012, 01:48 PM »
That's how I see it too.  I enjoy collecting/customizing and all that goes into it too much to just throw in the towel.

Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #76 on: April 23, 2012, 04:05 PM »
If you're a completist, or live in an area that's particularly hard to collect in, I can easily see giving it up.  Not finding what you want kind of kills the desire to be active in it I think.  Things are to be fun, not frustrating.  I can see people throwing in the towel over that.  Actually I have seen people throwing in the towel over that, haha.

I always intended to ride it out till the line died, and then customize to my heart's content...  These days though, the hobby's losing a lot of the fun it once had.  The good days aren't here anymore.  The thrill of finding new stuff fades faster than it used to.  I'm always geeked over a new figure coming out, like the pilot/Ewok sets that are apparantly coming at some point, but at the same time the plight of knowing a toy run takes like 45 minutes and such, it just makes it seem less fun anymore.
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Offline warinthefloor

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #77 on: April 23, 2012, 04:08 PM »
star wars collecting is rapidly becoming a mistress who nags constantly and almost never puts out.
Wheres the beef?

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #78 on: April 23, 2012, 04:40 PM »

I can't really see getting rid of my collection even if I did quit collecting new figures.  That said, when I don't have new stuff coming into it, the whole notion of "collecting" gets deprioritized, so I can totally relate to some people getting out entirely.  I've turned my attention to vintage toys lately to offset the lack of new product.  I haven't done much with vintage in a long time, so getting back to these almost feels new in a way.
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #79 on: April 23, 2012, 04:48 PM »
If you're a completist, or live in an area that's particularly hard to collect in, I can easily see giving it up.  Not finding what you want kind of kills the desire to be active in it I think.  Things are to be fun, not frustrating.  I can see people throwing in the towel over that.  Actually I have seen people throwing in the towel over that, haha.

I stopped (mostly) collecting Star Wars early last year, but up until then it always felt like a second job for me.  A job I enjoyed, but a job no less.  I'd probably be going bonkers right now if I was still in the game.
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #80 on: April 23, 2012, 04:53 PM »
I've kind of given up collecting somewhat, since I can't bear having 1-2 stores in my area with product that I have to pay premium prices for.  I just have to rely on my MN buddies...

Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #81 on: April 23, 2012, 08:00 PM »
I can't really see getting rid of my collection even if I did quit collecting new figures.  That said, when I don't have new stuff coming into it, the whole notion of "collecting" gets deprioritized, so I can totally relate to some people getting out entirely.

That's a better way to put it I think...  You've got a hobby you're hanging onto, but it becomes so distant in your mind, you start not to care.  And for many I think if you can't have the pieces you want, you will quit.  You've wanted a Hoth Luke figure, can't get it, have the Taun-Taun...  I can't blame people for saying screw it.

The nice thing about the hobby, and generally it's always been true, is that patience pays off...  I think there's just a lot of people thinking that times are changing with the line, and it's possible that now patience is going to cost you in the long run, or you'll simply miss out completely.
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #82 on: April 23, 2012, 09:05 PM »
There is something about an active hobby versus a passive collection- As I find myself looking less and less for star wars items at retail, I feel less connected to the collection. I don't want to just echo myself, but as I see myself picking less up, I feel like I can let more go and not miss it-  I have to think the vast majority of us are in the same boat, where most of the collection is either in boxes or plastic tubs anyway. Speaking for myself, I far outcollected what I anticipated or can ever realistically use or enjoy in any signficant way. 

Another question for the thread might be "what does your final collection look like?"  I'm starting to spend a lot more time contemplating that question.

I'm a hoth luke and Dr Evazan away from thinking I'm 99% done with the retail figure game.

The next step is to figure out what I really want to keep for future displays, what the kids/nephews/nieces might want to have someday, and the rest will slowly be put up for sale or away in storage for a decision at a later date.

It's been a fun run, and I'll probably hang around and pick up an item here and there. I don't harbor any bitterness toward Hasbro- my collecting was going to come to an end at some point no matter what. Now it is time to figure out which parts to keep, and which to send to someone elses collection-
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 11:41 AM by Dan »

Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #83 on: April 23, 2012, 09:38 PM »
For me it was always the thought I'd customize down the road...  Always had plans too big to do when I was collecting, but when the hobby went kaput it wasn't an issue.  Part of me almost wants the hobby to go kaput because of that.  I like when Hasbro cranks out something really stellar though, like the new DST or whatnot.
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #84 on: April 24, 2012, 12:14 AM »
I want to compare this when Saga 2002 started.  I was excited for new figures, new movie, etc, and Hasbro was putting out absolute crap.  I could still find nearly everything though.  Luckily, I decided to take a break from collecting....well, I went to Officer Training School for three months and that pretty much decided collecting for me.

Now flip it, the figures are awesome, for the most part, but distribution is so terrible I can't find a damn thing.  I don't even want everything...just a few figures here and there, but absolutely nothing is to be found.  It's not like I live on the damn Moon either!
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Offline Phrubruh

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #85 on: April 24, 2012, 09:49 AM »
Now that I have remodeled the house, I have room for more figures. The problem is there isn't anything to add. Store pegs have very little stock on their pegs from the first wave. Stores don't seem to want to restock anything. Since prices are so high on new stuff I really have no desire to go hunting every day to make sure I find everything. I blame the days when Hasbro would make an exclusive figure for a store and sell it for $10 in a clam shell. This showed Hasbro we would buy anything at any price. There are only certain figures I want and I sure don't need the fifteenth Qui-Gon. Its amazing how many of that stupid character they made!

Ebay prices on star wars stuff is thru the roof! I have no idea how anything gets sold. When I look at completed auctions very little really does get sold. Newer stuff seems to go for high prices while older stuff never sells but you can't buy it because the asking price too high. It's like looking at the prices at the local scalper shop.

The social aspect of collecting has died down. There are very few of us left on these forums. Fortunately those that are here post alot but still there are only a few. I miss the meet ups we had at the local pizza place next to TRU. I miss the truck loads of figures people would bring to trade in the parking lot. I miss seeing everyone.

Customizing just isn't fun anymore. That got killed for me when the only thing people would customize is clone troopers. Most were pretty horrible. People use to make some fantastic EU figures but those days are gone. There is very little creativity left in that hobby. I still have tons of fodder parts laying around. I could easily make fifty or sixty more figures but I can't see the point anymore since everytime I make something Hasbro comes out with that figure a little later. Maybe I'll send all my parts to Chewie!

I now spend a lot of time over at forums talking about video games. Its amazing how people still collect and create new games for those old consoles. Its amazing how many tiny details and variations old cartridges had. It's pretty fun to play a game that only lasts a few minutes at a time. There is a lot of creativity going on over there. People are designing new add ons for those systems. Case customizing is still pretty hot too.

Over all, I think we are at an end here. I haven't completed a collection in a few years now and I'm OK with that. Maybe Hasbro will fix their distribution and things will return but I doubt it. Their license is almost up and they seem to be doing everything they can to kill the line. I wonder what they are going to say about this at ComicCon. Too bad Uncle George is such a cranky old man these days.
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Offline warinthefloor

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #86 on: April 24, 2012, 10:34 AM »
I stopped, restarted collecting and had to catch up on ebay several times, but you know what has remained constant all my life? I PLAY with Star wars toys. And I dont think thats ever going to end.
Finally got the DS figs lately, played return of the Jedi, then had lando put together a task for after the battle of endor, that Mon cal pilo and the Purple B.A.D. R5 joined his motly crew, and they took the BMF out to clean up some residual impy resistance.
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Offline Brian

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #87 on: April 24, 2012, 09:16 PM »
It seems like there is a lot of collector fatigue going on with the SW line lately.  It seems like we have the "line is ending" type of talk every couple years, but this is one time where it feels like it has a little more of a push to it.  There are so many factors in play here (price, availability, and recent questionable decisions with the line), not to mention the fact that so many of us have been in this "game" for awhile now.

I don't think any of us expected the line to reach these levels when it relaunched in '95.  There are so many characters that I never thought we'd see, not to mention having 40-100 figures a year for the past 10+ years.  That is just a crazy amount of stuff.  I think that leads to a lot of the ho-hum outlook on things that we see, and when we are excited about new figures we can't find them.  Personally, I'm in the camp that thinks that - for the most part - Hasbro's figures are pretty top notch these days (if you can find them).  I still get excited for new stuff (OT stuff in particular), but I've found that I'm getting more selective each year (particularly with PT stuff - like do I really need a $10 senator figure or Neimodian?).  Like others, I'll likely continue to the end in some capacity - and still enjoy it now - but at the same time if things ended in a couple years, I think I'd be ok too.

We mentioned it before on here, but I think the only thing (aside from a new movie/live action show/etc.) that would really generate excitement again (outside of us long-time collectors) would be a new "Legends" scale line or something like that.  After having so many versions of so many characters after all these years, that would be something truly "new", and likely more limited, that might get people on board again.  Making it a true collector line I guess.  Overall though, I continue to think a pretty significant scaling back of the SW brand would help a lot.  I think it only contributes to the fatigue when there is just so much stuff out there all the time.  I still really champion the POTJ model as far as releases, etc., but I may be in the minority there.

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #88 on: April 25, 2012, 09:09 PM »
Not sure if this plays into the future of collecting or not, but just something I've noticed.  I've been ordering SW stuff (and other stuff) from BBTS for the past few years now.  Retail has been so off and on, and it is nice knowing you can just get a set shipped to your door.  Anyways, I've noticed in the past that usually the new waves (particularly individual figure orders/preorders) are often sold out the second they come in (sometimes even before hand).  With these recent figures, BBTS has had the Hoth Luke, Vader, Evazan, etc. in stock for a few days now, and they seem to all still be in stock.  Granted, they are at $13.99 a piece, but that didn't always seem to matter in the past either.  Just an observation, and maybe it is nothing, but perhaps another example of collector fatigue a bit.

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #89 on: April 25, 2012, 09:44 PM »
The term collector fatigue is interesting to me.  I'm not tired of collecting.  I'm tired of not collecting.  I haven't seen a single new thing in months.  I don't even know what to write about when I come out here anymore.
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