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I always appreciated the aliens when I was a kid and Nikto really stood the test of time.  Great vintage sculpt and the modern update is great!

Jesse James:
Forgot to comment on Nikto, but absolutely needed to! 

The vintage Nikto I never owned till later in life, but it was one of those figures you just wanted to see Hasbro get to updating so the whole 92 group was wrapped up.  The Jabba goons do get redundant a bit, but if it had a figure originally I feel like that version takes precedence to a degree, and this is a long overdue modernization of the Nikto Guard.

The quilted pants are awesome, and Hasbro going the extra mile to include a sidearm and holster is great, not to mention a removable helmet.  I appreciate that ALWAYS, and loved seeing it on this goober.

I felt like they really nailed that frowny face from the vintage cardback too...  Just everything about this screams flawless update to me.  He wasn't the most popular figure of his wave but he is a great update, and a hole in the original line has been filled with a modern version, and that's just refreshing.


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