Author Topic: 2006 American International Toy Fair  (Read 30553 times)

Offline Matt

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #75 on: February 11, 2006, 06:08 PM »
That Sandperson looks re-goddamn-diculous.

They should have kept his upper body plastic, and gone with cloth for the lower skirt.


Endor Han looks really, really good I think:


Floppy Hat Luke looks like he comes with a hope chest, to keep all of his accessories in:

Neat idea.


And the second Jedi wave is shaping up to be pretty swell, too.  Jerjerrod's face sculpt looks spot-on.  The DSG looks just as bad-ass as the vintage version (never cared for the POTF2 version all that much).  Chirpa looks good, and that Threepio is something we've been waiting years for (even if it does appear to be the ROTS Threepio with new legs).
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #76 on: February 11, 2006, 06:35 PM »
Rune, thanks for the link!  Yippeeee!!!  CHEWIE is pretty damn pleased with these... I know some people are thinking "blah" but to me, this is nice after a year where I bought so many damn figures - most of these that I really like are the army builders, and I'm wanting to get several of each... I'm seeing some pretty good quality here... I won't comment on the basic repacks, as I'll probably pass on most of those...

Lucas - Ha Ha!!!  I said yesterday that the pic of him with the CT Stormtrooper helmet looked photoshopped... I was right!  The piece of crap POTF2 removable helmet!  Hasbro, you are a bunch of lazy punks for this... I give you a 0/10 score!  PASS!

Greedo - Looks great on articulation and sculpt... a bit of a shiny finish on this one, and the vest looks like crap.  Still a 9/10 figure, and I'll get just one and put an old vest on him.

Tusken - I really wish we had a pic without the gigantic gauze roll on him... looks like it could be a promising figure without it... can't judge it yet.

Endor Han - Nice looking figure, but I'm not balls out crazy about it.  Count me in for two openers.  Looks like a 9/10 figure and maybe the trench coat is better than I thought.

X-Wing Luke - Nice, nice!   Very good sculpt, and articulated just like I hoped!  I think his arms look kind of thick, but that's ok.  I want probably 3-4 of them.  10/10 job on this.

Scout Trooper - Wow, what a sculpt - he's missing those ball jointed hips... but oh well, I will live another day.  I think this is an outstanding figure, I do want at least 10-12 of him.  10/10 job.

Death Star Gunner - Definitely an all new figure... and talk about some awesome articulation - I will want a minimum of 8-10 of these for various scenes, and a couple for custom fodder too.  Looks like a 10/10 figure to me.

3PO - If those are indeed ball jointed knees, I'm estatic... but I'm not so sure they are?  How can you tell they are?  Other than that, it looks like the ROTS sculpt... if the knees are articulated, I give this a 9/10... if not, it's just a repack with a decent chair accessory (but I'll still get one).

Luke - I'm glad to see another Tatooine Luke, especially one with so many accessories.  The hat doesn't look like it fits at all... but the little suitcase thing is a great accessory and the poncho looks great.  Definitely want a couple of these.  Looks like a 9/10 figure to me.

Hammerhead - Looks so damn real... I must get several for dioramas and some really awesome custom fodder... what a sculpt!  10/10.

Talz Jedi - The more I see it, the more I love it.  I want two of them probably.  Looks like a 7/10 figure, which is fine.

Utapua Clone - Looks good, but to save myself the hassle, I'll probably paint my own.  9/10 figure though.

Sandtrooper - Hey, did they retool this some?  The elbow joints look new!  I don't really need it, but I'll grab one.  7/10.

Chirpa - I've never been a big fan of Ewoks, but it's a great addition to the line - a 9/10 looking figure for sure.  I'll probably grab at least two.

R5-D4 - Looks pretty damn near perfect to me... a bit of weathering/carbon scoring and it's a 10/10... I definitely want a couple of them.

Cody - From earlier pics, I wasn't all that impressed... that's changed now.  He looks great.  A 9/10 figure perhaps... I need several I think.

Firefighter - I love this.  Totally.  I love everything about it, from the design to the bulky clothes in some areas.  It's a figure I didn't know if we'd ever get before it was announced, and looks like some great custom fodder.  I'll most likely get several.  9/10.

Dofine - Looks like a basic pegwarmer... but a figure I like.  Great sculpt, and it's good to see variety still in the line.  I like how Hasbro will still make figures that some of us pass on, to make the rest happy.  7/10 figure, but I want at least 4 of them.

Hem Dazon - Really cool, but not as good as the EE pics looked.  I think knee articulation would have put it over the top.  I still want some, but only 2-3 probably.  7/10.

Jerrod - Looks nice, but suffering from lack of knee articulation.  Looks like a 7/10 figure.  I'll get a few of them though.

So... based on all of these, I think the best looking figure is the upcoming Death Star Gunner or the Scout Trooper.  There is some fine work here, and some definite turds that I really didn't comment on.


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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #77 on: February 11, 2006, 06:59 PM »
After looking at all the pics...

Jerjerrod - Pass, looks a little plain to me.

UGH George Lucas In Stormtrooper Disguise - You've got to be ******** me. POTF2 helmet? UGH is right.

DS Gunner - This looks fantastic! Snap-on armor, SA articulation, pure awesomeness.

VTSC Biker Scout - This looks incredible. SA and a great sculpt. It'll be a llamabitch to find though.

EU Talz Jedi - Like CHEWIE said, this looks better every time I see him. Should be pretty easy to find I think.

Hammerhead - I'll pass, but it still looks great.

Hem Dazon - This looks great! Definite buy.

The rest I'm too lazy to comment on, but the ones I listed above look the best. If the carded pic of ROTS Anakin has the UGH logo on it, and UGH doesn't start 'til May, then I get 2 1/2 months to find Scorch! Yay.

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #78 on: February 11, 2006, 07:20 PM »
Im so glad I looked at those pics.  Now I know that I DON"T need to try to get the stupid chase figures.  They are the same EVERYTHING except silver accents on the package, silver base, silver holo, and a little sticker.  They are even numbered the same.  Avoided a nightmare there.  Thank you Sir Steve!

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #79 on: February 11, 2006, 08:33 PM »
Luke's accessory is the chest that Obi-Wan keeps Anikin's saber in.  Very, very cool.
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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #80 on: February 11, 2006, 08:45 PM »
Yay, new pics!  I agree with Chewie, much to be excited about.

DS Gunner: Nicest surprise.  I didn't expect him to be so cool.

Chirpa: I love him.  Been waiting for him, too.

3-PO: Best 3-PO ever.  Finally.

Jerjerrod: As plain as I thought, but cool.

Lucas Trooper: Hasbro will never live this down.

Endor Han: Looks like he has a a torso joint ala Obi Wan Pilot.  If so, wow.  Coat looks decent.

Scout Trooper: Instant Top 10 All Time.

Luke: Looks a little bulky for some reason, but I love him.

Tusken: Did I just say bulky?  Yikes.  Pass.

Greedo:  Looks way better than I thought, but still, I think I'll have to pass.  I don't feel the need for another.

Hammerhead: The paint job is unreal.  Wow.

Talz Jedi: I loved him before, I LOVE him now.

The purple starfighter... if it's Kit's, I'll just put Mace in it.   :)

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #81 on: February 11, 2006, 08:50 PM »
I was wondering how soon we'd be getting detailed pictures.

I'm lovin' the endor wave. Too bad no tease for the Deathstar wave. :P
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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #82 on: February 11, 2006, 08:58 PM »
If you look closely 3-P0 has the entire ewok throne packaged with him... so I would assume his knees are articulated, or Hasbro really screwed us.

If you look closely at this pic, you can CLEARLY see knee articulation! It's only hinge-styles like G.I.Joes, but knee articulation none-the-less.
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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #83 on: February 12, 2006, 09:01 AM »
I'm impressed with the variety and look of the line overall. I'm shocked at how big it is, they must be planning on surfing the wave of success generated by ROTS for some time.
Maybe the 3 3/4 inch line will have enough success (and some of the spin-offs enough failures) that the line really becomes the focus. Let's face it, if they put out stinkers for regular figures this year, the whole line could have been in trouble with retailers.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #84 on: February 12, 2006, 03:35 PM »
Yeah, someone here said they were ball jointed knees on 3PO - that's clearly not the case.  They are a hinge joint like GI Joe figures.  That's better than nothing though!


Offline Matt

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #85 on: February 12, 2006, 03:42 PM »
Threepio doesn't need ball-jointed knees.  Hinge joints are appropriate to the range of motion the costume displayed in the films (well, except for that CGI rubbish in Clones, anyway).

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #86 on: February 12, 2006, 04:00 PM »
Yeah, someone here said they were ball jointed knees on 3PO - that's clearly not the case.  They are a hinge joint like GI Joe figures.  That's better than nothing though!

Here's a great picture of C-3PO's Knees - definitely just hinge joints, but that is fine with me!   :)

I'm lovin' the endor wave. Too bad no tease for the Deathstar wave. :P

Yeah, too bad there were no teasers for the Naboo wave either - I'm looking forward to the Pod Racer Pilots, hope Ben Quadrineros is one!
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 04:03 PM by Jeff »
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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #87 on: February 12, 2006, 05:04 PM »
My apologies gang, but due to some strange events (like the flu and a 18" snowstorm), we won't be able to send our crew into NYC to cover the event.  After a day of trying to rearrange scedules and make it work, it looks like it's just not going to pan out at this point...  :(
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Offline John C

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #88 on: February 12, 2006, 10:06 PM »
X Wing Luke looks like he has two different articulated arms.  The right arm has the elbow hinge joint and the left looks like it's the cut swivel style.  Not sure WTF they were thinking if that's the case.  It also doesn't look like his knees are articulated.  Again, WTF, Hasbro?!? I hope I'm wrong.

Offline Rune Haako

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Re: 2006 American International Toy Fair
« Reply #89 on: February 12, 2006, 11:08 PM »
You can see in this pic that both elbows are hinge-jointed, they also both swivel. ;D
« Last Edit: February 12, 2006, 11:10 PM by Rune Haako »