Jedi's finer pionts are tough to argue... The Space Battle, the Endor fight... Ewoks, I never got WHY people hated them? I didn't. I loved them. I didn't want to believe any of them died.
Speederbikes, Luke going batshit on Vader, Jabba's Palace/Sarlacc Battle... I probably lean to Jedi over Empire a little though the Battle of Hoth always gets me sucked in. But after that first 45 minutes or so that the battle encompasses I start to drift just slightly. There's obviously lots of greatness, but Jedi keeps me for the entire ride just a little bit more I think.
It's like deciding between Diamonds, Platinum, and Solid Gold though... You're winning regardless.
Then the next three films it's like picking from Silver, a lump of coal, and petrified dog ****.