Author Topic: WTB Kubrick  (Read 4373 times)

Offline Mikey D

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WTB Kubrick
« on: February 15, 2022, 02:22 PM »
After years of not really buying Kubrick, I've been slowly buying things I missed the first time around.  So if you're looking to sell off part of your collection or have extras, hit me up.  I know most of these are not exactly common figures and might be a pipe dream without resorting to ebay, but I figured it was worth a shot.  Not looking to break the bank, but I will pay a fair price.

*Tion Meddon
*AT-ST Driver
*Uncle Owen
*Jorg Sacul (loose or carded)
*Blue Star Snowtrooper (loose or carded)
*Spirit of Yoda (loose or carded)
*Shadow Guard (loose or carded)
*Holo Darth Maul (loose or carded)
*2-1B / B-Wing Pilot / Droids C-3PO / Luke & Yoda / Snowtrooper 5 pack
*Clonetrooper Red / Jango Fett / Padme / Super Battle Droid / TC-14 5 pack
*Darth Maul / Speeder boxset
*Darth Vader / 501st Trooper boxset
Common sense isn't so common