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Messages - JoshEEE

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 14, 2006, 10:40 PM »
Forgive me for being blunt, but it's this  mentality that keeps people like Phillip Wise in business. If nobody bought "jambalaya" from him based on how poorly he treats people, he wouldn't have so much power in the SW collecting hobby.  This stance seems unapologetically selfish, and if you're fine with that, well, great. 

Sounds like a dozen internet petitions I've read over the years.  I suppose if everyone stopped buying gasoline and rode their bikes to work, we wouldn't be paying 3 bucks a gallon.   

The problem is....that's not realistic.  Expecting every member of a huge website to quit simply because the webmaster has been unfair to a handful of members doesn't really wash.   What has he done to me?  I don't have a reason to stop going to Rebelscum, because it's still an incredibly valuable part of my hobby.

And Philip doesn't treat ALL people badly, he just treats the people who repeatedly challenge the rules he sets forth for his site or talk smack about him badly.  Annoying? Sure.  Inhuman?  Hardly.

He's a businessman. So what?  Granted....I'm sure the revenue checks are much smaller, but this site has ads plastered all over the place too.  Am I supposed to believe that JD is somehow more noble because not as many people have discovered it yet?

What's good about JD is the community, but it's still a site with sponsors and ads and moderators and all that good stuff.  It's just smaller.

Rather than hang on to something rotten to the core just because it has more "resources" , why not be part of building something better at any of the other fine sites, like here, GH, Yakface, etc.?

I am a part of all of the other sites. I just don't see how belonging here means I have to hate the other place to fit in. It shouldn't.   I don't think Rebelscum is "rotten to the core".  I think it's actually the reverse, where the core is the best part and it's surrounded by stuff that the experience folks know how to navigate around.

You joined the hater brigade the day you registered over here bub.

I joined JD because several of my favorite folks from days past at RS hang out here.  I didn't join up with the intention of quitting RS (or even bashing it every day). I simply joined with the intention of continuing to socialize with the members I met there who no longer hang out there.

I'd love to hear what those resources are, exactly.

Rebelscum has the traffic.  Everyone goes there.  If I want a question answered, a topic replied to, a classified ad to search....that's generally the place to go. generally means I'm going to deal with some new person I've never talked to, but everyone here was new to me at one time too.  They've usually got the news first (not always, I know), the local folks who I hang around with all call RS their home and every once in awhile, the conversations are still liveliest in Wuher's.

Right before they get deleted.  ;D

For the record, I've TRIED to bring people over here.  I even tried to get the Seattle folks to use the JD "look what I found" section exclusively, because it's secure here.   It fizzled after a week, because we could never convert everyone over.

That's OK though because you can be a member of RS AND JD.  I do it every day.  I think JD is great. I think RS is great.  I never felt the need to choose.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 14, 2006, 04:08 PM »
I'm confused, are you talking about USCwannabe telling people off on the radio show or Philip doing so on his forums with regularity?      The whole get a life quote is seemingly so popular in the Star Wars world. 

Very true.

I'm referring to USC's blog entries on the StarWarsblogs (which I saw and which were reposted to Rebelscum before being deleted by where people were asking "who he was" and "why is he not on the forums?".  He basically flipped out about it.

Yes, I've seen Philip flip out too.  Most recently over the whole Dustin thing.

Personally...I join everyone in wondering why the heck USC was Disqualified.  I just don't share the conspiracy theory that somehow Philip Wise is behind it.  Might as well blame Brians Toys, Scalpers, army builders or some other collector scapegoat icon.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 14, 2006, 03:52 PM »

I myself have never found any of these supposed statements made by USC, just Dustin's crew saying that he said them on myspace, etc.  The only thing I can find is his blog on

The direct quotes were posted in Dustin's campaign thread and the USCwannabe thread at RS.  Then that Star Wars internet radio show (I forget what the name is) interviewed both candidates, and the USCWannabe guy explained why he told everyone to get a life.  I listened to the whole thing and he came across really poorly.  It's not propaganda, it's straight from the horses's mouth (or the horses's ass).  That guy told everyone to get a life, cussed out anyone who had a problem with him....and seemed like he wanted to win the election so he could get some movie industry contacts.

Great for him, but it didn't endear him to me much.  I'm not saying Dustin's underlying reasons were that much better, but ultimately...yes....I think he deserved to win more.  Sue me.

In the national political arena the little guy has no chance, and I consider that somewhat of a crime... only the well connected have any prayer of getting into the race - to represent the people who aren't well connected, whether they're the best for the job or not.

I absolutely agree, however...this was never an election. It was a magazine sales drive, and whoever sold the most subscriptions won.  It wasn't based on merit, speeches, issues, or anything.  It was how many people you could get to buy something.

Dustin did that quite well.....and for the life of me, I have no idea how USCwannabe even competed with the juggernaut of resources behind Dustin.   The real issue here is it looks like he sold more magazines than Dustin, yet somehow got himself disqualified from winning the prize.

How did he cheat?
What did he do?

I REALLY want to know.  

I still don't see how people can find it within themselves to defend that site knowing all the bull**** that goes on there. It is one big slap in the face.

It's just never been a personal thing for me.  They've never done me wrong.  Yes, they've banned some of my friends and I think those actions suck (I also think the community at large is worse off for that), but think of Rebelscum as a restaurant.  In fact, think of them as the infamous "Soup Kitchen" restaurant in New York.  

Several of you guys once agreed that they had the best soup in town.  You used to go there every week.  Now, some folks either broke the rules in the soup store or pissed off the Soup Nazi, and got themselves banned.   Yeah, it sucks cause you're my friends....but darnit, I still want my jambalaya.  

As soon as there's another site that matches the resources of RS, I'll abandon that place and go where my friends all went....but it just hasn't happened, so I just can't join the hater brigade.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 14, 2006, 01:37 AM »
With how much influence and innuendo peddled by the RS presidential camp?

I never said Philip didn't help Dustin get elected.  Rebelscum pimped Dustin every day like a 2 dollar hooker.   I guess the big difference between me and the people complaining is I don't see how that's a crime.  The site he's worked at for years backed his campaign.  No big shocker there.

Where'd the rumors about USC come from?  Smear campaign or truth?

As far as I saw, they came from people on various Star Wars forums who simply posted links directly to things USC wrote (and that he later admitted he wrote on those radio interviews).   No conspiracy there, but I know when I read that stuff....I didn't particularly care much for the guy.   I wondered after listening to him how he got so many people to vote for him.  The only 2 explanations that seemed reasonable were he was buying votes himself, or people who were sick of the Dustin campaign were throwing votes his way.

All that bitching prior to the contest deadline about everything and suddenly the "good guys" win? 

The fact that Philip and Dave bitched about Dustin not being ahead seemed like a brief bit of honesty from those guys.  I've rarely seen the staff over there (save a few moderators) speak their minds blatantly like that, so when they bitched about Dustin being behind, I thought it was funny.  Then again.....I also thought at that point it was lame, because they were preaching "this is all for fun" in one sentence and "This is crap" with the next.

Again...that's not conspiracy, that's just a few guys being up front about how they're pissed they're not winning.  Scroll page to the first few pages of this thread.  Lots of honesty there too.  ;D

Riiiiiiiiight.  Got any bridges to sell Josh?

I don't see how I'm trying to sell anything.  I'm simply saying I don't buy into the whole "Philip is the mastermind behind this whole thing" theory.   If he somehow bent the will of and got them to reverse some public and obvious "election" results, then that guy has clout like I never knew about.

However, the whole "occams razor" thing says the easiest solution is probably the solution.  I'd wager StarWarsShop DQ'd the other guy because of something he said, or something he did.

I'd love to know what that was.

But for the record, yes....if Dustin and Philip somehow blackmailed and Lucasfilm into reversing an election, and somehow that gets discovered.....I will join everyone in being completely floored.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 14, 2006, 12:04 AM »
Hopefully we can get a pretty decent protest organized down at SDCC, to let IDG know that what they've done is wrong - whether it was allowing Phillip to somehow get the results reversed, or whether it's just IDG not explaining whatsoever how said "unofficial results" were so far out of whack, and why it took so long to figure things out.  Regardless, Phillip and Dustin should have nothing to with the Presidency, as they don't represent "the people" one b

So, I had asked this in the RS thread that got deleted, but I was curious if any of the folks who are up in arms about Dustin winning are actually going to the Star Wars panel to stand up and say so when they announce him.  T-shirts and organized protest?  Man...I wish I was going, if only for this panel.  If you guys actually react when he walks out, that's going to be a sight to see.

Personally, I still don't think this is nearly as big a deal as people are making it out to be, and if anyone's to blame for a "conspiracy", it's, not Dustin or Philip.  Ultimately, they chose the guy.

That being said, I still hope you set your digital cameras to record video so that we can all see what goes down. I'm sure it'll be a lot more exciting than the announcements about the newest tweak to the holy trilogy.  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 12, 2006, 03:52 AM »
I will admit to thinking that RS would totally buy 100 subscriptions in the zero hour to make sure Dustin won (then I thought they might give them away or something, contest stylie).....but that didn't seem to be the case. The vote ended with a pretty big gap between the two.

I think the DQ of the mysterious "USCwannabe" probably happened at's request, not because of any "superclout" Phil or any of the Rebelscum guys exerted.

Yes....they assisted Dustin in his campaign big time, but do you really think that Philip made some phone call and said "our boy wins or else"?  I know you guys really hate him, but do you really think he's this Emperor like figure that can demand his man gets elected, "Or else"?

I just can't make the guy out to be that evil.  Or that powerful.  And if by some reason he IS one, the other, or both....I can't see the fan club being bullied into bending to that demand.  It's all too cartoonish and far fetched IMHO.

Perhaps USC's comments in blogs that were reposted everywhere got him DQed.  The stuff I saw was pretty harsh, and if he really wrote they really want him as a spokesman? Even a figurehead?

Perhaps those massive magazine sales of his WERE somehow not quite on the level.  The pace was staggering, especially when you almost never saw people say "I voted for USC".

Perhaps he didn't meet some superset of requirements they had after the fact.  Maybe it turns out he was the wrong age, or had some other background issue.

Or, maybe it's one of the conspiracy theories:

Perhaps someone's theory about him not being a real dude (and just a way to goose the leader along, like a shill bidder on Ebay) was true.    Maybe they just kept us in suspense because Comic Con is next week and that was the plan all along.  To unveil Dustin, the hero to the zero hour.

Perhaps someone at RS DID buy up 100 memberships at 40 bucks a pop that night at midnight, though spending 4 grand just so Dustin could win less than half that in prizes seems excessive to me.  Plus, wouldn't we have seen it in the tally?

Any way you slice it.....I think any shadyness about this whole thing is the fault of and the fan club, not Rebelscum.   Call me an apologist or whatever, but other than spamming the hell out of the front page.....I never saw Dustin do anything shady during the contest, so I can't really see him resorting to some sort of evil deeds afterwards.  What could he REALLY do?  Threaten to take some links off RS?   Would really "bow" to that?

Maybe I don't know the guy, but I just can't see this being some huge scam perpetrated so he could win a trip to a convention he was already going to.  It just doesn't make sense.

Then again, stranger things have happened and I've been wrong a million times before.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 12, 2006, 03:19 AM »
Dustin's OK, but I'd rather see Jeff win. 

If they have the contest again next year, perhaps Jeff can start running earlier and with a little more gusto.  This time around, his campaign was kind of tongue in cheek as opposed to the full court press.

Of course, if they have the contest next year, it would be nice if it wasn't magazine sales that voted the person into office, but genuine VOTES.

Now that could be interesting.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Jeff For Fan Club President!
« on: July 12, 2006, 02:32 AM »
I was away from my PCs all day today, so I guess I missed the fireworks. I still don't understand why everyone is so upset.  Did anyone save the thread?

I mean....did someone say that Dustin cheated or something?  It seemed to me like he ran a huge campaign and I never expected him to lose.  Even when he was behind in votes, I expected him to pull through in the 11th hour with whatever he needed to get over the top.  When the results were never announced, I figured they were just waiting to spring the news at the con.

  The only question mark for me was how did the disqualify the other guy?

Was that ever answered in the thread, or was the whole thing just a flamefest until it got locked and deleted? Sucks I missed it all.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: July 8, 2006, 05:00 PM »
Most everyone they've ever hired to mod there though has been so irresponsible with their "power" that it's no wonder they don't hire new.

Hey now, not everyone;D

Other Collectibles / Re: Gentle Giant Statues
« on: July 7, 2006, 07:38 PM »
Was just coming over here to make sure you guys knew about it. Man, that's one hell of a piece. I had to get it.  I always wished for them to do a color version.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: July 7, 2006, 06:04 PM »
Not really...

It wasn't a politcs thread, it was a current events thread.

Concerning events related to the war on terror. There's not a hotter political topic out there that I can think of.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: July 7, 2006, 05:01 PM »
What, are you new?  ;D

War and Politcal threads have been banned there for years, Just like they are here, and on most Star Wars boards.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: July 5, 2006, 11:04 PM »
Here's a thought.  Why not just ask the guy?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: July 1, 2006, 03:33 PM »
There is nothing MisterK could do to get back into people's good graces shy of spend the next year acting like the opposite of an *******.

That may be true. I was just pointing out I think the desire might be there.  The fact that he constantly reads this site means to me that he is interested in how the folks over here view him.  Maybe he does want to cool down?  Who knows?

As for the comments in the gay thread, I didn't buy them either, but he says he's being genuine.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Super Hero/Comic Book Movies
« on: July 1, 2006, 02:43 PM »

I absolutely hated it, but only because they turned Superman into a creepy stalker and made him a "Baby Daddy".

I've been talking about it all week over at RS, but this movie had the makings of something excellent and was completely torpedoed by whatever jackass writer thought Superman needed some "family issues".

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