Author Topic: CHEWIE's customs updated 06.22.2012  (Read 520779 times)

Offline Phrubruh

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 10.11.2011
« Reply #2715 on: October 23, 2011, 08:34 PM »
That's alot of updates. I like the Rodian Thug the best. Very unique design there. Very mech looking with those boots. I also like the Lady street walkers and the alien street walker. Good stuff there Chewie!
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 10.11.2011
« Reply #2716 on: November 1, 2011, 12:18 PM »
Thanks buddy... now, here's some more!

Emperor Palpatine - The great Sith Master in the early days of the Empire.   As seen in Chapter 32 of The Enloe Chronicles.

As seen in Chapter 32 of the Rykrof Enloe photonovel series.

head - Gentle Giant Bust Up
hood - Vintage Darth Sidious
arms - Vintage Darth Sidious
hands - Vintage Darth Sidious
torso - ROTS Chancellor Palpatine
legs - ROTS Chancellor Palpatine
robe - ROTS Chancellor Palpatine

Mon Calamari Citizen - Just an average Mon Cal, may show up in a photonovel someday but for now is just a background diorama filler guy.  This almost became Freelo in my final photonovel chapter, but I decided against it.

head - ROTS Meena Tills
hands - ROTS Meena Tills
torso - Legacy Saurin
arms - Legacy Saurin
tunic - ROTS Plo Koon
Legs - Legacy Imperial Scanning Crew

Quarren Junk Dealer - He showed up in Chapter 32 of The Enloe Chronicles.

head - Comic Pack Quarren Pilot
hands - Comic Pack Quarren Pilot
torso - TAC Zuckuss
tunic - Comic Pack Ashared Hett
legs - Comic Pack Ashared Hett

Saurin Terrorist - I like this one, if I continue the photonovel series he will show up in it working for the Badoo Corba.

head - Legacy Saurin
hands - Legacy Saurin
scarf - GI JOE POC Dusty
torso - Legacy Concept Ki Adi Mundi
tunic - Legacy Concept Ki Adi Mundi
legs - Legacy Concept Ki Adi Mundi

General Tinte - For a past Yakfinities, Photonovel Characters.  Readers of the Orion Company by Squirepec7 series should recognize this character.  This is my personal take on him.

head - Legacy Plo Koon
torso - Geonosis Arena Coleman Trebor
arms - Geonosis Arena Coleman Trebor
hands - Legacy Plo Koon
legs - Geonosis Arena Coleman Trebor
cape - Legacy K'Kruhk tunic

Quinlan Vos - This was made for Chapter 32 in the Rykrof Enloe photonovel series.

head - Comic Pack Quinlan Vos
torso - Indiana Jones Mola Ram
arms - Indiana Jones Mola Ram
tunic - Evolutions Darth Maul
legs - Evolutions Darth Maul

Tame Heem - This was also made for a past Yakfinities, Photonovel Characters.  Tame Heem has shown up in a lot of chapters in the Rykrof Enloe series, and this customizing contest inspired me to make a new version of him for the next chapter... and a statue of him!  Just something different.  I figure since he's a Senator, he might have lost touch with the everyday citizen and thinks very highly of himself.

Tame Heem
head - POTF2 Hammerhead
torso - Legacy K'kruhk
arms - Legacy K'kruhk
tunic - Legacy K'kruhk
legs - TAC Roron Corrob
robe - ROTS Bail Organa
hands - POTF2 Hammerhead
feet - POTF2 Hammerhead

Tame Heem Statue
head - POTF2 Hammerhead
torso - Gentle Giant Bust Up Royal Guard
hand - POTF2 Hammerhead

Gand Assassin - This guy is paid well by some of the highest level of the Black Sun Crime Syndicate on Coruscant.

head - Legacy Zuckuss
torso - Concept Boba Fett
biceps - TAC Rahm Kota
shoulder armor - TAC Rahm Kota
forearms - Evolutions Mandalore
hands - Legacy Zuckuss
tunic - Concept Ki Adi Mundi
legs - TFU Militia Elite

Rykrof Enloe - Inspired by a pastYakfinities, Photonovel Characters as an in undercover gear.  I ended up liking this design and used him in Chapter 32.

head - SAGA Endor Rebel
scarf - TFU Galen Marek
torso - Legacy Trinto Duaba
arms - TAC Tycho Celchu
gloves - TAC Tycho Celchu
belt - found in fodder box
legs - Concept Starkiller Hero

Terminator Droid - Employed by the Empire to hunt down Jedi.  These droids are disguised as humans, and hunt Jedi under direct orders of Darth Vader.  This was was for a past Yakfinities.

head - BAD Vong Hunter Droid
torso - TFU box set Galen Marek
biceps - TFU box set Galen Marek
forearms - BAD HK Droid
thighs - TFU box set Galen Marek
right shin - TFU box set Galen Marek
left shin - BAD HK Droid
cape - McQuarrie Concept Han Solo

Captain Neelis - An Imperial captain during the early days of the Empire.

head - Legacy Scanning Crew
helmet - Vintage AT-AT Commander
goggles - GI JOE Para Viper
torso - Vintage AT-AT Commander
arms - Vintage AT-AT Commander
hands - Vintage AT-AT Commander
legs - ROTS Count Dooku

The Sleeper - A crossover with Freddy Krueger for a recent Yakfinities Customizing Challenge, Movie Crossovers... this insane killer uses a hand grip claw to tear apart his victims... he has been known to lurk in the shadows of Coruscant's Senatorial District.  Currently, he remains at large... authorities have been shocked to find that most victims have been found slain in their beds while they were sleeping, hence the name given to him by authorities.

head - Legacy Trinto Duabo
hands - Legacy Trinto Duabo
hat - Indiana Jones
torso - Comic Pack Fixer
arms - Comic Pack Fixer
legs - Evolutions Secret Apprentice
claw - ROC Storm Shadow

Abraxas Macabre - This is a bounty hunter hired by the Empire prior to the formation of the Rebel Alliance.  His primary target - the family of Rykrof Enloe.

head - Comic Pack Darth Maul
torso - Evolutions Secret Apprentice
arms - Comic Pack Imperial Knight
hands - Comic Pack Imperial Knight
tunic - Evolutions Secret Apprentice
legs - Evolutions Secret Apprentice
scarf - POC Dreadnock

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 11.01.2011
« Reply #2717 on: March 30, 2012, 12:25 PM »
Here's a few more customs from the past year or so for anyone who might like to see them.

Carnuntum  - This arena combatant is ruthless, and has slaughtered dozens of victims.  He is a fan favorite and ends the lives of his victims at the Arena of the Dead quickly.  This was for a past Yakfinities.

head - ROTS Mustafar Miner
torso - Legacy Quarren Warrior
arms - Legacy Quarren Warrior
hands - Legacy Nikto Gunner
tunic - Evolutions Mandalore
legs - Legacy Nikto Gunner

Ruricius - This arena combatant at the Arena of the Dead is one of the few humans who have managed to survive for more than one match.  He is a skilled warrior, and was once spared execution by Machentius, due to the crowd cheering for Ruricius to be spared.  Machentius respects this human, but vows that once they face off again, the human will face a painful death.  Again, this was for a past Yakfinities.

head - ROTS Senate Guard
torso - Legacy Ak Rev
arms - Legacy Ak Rev
hands - Legacy Malaki
tunic - Legacy Malaki
legs - Legacy Plo Koon

Machentas - This Yakfinities arena combatant was once a Separatist Force user in the early stages of training by Count Dooku.  When the war was lost, he was badly injured and left for dead.  Found by an Imperial probe droid, his life was saved... once recovered, he found himself fighting in the Arena of the Dead.  He is currently the most feared contestant due to his uncanny abilities with a lightsaber and is known to dismember his victims, leaving them to slowly die in agony.

head - Harry Potter figure
hair - Quinlan Vos Tri-Gate Creations
torso - Comic Pack Darth Maul
arms - Comic Pack Darth Maul
legs - Comic Pack Darth Maul

Snivvian Traveler - This is one of the few commission figures that I have done in a while, and probably the last for a while... it's for a Yakface forum member, and later appeared in his photonovel series.  He has alternate outfits.

Green Jumpsuit Version
head - POTJ Zutton
torso - Legacy Willrow Hood
arms - TAC A-Wing Pilot
legs - TAC A-Wing Pilot
gloves - TAC A-Wing Pilot

Casual Gear Version
head - POTJ Zutton
torso - Legacy Willrow Hood
arms - TAC Jango Fett
legs - TAC Jango Fett
belt - TAC Jango Fett
gloves - Legacy Ugnaught

Zeedo Chissis - This is a long lasting character from the Rykrof Enloe series.  I figured he needed an upgrade, so here's a new take on him. 

head - Target Arena Rodian
torso - Vintage Woof
arms - Vintage Woof
tunic - TAC Elis Helrot
legs - Vintage Woof
hands - Target Arena Rodian

Temeluchus - This was my last entry in the Arena Combatant Yakfinities Customizing Challenge.  This guy relies on brute strength and his immense size... he has been recently injured in a contest but proceeded to disembowel his opponent, much to the crowd's delight.

head - Hellboy 2 figure
body - Marvel Hulk Figure
weapon - LOTR figure

Death Troopers - Been wanting to do a couple of these guys for a while now.  Took a lot more work than I expected as I painted the entire armor several coats, which I don't know if was really necessary but I decided to give it a whirl with Testors acrylic white gloss paint. This was more of an experiment than anything for another project.

heads - Palptine figures
helmets - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper
bodies - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper
* One figure uses shins from a ROTS Clone Trooper, I just decided to try it for variety

Freelo - The Mon Calamari from my old photonovel series... this is him several years after the events of Order 66.  I experimented with using a new head (not the Meena Tills head anymore to give him a more mature look).

head - Legacy Mon Calamari Warrior
torso - Legacy Plo Koon
arms - Legacy Plo Koon
hands - Legacy Mon Calamari Warrior
legs - Legacy Plo Koon

Rykrof Enloe - This would be the character several years after the events of Order 66.

head - SAGA Endor Rebel
torso - Vintage Endor Rebel
hands - random human hands
belt - Prince of Persia figure
legs - Prince of Persia figure

Droid Scavenger - This guy finds broken droids, and tries to repair them for profit.

head - SAGA2 Hem Dazon
hands - SAGA2 Hem Dazon
torso - TAC Death Star Trooper
arms - TAC Death Star Trooper
apron - Legacy Ugnaught
legs - Evolutions Secret Apprentice

Moreso Taan - An alien, if I ever create another photonovel series, he'll show up at some point.  Otherwise he's just background diorama filler.  Could actually double as a Jedi survivor on the run, I guess.

head - POTJ Saesee Tiin
hands - Legacy Plo Koon
torso - Comic Pack Ki Adi Mundi
tunic - Comic Pack Ki Adi Mundi
arms - Indiana Jones figure
robes - Indiana Jones figure
legs - Comic Pack Ki Adi Mundi

Tylin Gere - After the Rise of the Empire, Tylin Gere rose to the rank of Imperial Baron, and gained control of the Essex System.  He has always had great ambition and believes he is finally on the path to greatness... since this is to portray this character several years past the end of the Clone Wars, I repainted the head in an attempt to age him some.

head - POTJ Boshek
legs - ROTS Chancellor Palpatine
rest - Legacy Captain Needa

Death Droid - This illegal model droid is used by Baron Tylin Gere in his experiments on the planet Essex.

parts - random droids

Sunneillon Scientists - This trio of alien scientists are from a species well known for their their military skills, but also for their interest in macabre scientific "experiments."  Following the fall of the Republic, they were approached by Imperial Baron Tylin Gere to conduct illegal experiments on sentient beings.  These were made for a past Yakfinities Customizing Challenge.

heads - POTC Sly Moore
rest - Evolutions Padme

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 03.30.2012
« Reply #2718 on: April 2, 2012, 08:48 AM »
Very cool new stuff!  I like the death droid and the gladiators especially.
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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 03.30.2012
« Reply #2719 on: April 4, 2012, 01:37 AM »
Great update Justin! Those scientists are creepy looking. They remind me a lot of THX 1138. The gladiators are fun, I really like the helmet color you chose on them, oddly that is my favorite part about them even. I really like how it looks like a muted steel, it kind of gives it much more of a Roman gladiator type feel. The background aliens all look great too. Great stuff as always!
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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 03.30.2012
« Reply #2720 on: April 4, 2012, 08:54 AM »
What do you use for paint?  I've been using Testors acrylics for years, but the color palette is not great, unless you want flat military or gloss auto colors, and they are getting harder and harder to find.
The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 03.30.2012
« Reply #2721 on: April 24, 2012, 09:51 PM »
Thanks for the nice words guys.  As for the paints, I use mostly Testors acrylics these days but still some Delta Ceramcoat from time to time (on those cheaper paints, with a broader spectrum of colors, you can mix Testors clear with them to make them more durable).

I'll have a lot more customs posted here pretty soon.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 03.30.2012
« Reply #2722 on: April 30, 2012, 05:50 PM »
Here's some more stuff.

Jedi Master Rilo - Just a fan fiction guy, had the parts to I figured I'd make something with them.

head - Vintage Endor Rebel
rest - Evolutions Qui Gon Jinn

Jedi Master Nons Hoja - Another Jedi for the heck of it.

head - POTF2 Greedo
hands - Clone Wars Whorm Loathsom
torso - Evolutions Luke Skywalker
arms - Evolutions Luke Skywalker
legs - Comic Pack Ashared Hett

Zombie Ithorian - I'm having fun with the zombie theme lately, so I wanted to try one of this species.

head - POTF2 Hammerhead
torso - SAGA2 Garindan
biceps - SAGA2 Garindan
forearms - POTF2 Hammerhead
legs - SAGA2 Hammerhead

Zombie Geonosian - I am finding some interest in the CW Geonosians, and realized it's the head sculpts I like on them.  So I bought one to try this out.

head - Clone Wars Geonosian Zombie
rest - SAGA2 Sun Fac

Zombie Imperial Office (male) - Had to give this a shot!

head - BBI figure
guts/ribs - POTJ Amanaman corpse
torso - Legacy Captain Needa
arms - Legacy Captain Needa
hands - Legacy Emperor Palpatine
legs - TAC Death Star Trooper

Zombie Imperial Office (female) - Another zombie... women can be undead too - I think I've met some in real life!

head - Comic Pack Lumiya
guts/ribs - POTJ Amanaman corpse
rest - Comic Pack Deena Shan

Death Troopers - I posted these a couple months ago, but for those that havne't seen them, here they are as they go with the zombie theme.

heads - Palptine figures
helmets - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper
bodies - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper
* One figure uses shins from a ROTS Clone Trooper, I just decided to try it for variety

And for fun... more pics of the zombies in photonovel type images... since I took these, I glossed up the blood so they look more "wet" like they should:

Random Spacer - I know the parts don't go that well together, but I figured this guy can just look like an oddball background guy.

helmet - POTJ BoShek
armor - SAGA2 Death Star Gunner
torso - TAC Luke Skywalker
arms - Legacy Captain Typho
gloves - Legacy Captain Typho
tunic - TAC Luke Skywalker
legs - Comic Pack Bothan

Sauron Assassin - If I make another photonovel series, he might show up as a Badoo Corba terrorist.

head - Legacy Sauron
torso - Vintage Woof
arms - Vintage Woof
hands - Legacy Sauron
tunic - TAC Elis Helrot
legs - Legacy Sauron

Lady of the Night - This is a commission for another forum member.  I believe he's going to swap out the head for a more attractive one for a photonovel he's making.

everything - Comic Pack Camie

Krelos - Some sort of spacer or traveler, I don't know.  Just a background guy I guess.

head - Clone Wars Embo
helmet - Evolutions Rebel Pilot
torso - Legacy Utai
arms - Legacy Utai
legs - Legacy Dresselian Rebel

Multo Worker Droids - I just felt like making soem big/strong droids...

head - Hellboy 2 figure
shoulder conductors - Destroyer Droid cannon tips
rest - Legacy Spacetrooper

Freelo - One of the main characters from The Enloe Chronicles.  This would be Freelo several years after the end of the Clone Wars.

head - Legacy Mon Calamari Warrior
torso - Comic Pack Bothan
arms - Comic Pack Bothan
hands - Legacy Mon Calamari Warrior
legs - Legacy Captain Typho

Kala Mly Shundi - Another primary character from The Enloe Chronicles.  Kala struggled with turning to the Dark Side in the series... should it return, this is a likely outfit for him.

head - SAGA Jedi Youngling
hood - TVC Darth Sidious
torso - TVC Mace Windu
arms - TVS Darth Siduous
hands - TVC Darth Sidious
thighs - TVC Mace Windu
shins - Evolutions Darth Maul
cloak - Evolutions Darth Nihilus

Teltuu Stabo - This Jedi survived Order 66, and if I pick up the series again, he'll look something like this.

head - POTJ Ellors Madak
torso - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi
arms - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi
hands - ROTS Polis Masan
tunic - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi
legs - Evolutions Darth Maul
cloak - Evolutions Darth Nihilus

Rykrof Enloe - The hero of the series... yes, a lightsaber - that would be explained should the series continue.

head - SAGA Endor Rebel
torso - TVC Endor Rebel
arms - TVC Endor Rebel
gloves - TVC Endor Rebel
holster - McQuarrie Luke
legs - Prince of Persia figure
armor - SAGA2 Death Star Gunner
helmet - TFU Rebel Trooper

...more soon, as I have quite a few other customs to show here.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 04.30.2012
« Reply #2723 on: May 29, 2012, 04:20 PM »
More did yousa say??

Mandalorian Armor - All for a commission order... took me almost 5 months to make these.  Sad!

helmets - various Mandalorians
armor - mostly TAC Jango Fett

Imperial BARC Troopers - Part of the commission order.  These were fun to make.

heads - ROTS clones
helmets - custom casted sculpts provided to me
shoulder pads - TAC Sandtroopers
waist tunic - Evolutions Clone Trooper
shoulder tunic - random cloth from fabric store (felt really weird going in there and buying that)

Saurin Jedi - Just kind of like how the parts went together.

head - Legacy Saurin
arms - Legacy Giran
hands - Legacy Saurin
torso - TVC Nikto Jedi
tunic - TVC Nikto Jedi
legs - TVC Nikto Jedi

Tame Heem - From my photovovel series.  I hope to pick back up on the series someday, if so he will appear like this.

head - POTF2 Hammerhead
torso - Legacy K'Kruhk
arms - Legacy K'Kruhk
hands - POTF2 Hammerhead
tunic - Legacy K'Kruhk
legs - TAC Roron Corob
feet - POTF2 Hammerhead
robes - TVC Senate Guard

Zeedo Chissis - Rodian from the Rykrof Enloe series... FINALLY a version of him I think that I like.

head - Target Geonosis Rodian
torso - Legacy Saurin
arms - Legacy Saurin
hands - TVC Woof
legs - Legacy Trinto Duabo

Coruscant Corner Girl - Just for the fun of it.

head - SAGA Aay Vida
hair - Halo figure
torso - Star Trek figure
arms - Star Trek figure
legs - Comic Pack Deliah Blue

Pilos the Oracle - This Dantooine resident was seen briefly in the Rykrof Enloe series - if the series picks back up, he'll be back with this new look.

head - TAC Elis Helrot
torso - TAC Po Nudo
shoulders - Indiana Jones figure
forearms - Evolutions Palpatine
hands - TAC Elis Helrot
tunic - ROTS Count Dooku
legs - Evolutions Palpatine

Tylin Gere - For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - POTJ BoShek
hat - Legacy Captain Needa
armor - TVC AT-AT Commander
rest - TVC Ultimate Battle Pack AT-ST Driver

Zeedo Chissis - Another character that I've made a lot of versions of over the years.  I figured with the customizing contest going on at to go ahead and give this terrorist Rodian one more shot.  I think this is my favorite version so far and will appear in the photonovel series like this.

head - TAC Pax Bonkik
hands - TAC Pax Bonkik
torso - TAC Pax Bonkik
arms - TAC Pax Bonkik
legs - TAC A-Wing Pilot
harness - TVC Ultimate Battle Pack AT-ST Driver

Kala Mly Shundi - I wasn't too happy with my most recent version, so gave this another shot.  Again, for the Rykrof series perhaps but was inspired by a recent Yakfinities.

head - SAGA Jempa
hood - TVC Darth Sidious
arms - TVC Darth Sidious
hands - TVC Darth Sidious
torso - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi
legs - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi

Innoril - Again for a past Yakfinities, and really hope I can get around to making the rest of my photonovel series down the road because I want to finish telling this character's story.  He was a former Jedi, who killed Rykrof Enloe's Jedi mother.

head - Indiana Jones Cemetery Warrior
hands - VSTC Tusken Raider
scarf - TFU Secret Apprentice
rest - Evolutions Mandalore

Issil Muldev  - Smuggler entry a past Yakfinities.

head - Comic Pack Villie
scarf - GI JOE figure
torso - TVC Bom Vimdin
arms - Legacy Trinto Duabo
hands - Captain America Red Skull
belt - TVC Bom Vimdin
legs - TVC Bom Vimdin

Noman - Smuggler entry for a past Yakfinities.

head - TVC Zam Wesell
helmet - TAC Naboo Guard
torso - CW Cad Bane
jacket - CW Cad Bane
arms - McQuarrie Han Solo
hands - McQuarrie Han Solo
legs - TAC Han Solo

Adventure Girl - A couple of commissions... for a fellow forum member.

Version # 1
head - Evolutions Rebel Pilot
torso - TAC Fireside Padme
arms - TAC Fireside Padme
hands - TAC Juno Eclipse
legs - Box Set Juno Eclipse

Version # 2
head - Evolutions Rebel Pilot
torso - TAC McQuarrie Starkiller Hero
arms - Legacy Princess Leia
hands - Evolutions Padme
belt - CW Zombie Geonosian
skirt - ROTS Shaak Ti
legs - TAC McQuarrie Starkiller Hero

Imperial Senators - For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

Senator # 1
head - TVC Nikto Jedi
body - SAGA2 Lushros Dofine
collar - Legacy Bail Organa
hands - TVC Nikto Jedi
staff - Harry Potter figure

Senator # 2
head - TVC Woof
body - SAGA Bail Organa
hands - Comic Pack Duros

Jedi Master Clorri - A surivor of Order 66.  For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - Legacy Princess Leia
torso - Comic Pack Jarael
arms - Comic Pack Bultar Swan
hands - TAC Fireside Padme
tunic - Comic Pack Jarael
skirt - Legacy Wioslea
legs - ROTS Shaak Ti

Jawless Human - Undead human.  For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - TAC Darth Malak
scarf - TAC Elis Helrot
torso - SAGA2 Palpatine
arms - TAC Elis Helrot
hands - Evolutions Darth Sidious

Crimson Walker - Undead Stennes.  For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - Legacy Trinto Duaba
torso - ROTS Crispy Darth Vader
arms - ROTS Crispy Darth Vader/ROTS Obi Wan Kenbobi mix
hand - Army of Darkness figure
thighs - ROTS Crispy Darth Vader
shins - ROTS Sae Sae Tiin

Mother Dearest - Undead Twi'lek.  For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - Captain America Red Skull
head dress - TVC Peasant Padme
tentacles - Evolutions Rebel Pilot
rest - POTC Sly  Moore

Crometheius - Gran terrorist working for the Badoo Corba.  For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - ROTS Ask Aak
cloak - Thor figure
hands - TVC Nikto Jedi
rest - Evolutions Mandalore

Gornod - Advozse terrorist working for the Badoo Corba.  For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - TVC Bom Vimdin
hands - TVC Bom Vimdin
bandolier - CW Embo
rest - TFU Imperial Navy Officer

Josser Enloe - Father of Rykrof Enloe.   For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

jead - SAGA Jan Dodonna
torso - Legacy Agen Kolar
jacket - TAC Jawa
arms - Legacy Agen Kolar
hands - CW Ki Adi Mundi
belt - fodder bin
legs - Legacy Trinto Duaba

Alyssa Enloe - Wife of Rykrof Enloe.   For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - GI JOE Bombstrike
torso - TAC McQuarrie Starkiller hero
arms - TVC Peasant Padme
belt - ROTS Shaak Ti
skirt - CW Shaak Ti
legs - Evolutions Bultar Swan

Tylin Gere - Former friend of Rykrof Enloe, now his mortal enemy.  Known as the "Lord of Conquest" - he is arrogant and self serving.  For the The Enloe Trials photonovel series.

head - POTJ BoShek
hat - Legacy Captain Needa
torso - Legacy Captain Needa
outer jacket - Assassin's Creed figure
arms - Thor figure
outer tunic - Assassin's Creed figure
inner tunic - Legacy Captain Needa
legs - Legacy Captain Needa

Palom - This is a character from the Rykrof Enloe series, who in the upcoming The Enloe Trials will have been working as a smuggler.

head - Evolutions Rebel Pilot
torso - Vintage Endor Rebel
arms - TAC Han Solo
hands - fodder bin
vest - TAC Han Solo
satchel - fodder bin
belt - fodder bin
legs - Deluxe Yavin Tech

Rodian Smuggler - Smuggler who moves illegal weapons during the Galactic Civil War.

head - Target Arena Rodian Jedi
torso - Deluxe Yavin Tech
arms - Deluxe Yavin Tech
hands - Vintage Woof
belt - fodder bin
legs - Legacy Bespin Guard

Gand Smuggler - Smuggler who moves illegal weapons during the Galactic Civil War.  I know his hands aren't accurate, but since he's just background diorama filler, I'm not concerned.  At some point if I run across a spare set of Gand hands, I'll switch them out.

head - Gentle Giant Bust Up
torso - Hellboy figure
arms - Hellboy figure
hands - random Stormtrooper
belt - fodder bin
legs - TAC Zuckuss

Lamproid Hybrid Smuggler - Imperial informant who provides details on weapons being smuggled to the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War.

upper body - Legacy Dice Ibegon
belt - SAGA2 Sun Fac
skirt - ROTS Shaak Ti
legs - SAGA2 Sun Fac

Luke Skywalker - Medieval Knight of Hope, for a past Yakfinities.

head - Evolutions Luke Skywalder
torso - Indiana Jones figure
shoulders - Indiana Jones figure
forearms - Comic Pack Ulic Qel Droma
hands - SDCC Destro
tunic - Indiana Jones figure
legs - Comic Pack Ulic Qel Droma

Obi Wan Kenobi - Medieval Magician, for a past Yakfinities.

head - Narnia figure
hat - Harry Potter line (from Hogwart Castle)
torso - SAGA Emperor Palpatine
bandolier - TAC Rahm Kota
tunic - SAGA Emperor Palpatine
arms - Comic Pack T'ra Saa
hands - ROTS Chancellor Palpatine

Darth Vader - Medieval Knight of Darkness, for a past Yakfinities.

head - fodder bin
hood - Evolutions Darth Nihilus
mask - GI JOE figure
torso - SDCC Destro
shoulder gear - Evolutions Mandalore
arms - SDCC Destro
hands - fodder bin
tunic - SDCC Destro
legs - SDCC Destro
weapon - Iron Man Drone weapon merged with IG Lander Droid weapon

And here are a couple more shots:

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 06.22.2012
« Reply #2724 on: June 22, 2012, 10:43 AM »
Oh my God, another update!!

Undead Imperial Officers - I made both of these a while back, but upgraded their paint jobs.  The blood looks better now, I think.

Female Officer
head - Comic Pack Lumiya
guts/ribs - POTJ Amanaman corpse
rest - Comic Pack Deena Shan

Male Officer
head - BBI figure
guts/ribs - POTJ Amanaman corpse
torso - Legacy Captain Needa
arms - Legacy Captain Needa
hands - Legacy Emperor Palpatine
legs - TAC Death Star Trooper

Corpse and Zombie - I don't mean for the one on the left to be "living" since it's standing without a head, but that would be kind of sick...

Headless Corpse
torso - POTJ Amananan corpse
rest - Army of Darkness figure

Bighead Skeleton
head - POTJ Amanaman staff
torso - Indiana Jones Sallah
arms - Indiana Jones Sallah
hands - fodder bin

Hungry Zombies - These will both certainly show up in the series, I like both of these ones a lot!

Blue Dress Zombie
head - POTJ Amanaman staff
dress - Green Lantern figure
rest - Army of Darkness figure

Chains Zombie
head - Army of Darkness figure
torso - Army of Darkness figure
arms - Army of Darkness figure
legs - TVC Bespin Luke Skywalker
chains - fodder bin

Death Troopers - All for the series.  I had made a couple of these before, but now I think I have enough for the photonovel chapter these will show up in.  Unless I decide to make one more that is just an upper torso "crawler" or something to that effect.

heads - Palptine figures,BBI figure, VOTC Stormtrooper, etc.
helmets - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper, VOTC Stormtrooper,  VSTC Scout Trooper,  etc.
bodies - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper, VOTC Stormtrooper, SAGA Trash Compactor Han Solo, VSTC Scout Trooper, etc.

Sith Reaper - Undead Sith... or a skeleton in robes... who knows.  Depends on which way I take the photonovel series?

head - GI JOE Skeleton
arms - GI JOE Skeleton
tunic - ROTS Luminara Unduli/Evolutions Galen Marek
rest - TVC Darth Sidious

Siriadne - Known as the "Curse" of Dathomir... a former Jedi who fell to Darkness, her discovery on the planet killed her, only to bring her back as a hideous undead beast.  She inhabits a remote island in the eastern hemisphere of the planet, the Nighsisters of Dathomir avoid the area.

head - Army of Darkness figure
torso - TAC Concept General Grievous
arms - Evolutions Darth Sidious
hands - Army of Darkness figure
tunic - Army of Darkness figure
robes - Evolutions Darth Nihilus
thighs - VSTC Tusken Raider
shins - Evolutions Darth Sidious

Phase II Clone Troopers - I have never been happy with Hasbro's latest attempts at this figure, so I went about it my own way - it's not a simple head swap, but is still very easy - Tutorial Here.

head - ROTS # 41 Clone Trooper (phase 2)
body - TVC #45 Clone Trooper (phase 1)

Duros Pilot - Decided to make something in honor of the Customs for a Cause benefit at - I intend to make something else to be auctioned off, as this one I'd like to use as a background character for dioramas/photonovels.

head - Comic Pack Mouse
helmet - CW Obi Wan Kenobi
torso - TAC A-Wing pilot
arms - Hellboy 2 figure
hands - Hellboy 2 figure
legs - TAC A-Wing pilot

Rebel Soldiers - For the Rykrof Enloe photonovel series

Soldier # 1
helmet - TFU Kota Militia
head - SAGA2 Officer Cass
rest - TVC Endor Rebel

Soldier # 2
head - TVC Ackbar
arms - TAC Biggs
hands - ROTS Meena Tills
rest - TVC Endor Rebel

Soldier # 3
head - Comic Pack Janek Sunber
rest - TVC Endor Rebel

Kala Mly Shundi - For the Rykrof Enloe photonovel series, as well as a past Yakfinities, Mirrored Reflections of him as a Light vs. Dark Jedi.

Light Side
hood - TVC Darth Sidious
head - SAGA Jempa
torso - CW Obi Wan Kenobi
tunic - CW Obi Wan Kenobi
arms - CW Obi Wan Kenobi
hands - CW Obi Wan Kenobi
legs - Evolutions Galen Marek

Dark Side
hood - TVC Darth Sidious
head - SAGA Jempa
torso - Legacy Concept Anakin
arms - Legacy Concept Anakin
hands - VSTC Tusken Raider
tunic - Comic Pack Quinlan Vos
legs - Evolutions Darth Maul

Boba Fett - Mirrored Reflection (Medieval version), for a past Yakfinities.

head - ROTS Senate Guard
rest - Prince of Persia figure

R2-D2 & C-3PO - Mirrored Reflection (Medieval versions), for a past Yakfinities.

head - Avatar figure
hands - TAC Han Solo
rest - TVC Peasant Anakin

helmet - CW Embo shield/POTJ FX-7 part
neckwrap - Prince of Persia belt
torso - TVC Darth Sidious
arms - Legacy Jawa
legs - Legacy Zuckuss
feet - TAC Ak Rev

Duros and Pacithip - A couple of aliens who frequent Chalmun's Cantina in Mos Eisley.

Duros Spacer
head - CW Cad Bane
torso - TVC Peasant Anakin
arms - TVC Peasant Anakin
legs - TVC Peasant Anakin
hands - Comic Pack Xizor
jacket - fodder bin
head gear - Evolutions Jango Fett

Pacithip Drinker
head - POTJ Ketwol
torso - SAGA2 Hammerhead
arms - POTJ Ketwol
legs - Legacy Giran

Human and Aqualish - A couple of patrons who like to wet their whistles at the most popular watering hole in Mos Eisley from time to time.

Human Pilot
head - Evolutions Rebel Pilot
torso - Legacy Imperial Technician
arms - Legacy Imperial Technician
legs - TVC Endor Rebel
belt - fodder bin
hands - fodder bin

Aqualish Assassin
head - TVC Ponda Baba
torso - TVC Darth Sidious
arms - TVC Darth Sidious
hands - TVC Ponda Baba
tunic - ROTS Count Dooku
legs - TVC Weequay

Jenny - My take on the lady that Han Solo hits on in the Cantina.

head - Pirates figure
torso - Legacy Beru
arms - Legacy Beru
hands - Pirates figure
tunic - Legacy Beru
skirt - VSTC Tusken Raider

Cantina Spacer - Just figure this looks like a guy you might see walk into the Mos Eisley Cantina.

helmet - Legacy Rum Sleg/fodder mix
torso - SAGA2 Death Star Gunner
arms - CA Hydra Soldier
legs - SAGA2 Death Star Gunner

Obi Wan Kenobi - My take on Kenobi a few years past ROTS... I figure he's been to Mos Eisley and is familiar with the area, and has been in Chalmun's Cantina prior to the events of ANH.

head - TAC Obi Wan Kenobi
torso - TVC Nikto Jedi
arms - TVC Nikto Jedi
hands - fodder bin
legs - TVC Nikto Jedi
tunic - TVC Nikto Jedi/Legacy Agen Kolar mix
hat - POTF2 Luke Skywalker
scarf - TAC Elis Helrot/TAC Rahm Kota

Admiral Tylin Gere - In battle gear... I've toyed around with differnet versions of him for a new look, and I am finally convinced that this will be the custom of him that will be used in the new series the most.

head - POTJ Boshek
torso - ROTS Count Dooku
arms - Indiana Jones German Officer
tunic - TAC Galactic Marine
legs - ROTS Count Dooku
hands - Indiana Jones German Officer
hat - Legacy Captain Needa
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 10:44 AM by CHEWIE »

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 06.22.2012
« Reply #2725 on: June 25, 2012, 08:57 AM »
Great updates!  I like the use of the Prince of Persia figure for the Bob Fett.  Those figures actually had great sculpt quality and articulation.  I wish I would have gotten more of them for customizing.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 06.22.2012
« Reply #2726 on: July 16, 2012, 10:58 AM »
Thanks for the feedback.   :)

And I agree, those POP figures were really, really cool.

Offline Mister Skeezler

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Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 06.22.2012
« Reply #2727 on: July 20, 2012, 02:03 PM »
Man, I'm always a fan of your background Gran figures. Maybe because Ree Yees was my favorite Jabba's palace alien growing up, but yours kick ass!
(Formerly LandotheScoundrel)

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