Great article on your collection. The comments were pretty funny. Too bad there are always people that feel the need to tear someone down just to make their empty lives feel better.
Yeah, I'm not too worried about it. She's a hell of a catch and everything is great.
That's the first time I've seen your collection Rob. It's most impressive! I really like it. I wonder what my collection would look like if I got everything out and put it up in the same style you have. I'm really impressed with the lego sets you have. I've always wanted to collect lego but there isn't enough room to keep them together and on display.
Thanks! The larger legos definitely eat up a lot of space - especially the Falcons. I have the Star Destroyer boxed up because there's no where to put it and it's too wide for the shelves I use.
Have you ever considered getting some custom made cabinets and maybe decorating the room to some star wars planet or star destroyer simular to Wise's room? That will make it look less like a storage room and would really show off the figures. That's something I'm planning for my star wars room during an extensive house remodel. One thing I'm planning is to build a fiber optic star scape ceiling to hang my ships from. I like how you added the rocks for asteroids. It's a great touch.
I've never thought about doing anything custom for this home because a few years from now I'm expecting us to have moved into something bigger. The asteroids actually came from a Hasbro Star Wars commercial shoot I was on a few years ago for the OTC Falcon and TIE Fighter. Afterwards my friend and I asked if we could have them, and they gave us a trash bag full.
Is this room filled to capacity now?
Pretty much. I'm out of wall space and am looking to sell all my carded figures to get some space back, and because I decided that I was all done buying 2 of everything.
Congrats Rob. A great read and loved seeing those images again. 
Thanks sir!