There is a VC312 The Mandalorian (Mines of Mandalore) that came out earlier this year. People were mad that figure was a repack on a new card (it's basically the same Mando as the one that came with the N-1). So, now comes this VC312A Mando, which is VC312 figure with a new jetpack and new hips. They decided to call him VC312A for some reason. Something about it being a tweak of slight upgrade to VC312 Mando.
I think this is the third "A" in TVC.
There was a TROS Sith Trooper that was VC162 that had a VC162A variant at Amazon with extra weapons...
VC162 Sith Trooper [2019]
VC162A Sith Trooper (Armory Pack) [2019]
There is also the recent Salacious Crumb. The version in the new Jabba set is VC66A since they wanted the original from 2011 to keep it's value for folks who have it already from that SDCC Death Star set.
VC66 Salacious Crumb [2011]
VC66A Salacious B. Crumb [2024]