Collectibles > Saga '02-'04

Bail Organa's Stand... Was There More To Come?


Jesse James:
So I'm in the midst of cleaning display dilemma's and things, so I was perusing my AOTC figures and noticed Bail Organa's stand...  again.

It's pretty underrated as far as figure accessories go really and it's got one of the most unique holographic figures ever.  Far cooler than the current pack-ins we're getting in 2006.

Anyway, the stand Bail comes with...  It's part of Palpatine's Office (the holo-communicator table), and has a tab...  Like it was supposed to connect to more of the same.

Anyone else wonder where Hasbro was going with this thing?  It connects to nothing they've made...  It wouldn't even connect to itself if you had two of them.  Was a Palpatine's Office in the works that got fairly far along?  Other figures from the office that didn't get stands maybe?

That stand sticks out to me though, I'm just sorta curious where this was maybe going...  What more could have been in the works, or even partly finished.

It doesn't connect with any ot the 2003 arena pieces?

If I'm not mistaken Wat Tambor's computer has a tab as well. Maybe it was just a mistake, or maybe they do have something lying in the back room that these pieces were supposed to connect to. I don't actually have a loose Bail, I only saw him once or twice at retail. It is something I've been meaning to go back and pick up.

It seems the "hasbro design team" were all working independently when they were coming up with those saga bases. The headless Tusken, Aayla Secura, Bariss Offee, Coleman Trebor and Lars Homestead Padme, all link together or to themselves.

You can chain the Wat Tambor Bases together if you had 9 or 10 laying around that might look cool.

The Secret Ceremony Padme base would look better if you could connect another one like it forming a gentle arc, rather than the bow of a ship.

Bail is left holding his plastic pud with no one in interlock to  :'(

Maybe they could have included a modfied one with Sly Moore

Jesse James:
Yeah I thought Wat's might connect to the Geo Screen Scenes but they wound up having no base...  The Wat one DOES connect to the Arena in some fashion though, I thought...  doesn't it?  I thought someone had pics of that somewhere I dunno.

The Bail one almost makes you think something was planned but scrapped.  Like there were more Senators to come with goofy stands to lock onto Bail's but I dunno.

It doens't lock to anything though Ryan, not that I can see.  Not even itself...  It's like there was  a plan that got axed.

The Wedding Padme one is ok but really a gentle arch instead of the sharp one would have been nice and actually accurate.  It's a cool base but not accurate that's for sure.

Padawan Wagaboodles:
Yeah, most of the stands that came with the Saga figures look like they should form something larger, but for the most part (outside of the 3 arena Jedi figures), they really don't.  I think Wat Tambor not connecting to the War Table was most disappointing.


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