Collectibles > Power of the Jedi

Darth Maul "Final Duel"

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Its funny, this question was asked just a few days ago at Rebelscum.

And that is correct, it has no wrist articulation, and if fun to slice in half.


--- Quote from: Victor_Von_Doom on December 13, 2005, 09:51 PM ---Its funny, this question was asked just a few days ago at Rebelscum.

And that is correct, it has no wrist articulation, and if fun to slice in half.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, the guy who asked was trying find out because I was going to buy it off him. But if it has no joints, forget it.

Clone On Fire:

--- Quote from: jedijaybird on December  7, 2005, 08:16 AM ---Yep, he essentially sux… fun to cleave in two though

--- End quote ---

Yeah after you break him in half at the waist and throw him down the stair well a few times, the coolness of the figure kinda wears thin.

I like to re-create only the scene where Obi-Wan kills Darth Maul with this figure.


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