Collecting > Collections

Master Phruby's Star Wars Office

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Long time since an update. I've installed the new Ikea cabinets in the new Star Wars Office. The table will hold the TV and a collection of classic video game consoles.

I'm also adding shelves above the TV stand.

What I am looking for now is a spice rack type thing to stand the figures in about three or four different levels. Any idea?

Walmart used to have them in their kitchen utensil area...this was like 5-6 years ago

I found four of these at the 99 cent store.

We've emptied the storage unit and brought in the star wars boxes. It may not look like much but I keep everything loose and there are two large containers not shown here. I mostly collect figures and a number of ships.

My son is having a great time playing with the new toys!

This is coming together quite nicely too, Phruby. Great shot of your kid with that big X-Wing. Reminds me of that time we call the 80s :)

I started filling the shelves. Basically the larger areas will have playsets populated with lots of figures. The rest will be rows and rows of the rest of the figures. I keep playing with what goes where. I'm also trying to take inventory and see what parts I'm missing.

"Mom, is it Christmas?"

Below the TV will be an Atari 2600, Colecovision, Dreamcast, PS2, Atari XEGS and Sega CDX. All playable and the computer connects to the TV also.

This is a comissioned piece of art my wife's cousin made for me. His name is Nick Stephens. He did a lot of the miniature work on the indepent movie Henri 2.0. This pannel is one of three he is making for me based on that movie. It's basically one of the ship's panels.


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