Collectibles > The Black Series 6" Figures

6" Black Series Store Finds and Recent Purchases

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I picked up a Republic Commando Sev at Gamestop recently.  I had my monthly power-up rewards and I figured that a $5 discount would soften the blow for a new Black Series figure.

I took advantage of the sales this weekend at GameStop and picked up Republic Commando Fixer.  It's pretty laughable though that a $19 Black Series figure now seems like a good deal.


--- Quote from: Nicklab on November 27, 2022, 12:56 PM ---I took advantage of the sales this weekend at GameStop and picked up Republic Commando Fixer.  It's pretty laughable though that a $19 Black Series figure now seems like a good deal.

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I bought like ten figures from that sale and was thinking what an amazing deal I got spending under $200.   ::)

I got my NED-B from Amazon today.


--- Quote from: Dave on November 30, 2022, 06:19 PM ---I got my NED-B from Amazon today.

--- End quote ---

I got mine too, and it appears they adjusted the price to $23 and change, so that was nice.

Also got Credit Collection Ahsoka from Target and the Halloween WereWookiee from EE.

Definitely a lot hitting right now, hope we don’t see the next wave of figures til 2023.


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