Collectibles > The Black Series 6" Figures
SDCC'14 Exclusive 6" Jabba the Hutt's Throne Room Set
--- Quote from: Jesse James on February 15, 2014, 02:08 PM ---NO Dais for Jabba shown... that jives with what we were told here at JD. However, and I'll put it out there, that a 6" Scale Dais was at the very least, designed/mocked up in some capacity... Too expensive for the assortment, obviously, but the idea is there. :-X :-*
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JTA reporting that Jabba w/ Dais is SDCC exclusive
--- Quote from: Scott on February 15, 2014, 09:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: Jesse James on February 15, 2014, 02:08 PM ---NO Dais for Jabba shown... that jives with what we were told here at JD. However, and I'll put it out there, that a 6" Scale Dais was at the very least, designed/mocked up in some capacity... Too expensive for the assortment, obviously, but the idea is there. :-X :-*
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JTA reporting that Jabba w/ Dais is SDCC exclusive
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... along with Salacious Crumb, too.
Jesse James:
I'm not totally surprised. ;)
Slightly though, at least where it ultimately landed.
There were pretty open hints about it but no one was willing to come right out and say it, which is why I said...
--- Quote from: Jeff on February 15, 2014, 05:45 PM ---There were hints that a Dais/Salacious Crumb type set could come in the future
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Either they got someone to confirm it on the record or they are just willing to risk being wrong and tossing it out there as confirmed.
Jesse James:
Seems like a kind of dick move to make it a SDCC exclusive to me, but then again so does making the Carbo Han one. :-\ I just knew the Dais was mocked up basically, but cost was playing some issue because it's so big and people were already po'd about cost of the basic figures.
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