Multimedia > The Wookiee Arcade Going Nuts Releasing Star Wars Games

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Jesse James:
Ugh I hear you on that...  My gf bought a truck before Christmas, which when you get something old (99) with over 100k on it you know it'll have problems, but I've nicknamed this thing Murphy...  and I do my own work, and with a steep parts discount (better than garage discounts), so I can totally feel your pain there.

At the moment it's apart in the garage while I try figuring out why the alternator is intermittently kicking the battery light on/off.  Electrical probs are always a real joy to track down. 

Murphy strikes again.  ::)

Jesse James:
Oh, and by the by, the X-Wing: Alliance Upgrade Project, is indeed working to modify their modifications for the old original release of the game, so that it will work with GOG's digital download.

That's right folks, if you have the machine for it, hyper detailed graphics and ship models will be available so this game looks much more modern!

Jesse James:
Not GOG, but Steam now has a great May the 4th holiday deal going on...  Really good prices on all these old games.  I'm caving now and buying the Jedi Knight collection, and getting X-Wing: Alliance on sale (Not a fan of XvT anyway, so skipping it).

I think Rogue Squadron is up on Steam, may grab it too while I'm at it.  Always wanted screen caps from it to build that sweet old looking hovertank they have or some of the buildings.

Check It Out!


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