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LFL/Disney Announce New Star Wars Movies from Benioff & Weiss

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I agree there's plenty of fertile ground - and I have a pitch or two I'd love to share with Lucasfilm, as well  :) - and I want to see the franchise grow and take chances.

At the same time like Dave, I'm going through a moment - and maybe that's all it is - where I'm realizing the great balance of what I have loved for my entire life is mostly behind me. The characters are passing, have passed and the future is without them, so far. We do know what the immediate future of the franchise is. It's trilogies and series that do not involve the Skywalkers or saga that we've seen. That's the next 10 years. Maybe there are some anthology films like Obi-Wan on deck we don't know about yet. I'd love to see a Luke movie, a Leia movie, a trilogy in the 30 years between ROTJ and TFA. I'd love to see someone take another swing at the PT era. I want to see the future of Rey and crew.

Separate from that is, as a writer, what I appreciate most in anything is artistic merit. Artistic intent. That's one reason I love TLJ. Love it or hate it - and some of you hate it - it's a Rian Johnson movie. I love that. Some people don't. I've been on the record here before about there needing to be some level of artistic vision and cohesion going forward, or else we're going to continue to have the growing pains we've seen in director dismissals and the like. We're at a point in the franchise and fandom, and to bring in the thread on collecting and making it fun again, where it's fair to ask - what do I want? We all want different things, and that's cool.

This was more coherent in my head, but I'm sick and a little drowsy.


--- Quote from: Darby on February  7, 2018, 02:28 PM ---I'm going through a moment - and maybe that's all it is - where I'm realizing the great balance of what I have loved for my entire life is mostly behind me.
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Geez, between this and Jesse's comment on Twitter ("I’m gonna die without ever seeing every Star Wars film") you guys are doing a great job of bumming me out today...  :-\


--- Quote from: Dave on February  7, 2018, 01:49 PM ---And a Solo heist movie in the vein of an Oceans 11 sounds cool, but if it were an Oceans 11 in the Star Wars universe without any known characters?  I don't think I would really find that any more interesting than an animated Oceans 11 starring tropical fish.
--- End quote ---

**shrugs and throws his freshly-printed copy of "Eleven from the Ocean" screenplay into the trash...** :-[

It's fine to be ambivalent about the future of Star Wars. I've been struggling with those feelings since the Disney purchase as well. I didn't get excited about TFA until maybe Thanksgiving of '15...

As has been expressed, these two new trilogies and any more "a Star Wars story" movies are unknown quantities at this point. It's hard to get excited about a blank page. I can count the "Creator X" announcements that could genuinely excite me on one hand, and I get excited about "movie concepts" only slightly more.

(Not to mention the fact that we've seen more creators dismissed from Disney-era Star Wars movies (or reshot anonymously) than we've seen carried through from beginning to end. It's hard to get excited when tomorrow everyone could get fired.)

I will always love "Star Wars" based on what it has given me. I give movies a fair shake every year, whether Star Wars or not. Some I like, some I don't. Some I love, but I never go into it expecting to love it, I try to let that happen organically, you know?

Jesse James:

--- Quote from: Jeff on February  7, 2018, 03:18 PM ---
--- Quote from: Darby on February  7, 2018, 02:28 PM ---I'm going through a moment - and maybe that's all it is - where I'm realizing the great balance of what I have loved for my entire life is mostly behind me.
--- End quote ---

Geez, between this and Jesse's comment on Twitter ("I’m gonna die without ever seeing every Star Wars film") you guys are doing a great job of bumming me out today...  :-\

--- End quote ---

I had a fogie moment there, yup.  It’s hell to get old but to have it realized that I may never see every Star Wars movie.  Man that just hurt. 😕

I’m happy to always have new Star Wars all the time though.  I’m having fun.  I don’t get the people who aren’t having any fun.  Now that’s depressing!

I Am Sith:
Did anyone catch Igner's comment during the last earnings call?

"...the duo are “focused on a point in time in the Star Wars mythology and taking it from there.”"

Not entirely sure what this means but I'm going to take it to mean it will be related to an already existent aspect of the canon.  I could be wrong in my interpretation, but that's what I'm going to believe until I'm told otherwise.


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