It looks like we've arrived at the Tournament of Champions. Seeing as we don't have a High Republic era, do we want to add this for August? Maybe limit it to the top 5 choices or 10 instead of 20?
Not much input on these polls I guess. We know there is stuff in the pipeline (Indara, Yord, etc) so let's just mix the High Republic stuff into next year somewhere.
I vote we go ahead and kick off the tourney of champions in August and then let that run until Hasbro Pulse Con in September (9/13).
Aug 14 to Sep 13 = Tournament of Champions
Sep 13 = Hasbro Pulse Con pipeline/reveals (give them time to pipeline more stuff to support the Cantina before we jump into another round of wish lists)
Then after that we kick off a new round in October? Or do we re-start a new round in January?