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Forum upgrade?

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I concur!

I throw a few bucks every month via Patreon towards GalkacticHunter to keep Adam's Q&A going, I wouldn't hesitate to do the same here to make sure this forum stays active if you put the option out there.

This place is like a favorite broken-in recliner I can take a break in at the end of the day (or the beginning!) with no surprises.

Yes thanks to Jeff, Jesse, etc. and anyone who posts here. Nice to have a site where, not that everyone agrees, but no one seems to have an agenda and or wants to Troll


--- Quote from: Jeff on August  9, 2019, 11:35 AM ---
--- Quote from: Phrubruh on August  9, 2019, 10:52 AM ---Is there any chance that the forums could be upgraded to something modern in the near future?
--- End quote ---

At this point in time, there is a far greater chance of site closure than site upgrade.

Always in motion is the future, but right now we're a dinosaur site serving dinosaur collectors and we're planning to stay that way until its over.

--- End quote ---
That's sad since that was what was said ten years ago.

Jesse James:
Yeah site upgrades and software improvements/ integration are neither free, nor simple to do with all the migration of stuff, working out the kinks, etc.  Jeff does what he does as best as can be hoped for when there isn’t a massive amount of income coming from anywhere, and time is finite.  It’s kind of a blessing to have a hangout at all (since our forums are sort of still active actually) since I’m sure he’s thought of closing up shop simply from the time consumption aspect and him having an active family and work life.  I know what little I have done has sometimes come at the expensive of time with the family, or a side project I need to do.

I'm not trying to be an ass, I just am one, but none of those upgrades would add to my JD experience anyway. I'm just happy Jeff keeps it going out of the generosity of his heart


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