I'd be happy if they did 2-4 of those sets to help newer collectors fill out their Cantinas and get us some new aliens and much-needed updates. I'd even be fine if each set had 1-2 rereleases (depending on the figure).
I wouldn't be mad if they kept the same format as the Jabba Goon set - 1 repack, 1 resculpt, 2 all-new characters. Feels like a 4-pack like that would be an easy way to get us some of those remaining humans from the Cantina.
Getting this Cantina makes me so happy... though next year my top 20 wishlist is gonna be filled with Cantina dudes... Arleil, Atheloe, Baniss, Lirin, Yerka, Rycar, Swilla, Jenny, Garouf, Tzizvvt.
I’m guessing this is the only place we’ll ever see them after the handwringing over getting them made at all.
I think Greedo and Nabrun are a lock to get re-issued on new cardbacks. The Tonnikas though? That's a tougher guess. For all we know, the only reason LFL finally green-lit them as figures was because there was a promise that they stay locked into this set and this was the only way to get them. I guess time will tell...
Would anyone want to see a Retro Collection Cantina? I remember really liking that playset as a kid.
I went through so many rubber bands on those doors as a kid...