Collectibles > Power of the Jedi

Teebo's Peg Holes

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--- Quote from: Thomas Grey on February 17, 2003, 12:10 AM ---first of all Cberry,
leave your figures carded!!!
--- End quote ---

Wow, Finally some else that leaves his figures on there cards.  I'm not the only one.

Thanks Thomas.

I am guessing that the new Saga Teebo has no foot pegs ethier. Then again, who know's till they get one.

Sorry Chris, I forgot about this thread!  I'll check Teebo out tonight.  I've got both the POTJ and the Saga version, so I'll let you know what mine look like as well...


--- Quote from: Thomas Grey on February 17, 2003, 12:10 AM ---first of all Cberry,
leave your figures carded!!!

second, my Teebo has a total of '0' foot peg holes too. I thought I would find some totally strange difference in the peg hole they hang cards on peg holders with...

so, no idea.

Third, since you opened Teebo, just take a nice power drill and gouge those necessary holes in there!!!

no, really, it is pretty interesting. Wonder if it's the same for the Saga Teebo?

--- End quote ---

This one is for opening. ;) I already had my carded one. I was not thinking AT ALL and did not check the carded one. He has no peg holes either. I assume that the Saga Teebo will not.

I checked both of my Saga Teebos as well as all of the POTJ ones, and NONE of them have any peg holes in the feet.  So there ya' have it.  I have to assume that they're ALL like this, as I've never heard of a variation on him similar to the Commtech Jawa peg hole situation...

I'm picking up the new saga Teebo tomorrow.
Local store has new fig's in so I will post my finding on it.
Not holding my breath though.


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