Collecting > Hey Hasbro!

Enough With The Exclusives Already...

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This Stealth Trooper is a joke right? 

Between this, the Star Wars Shop Wedge, The Comic Con Leia, the Target Lava Vader, the Toys R' Us Holo Yoda, the Star Tours Figures, the Toys R Us Holo Emperor, the Entertainment Earth Clones, the Diamond Comics Bounty Hunter pack, The Target TIE Fighter, The Kaybee ROTS 9 Pack, The K-Mart Jedi Temple Assault Battle Pack, The Entertainment Earth Astromechs, The K-Mart Throne Room Battlepack, the Celebration III Vader, and The Target SA Clone Trooper, the Toys R Us Obi-Wan starfighter, The Toys R Us, Anakin starfighter, the Target Plo Koon Starfighter, The Walmart Early Bird Kit, the Toys R Us Millenium Falcon, the 9 Target Cup and Figure sets, The Toys R Us Hoth Battlepack, and the three Walmart DVD packs, the Kaybe 12" Chewbacca, the Target Anakin and Obi Wan with Fire Bases...

I've gotta say I've had just about enough of these overpriced, Holographed, repainted, and/or resculpted exclusives.   

Please stop.

Amen brotha'

You forgot...

the TRU Anakin Jedi Starfighter, the TRU Obi-Wan Jedi Starfighter, the Target Plo Koon Jedi Starfighter, the TRU RotS box Milennium Falcon, the Wal-Mart Early Bird Kit, the nine Target Cup Sets, the Target Clone Attack Battle 5-pack, Target SA Stealth Clone, Target Mustafar Duel Anakin, Target Mustafar Duel Obi-Wan, EE Droid Set #1, EE Droid Set #2, TRU Hoth Battle Pack, the KB Silver Vader 9-pack, the three Wal-Mart DVD 3-packs and probably a few more others we don't know about yet (or have forgotten about).

I'd agree that it's time for hyperdrive of rehashed/repainted/over-priced exclusives to STOP.


Jeff, I had a few of those and added the rest to my list - what's the Anakin and Obi-wan Mustafar Target thing all about?  I don't recall those ones...

Mister Skeezler:
I agree...this **** is out of hand.


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