Collectibles > Power of the Jedi


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Yep, but until very recently, the “M” stood for “Mud”.

it was a cool figure at the time. but i didn't really need any other wookies... as Chewie is THE wookie.

sold one cheap and traded the other for a bossk and sandtrooper.

but if you plan to reconstruct kashyyyk then by all means make soem wookie customs :D ;)

if you want this fig cheap i'm pretty sure you can get the Invasion of Theed for $7 at waldenbooks.

I think it's a totally cool figure, but bloody ugly.  Really, I do.  I haven't had the heart to open it up, so I'm looking through a mini plastic prison, but the detailing looks cruddy to me.  

Happy to have it, just not that impresssed.

I bought the game for the figure.  I am a MOC completist so I can't bring myself to open him.  But what a great looking figure.  Like Rorworr said, I love Chewy but this fig is awesome.  I wish they would make more wookies and hopefully they will with the release of EP3 because I have been hearing rumors this episode will have a wookie battle scene where Chewy helps out.  I can't wait.  But for all who don't ahve the fig yet, I highly recommend it.


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