Collecting > Toy Reviews

Ephant Mon Review

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Angry Ewok:
After waiting for, well, forever, I finally gave up on retail and my good buddy Wayne sold me a spare Ephant Mon of his. Big thanks to him, of course!

Appearance -
Dead-on to the movie, as far as I can tell. The only complaint I could muster, if I had to name one thing, is that the dagger isn't weathered any. Not a big deal at all, so no complaints. A half-point off because I hate giving perfect scores - just kidding.

Articluation -
Not much was really needed, considering Ephant is a tad sluggish and all. I believe there are 9 points, including the tail, jaw, and wrists. I'm more than happy with the articulation here, whoever sculpted this guy knew what needed to be done - and did it. Point off because I've head that some Ephants topple easily (mine is sturdy as can be), but that point is added right back on because my Ephant has chewing action, hehe!

Pose-ability -
I have no idea how best to grade this portion. Ephant Mon was never seen doing anything except waddling forward. One wouldn't expect Ephant to sit down in a ship's cockpit or anything like that, so I can't really take off points. I'll do it anyway, though - all Ephant Mon can do is stand, which is all he ever did.

Accessory -
A dagger that fits to his belt/thigh, and a cane. Plenty enough for me.

Overall -
I hate not being able to give this guy a worse review. I just hate giving good reviews! This figure is pretty cool for the charactor it portrays. If you don't have an Ephant, don't feel bad, nobody seems to have him - so do like I did and moan and groan about not having an Ephant until someone finally caves to make you shut up.  ;) Final score is -


The ONLY fault I can find is that Ephant doesn’t stand on his own too well (unless it’s just mine). I just didn’t expect a figure of that weight to need a RealStand.

Angry Ewok:
I have no problems whatsoever, try adjusting the tail.

My God, that worked! I now have a perfect Ephant Mon :) Thanks, Brad :)

Angry Ewok:
Glad I could help.  ;)


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