Multimedia > Jocasta's Reading Room
Recent Purchases
I Am Sith:
I made a pretty good purchase on ebay and was getting ready to post it here when I realized that we didn't have a recent purchases thread in the Reading Room. Anyway, just scored the following TPB's in one combined auction:
Infinities - A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi
Dark Times - Volume 1, Volume 2
Empire - Volume 1, Volume 7
Rebellion - Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Knights of the Old Republic - Volume 2, volume 3, volume 4
I already have the Empire Strikes Back Infinities and the Empire tpb's, so if anyone needs them, shoot me a PM and we can work something out.
Some TPBs/GNs I've picked up recently...
Tales Of The Jedi: The Sith War TPB
Star Wars Tales: Volume 1 TPB
I Am Sith:
Picked up Sculpting the Galaxy (regular edition) over the weekend.
Chris Wyman:
Awesome, I love these threads. Hard to believe there wasn't one in this section until now, though.
My recent acquisitions:
Sculpting A Galaxy - Limited Edition
The Clone Wars - The Visual Guide - Limited Collectors Edition
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader
I Am Sith:
--- Quote from: JGordon24 on November 30, 2008, 11:43 PM ---Awesome, I love these threads. Hard to believe there wasn't one in this section until now, though.
My recent acquisitions:
Sculpting A Galaxy - Limited Edition
--- End quote ---
I had a feeling that this thread would get your attention (thinking back to the GH days when you would update almost every day with your comics haul)! Congrats on the LE Sculpting a Galaxy. That's one that I would love to have, but just can't justify the price.
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