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Messages - krade

Pages: [1]

dactillion with rider
cancell with aleevan rider


at-te with 3 clone
general grevious starfighter
swamp speeder
wookie catamaran
droid drop ship
clone turbo tank with 4-troopers
tank droid
padmé's naboo  skiff
palpatine shuttle
tantive IV,do it in a 4 -part,12 inches long with interior playset,each sold separatly with a figure or 2 in each pack,bail organa and yoda,antilles and obi-wan,bail's assistant lady  and a trooper,captain colton and an officier,we should need the cockpit,conference room,the hallway and the escape pod from a new hope
bail organa red speeder


padmé with is sexy blue night dress
anakin vs obi-wan 2-pack with floating platform
exploding grevious with plastic fire
talking super battle droid
polis massan medical droid 2-pack
polis massa amidala with luke and leia

mace windu vs palpatine with a part of office and the broken window
darth sidious vs yoda and senat pod

Pages: [1]