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Messages - aeseven7

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Just wanted to say i LOVE your Commander Krell.  I hadn't seen him before but I just wanted to say the orange used i think fits really well and the poncho/tunic is a GREAT touch!

The weathering is also done just right, not too much but still looks like he got his hands dirty.

well done!

I really like the color scheme on your Mandalorian.  The green and silver work really well together and I really like the kitbashed blaster!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: SWG Mandalorian Commando
« on: January 25, 2006, 04:31 AM »
Thanks for all the feedback guys!

Yup, those are Obi Wan's boots, i always get those two EU figs of qui-gon and Obi-Wan mixed up.  (thanks DD for setting the record straight!)

There really isn't too much to the helmet, just the basic VOTC Fett helmet with the top three sections sculpted on.  I wanted something original yet kind of RC-like:)  I wasn't entirely happy with the helmet until I painted it. . .seems like that's how all my projects are, they look like crap until I get some paint on them, lol.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: SWG Mandalorian Commando
« on: January 24, 2006, 11:00 PM »
I liked the spikes because I figured this is the kinda guy that would be an "All-Terrain" type of commando, and because I really really really wanted to use those boots, lol.

Work has kept me from doing anything custom-related for about 3 months or so now, but I managed to finish this guy that I had been working on 'off and on' as I had the time.

I always thought Jaster Mereel was pretty cool after seeing him in the Jango Fett Open Seasons comics so when I made my Star Wars Galaxies character 'Alencon Mereel', I made him have the same square type marking that Jaster had. I always wanted to make another Mandalorian that was a little more detailed and so this is the end result.

His left shoulder armor has 'MEREEL' painted in Aurebesh. His right shoulder armor has Jaster's chest symbol painted on as a 'nod' to both Jaster and Alencon, haha. I was going to permanantly attach the kama but left it in case I ever wanted to remove it for anything~ I also modified the helmet a bit on the top to give him a more menacing/tough look and replaced the rangefinder with a small light. And because I'm a Republic Commando-a-holic I added a little detail to the normally all-black visor.

Hope you guys like him.

Parts used:

Base figure- VOTC Fett
Boots-POTJ Qui-Gon
Backpack-US Paratrooper from Elite Force
Kama- EVO Clone Commander
Pauldron- ROTS Bacara

Most impressive.

I've seen various 12 inch scale X-Wing's before on eBay but this one is definately the most impressive so far.

I can see the high price (must have been a ton of work), but where on EARTH would you find room for it!?!

*Most impressive thing I've seen is still the huge diorama of the Imperial Shuttlecraft docking in the Death Star from Celebration III.  I just couldn't believe how large it was in person!*

Fantastic job carding the MonCal Dancer and the Sisters look GREAT in the new Saga card (also love that you put them TOgether).  I agree though (in regards to SAGA packaging looking better than rots), I always favored the potc card look over the rots but the new SAGA line has the best of both worlds so to speak!

I'll be carding my Baron Fel in the new Saga cards, glad I held out until the saga ones came along, lol.

ps- This is the first time I've seen your tonnika sisters and i must say FINE job~!  I know how tricky the hair can be and yours turned out great.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: New Community Member - a few customs
« on: January 8, 2006, 04:12 AM »
I too think the concept of a Sith Jawa is a neat idea, lol

My only thoughts that spring to mind is when I think of a Jawa that's gone over to the dark side, I see his face still being black (shadowed) and maybe adding another type of cloak in addition to his regular tatooinian (sp?) attire.  Can't go wrong with layering his cloaks:) 

Also, since Sith are big on technology, I'd also see maybe some sort of advanced breathing filter or even a larger breathing apparatus that was directly implanted onto/into him.

In any case, it's a really cool idea, AND nice work on your clones!

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Complete Frustration...
« on: December 10, 2005, 06:27 AM »

I too recently (4-5 months so maybe not TOO recently lol) upgraded to a newer camera (canon 8 mp) in an effort to improve the quality of the photos of my customs.

At first, out of maybe 10 shots i would take, 4 would actually turn out really well.  I couldnt understand what i was doing wrong i mean i bought the better camera right?  Well my GF who is much more into cameras and the like than me suggested i get a couple different filters since i was primarily using flourescent light ( i know i know, its a no-no but too lazy to get proper lighting hah) and once i started using a FL fliter the pics improved so that roughly 8/10 shots turn out well. 

I dont know if you're able to use different filters but i would try that if its an option.  Otherwise make SURE you have 2 good light sources set-up.  I was able to get some pretty good shots with my old camera (4 mp) with having two quality light sources:) (until they met with an unfortunate end, lol)

And as for uploading them to your computer, i used to do the connect the camera to the computer then transfer the images over routine but opted to try out a memory card usb reader and it's a LOT quicker and not to mention easier:)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Stikfas Skywalker
« on: October 7, 2005, 03:19 PM »
Thats actually pretty cool.  I like the hair on it, fits right in with the Stikfas line of accessories/hair etc.

I've actually wanted to get into customizing Stikfas more, primarily for GI JOE but after seeing this I guess SW would work out pretty good too!

It'd be neat to see a Boba Fett Stikfa.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Say it ain't so!
« on: October 7, 2005, 03:16 PM »
I think Phurby might be referring to me, lol.

He bestowed the honor of Custom Police Sergeant to me over at RS:)

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Say it ain't so!
« on: October 6, 2005, 09:12 PM »
Thanks DD, im honestly not one who likes to argue, lol.

If you're referring to the RC helmets that are on eBay on and off and are 1:1 scale. . .i want one too!  I'm eager to see his "full armor set" when he finishes them!

I may get a helmet eventually tho. . .just not sure which RC i would want it painted as. . .Sev or fixer would be cool!


Thanks, i try my best to NOT sound like a know-it-all but still make my line of thinking as clear as possible.  Any THANK YOU for the compliments!

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Say it ain't so!
« on: October 6, 2005, 06:49 PM »

Please dont misunderstand my meaning of being cheap.  I dont mean ALL customizers are cheap.  What i was applying it to is the customizer that feels that NO custom is worth more than 20-30 bucks top and feels that ANYone who pays more is "crazy."

Customizers in general put a lot into the artform, i myself dump quite a bit into multiples of figures, paints, sculpting mediums, etc etc etc.

I hope you understand what i meant and that i didnt intend for it to come off like you read it, thats my fault for not being more clear:)

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Say it ain't so!
« on: October 6, 2005, 06:11 PM »

No no, it wasnt directed at you.  Its just theres times when i read threads like these that a few people have this underlying tone to their posts that resemble the mentality that i mentioned in my post.

And i can understand having a problem with some peoples BIN prices. . .but  i mean would u have a problem with a good quailty custom (thats been heavily modded with sculpting and has a knock-out paintjob) having a BIN price of $100?

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Say it ain't so!
« on: October 6, 2005, 05:19 PM »
I think sometimes us customizers take for granted the things that other people that aren't so artistically-inclined can't do so well (paint/sculpt/etc).  From our standpoint, of course making something ourselves makes more sense than spending $100+ dollars on some sort of custom on eBay. . .but for the majority of collectors out there that have ZERO artistic ability and have no desire to attempt it. . .it makes perfect sense.

I can definitely see both sides of the argument.  Yes, there are some customs (clones in particular) that sell for around $60-$70 that probably don't warrant that much based purely on the level of detail that went into the custom.  But at the same time, I personally would easily pay $60-80 bucks for a clone that was done by sithfire_30 because its a QUALITY clone. 

Customizers that sell their work for higher amounts of money seem to get slightly "crucified" for it because of two reasons (that I can see):

1.  The customizer criticizing is CHEAP.  It may not be his/her fault but I get the impression that they would not be able to justify spending high amounts of money on ANY custom irregardless of the skill or detail involved.  I myself have commissioned quite a few custom items ranging from paintings to figures and have paid a "hefty" amount for them and so maybe its because of that, that i can understand when some collector pays what they pay for something that is either OOAK, or hand-made etc etc.

2.  The customizer, while not agreeing with people selling customs on eBay, has for whatever personal reasons decided to put a couple up and they have gone for less than what they thought they should (of course comparing them to the customs that went for a lot but they felt did not warrant it).  The truth of the matter is that sometimes a good quality custom won't sell for much because the timing is bad. . .OR there's times where a custom won't sell for much because its. . well. . .a loudy custom.

I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers but I actually started with eBay before knowing about (and joining) any of these forums so I like to think I have a decent understanding of both worlds.

Again, just thinking outloud.

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