Author Topic: *NEW STORY* - Indiana Jones and the Mayan Secret  (Read 4819 times)

Offline Quazar

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*NEW STORY* - Indiana Jones and the Mayan Secret
« on: March 4, 2014, 08:35 PM »
Ah, Jedi Defender.  So sad to see this forum looking like a post-apocalyptic wasteland when you were once so lush, so vibrant, so full of life.

In any event, purely out of sentiment for what you used to be, I present my latest photonovel creation.  :D

This one was for a contest sponsored by  The Indy Cast  - the world's premiere Indiana Jones podcast.

So here's -

"Indiana Jones and the Mayan Secret." 

As part of the rules of the contest, we had to use that title, which was created by contest organizer and uber-customizer, the amazingly talented Ron Hemble.

So here is MY take on "Indiana Jones and the Mayan Secret."  This is just chapter 1.  Unfortunately, I only completed two chapters by the contest's deadline, but I will definitely be finishing this story.  My plan is to try to post one chapter every 2 weeks for the next two months, for four chapters in total.

In any event, I hope you all enjoy this - if there are any of you out there!  ;) 

All the best, 


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