Author Topic: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4  (Read 78953 times)


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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2004, 06:50 PM »
God, I forgot Adi even came with a cloak. I'll brace myself for total Stass suckage.

So that's Coleman sitting there? Why do I have a feeling this is going to be bad news when we see him? He looks tiny.

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2004, 10:31 AM »
I guess I should be thanking Hasbro for saving me so much money this fall.  I'd already decided to pass on the first two TRU Council sets and after seeing these new sets (how strange that the backs of the unseen-to-this-point sets are all you can see in the photo, huh?), I'm going to be passing on them as well.  Hasbro could have really done something special with these four sets, but they instead decided to once again take the cheap and easy way out, hoping that people would go along with the endless rehashes just to get the entire chamber.

Let's just look at this for a second....

SET 1: Eeth Koth (POTJ head on a Mace body)-looks totally ridiculous, even if they did give him "new" arms; Obi-Wan (Episode I Jedi Duel)-he never appeared in this costume in that scene; Plo Koon (Saga)-same action oriented pose but with "new" legs.  Great.

SET 2: Yoda (Episode I/Saga)-laziness, pure and simple; Qui-Gon (Episode I Naboo)-doesn't even have his saber on his belt anymore; Ki-Adi Mundi (Episode I/Saga)-the only one I can forgive since the lower body and legs were all that really needed to be changed

SET 3: Saesee Tiiin (seemingly the Saga version)-action pose with new legs, ala Koon; Anakin (seemingly the POTJ version)-ugh; Stass Allie (probably Adi Gallia with new legs and lower body)-knowing Hasbro they'll just give the head a new paint job

SET 4: Shaak Ti (the Saga upper torso with new lower torso)-the biggest cop out of the entire series; Coleman Trebor (we can't even see him clearly); Adi Gallia (more than likely just a straight rehash of the Episode I figure)

Out of that entire list, there is not one single new figure in the bunch.  Most of them are either from a time when the sculpts weren't as good as they are now (Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Yoda), or they are really inappropriately posed for characters who are supposed to be pensive.  

Kudos Hasbro, you never fail to disappoint me, and you'd think I would know better by this point.

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2004, 01:41 PM »
The set looks really nice put together.  I'm curious about a couple of things:

First, which Saesee Tiin did they use?  I'm sincerely hoping it's the Clone Wars sculpt with articulated legs, no gloves and intact horn.  That's a great figure, and this would prove to be a definitive version of the character.

Coleman Trebor seems to be in the dark.  Perhaps intentionally.  Only time will tell on this one.

Then there's the Stass Allie/Adi Gallia issue.  I think Adi Gallia is the seated one, and Stass Allie is standing.  This would be good since we already have a standing Adi Gallia, and I don't recall seeing Stass Allie actually in the Jedi Council chamber.  This is a wait and see situation for me.
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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #33 on: June 1, 2004, 10:00 AM »
Although some of these figures are basically repacks, I really like how the whole set looks put together.  I usually don't get overly excited about prequel stuff anymore, but the Jedi (and council) were one of my favorite things out of the PT so far, and I think it would be really nice to have the circle on display.  I'll be trying to pick these up, but it could get pricey by the time the "circle is complete".

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #34 on: June 1, 2004, 10:35 AM »
I'm wondering if that's actually Agen Kolar instead of Coleman Trebor

Makes no sense though (since Agen was not on the Council), but it sure doesn't look like Coleman and it does sorta look like Agen/Eeth

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #35 on: June 1, 2004, 11:02 AM »

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #36 on: June 1, 2004, 11:42 AM »
I'm going to reluctantly pick these up...the whole set is too cool to pass up even though the figures are rehashed garbage

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #37 on: June 1, 2004, 12:43 PM »
Did I miss something here?  Are the center pieces included with the new 3-packs?  If so, were they included in the first 2 that have come out?  If so, mine never had them.  Anyone else?

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #38 on: June 1, 2004, 12:57 PM » center piece will be with the Yoda set while the other will presumably be in the third Wave of 2 (Shaak and Saesee sets)

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #39 on: June 1, 2004, 01:40 PM »
Thanks Scott ;D

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #40 on: June 1, 2004, 02:04 PM »
Going WAYYYYY back to when the lists first popped up:

3-3/4" Jedi Council Scene I Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Adi Mundi (March 2004)
3-3/4" Jedi Council Scene II Obi Wan, Plo Kloon, Ickath (May 2004)
3-3/4" Jedi Council Scene III Shaak Ti, Chema, Sta Sta (July 2004)
3-3/4" Jedi Council Scene IV Anakin, Sae Sae, Adegalia (September 2004)

Obviously, the dates are wrong, but they are coming out.

For #2, the de-coders were right and "Ickath" does equal Eeth Koth.

For #4, from the picture of the whole set, I'd still have to go with the seated figure in the picture being Adi Gallia, while the Standing figure in Set #3 is a Stass Allie rehashed out of the Ep1 Adi figure.

In set #3, Hasbro will probably give us an Ep1 Adi and just call her Stass Alliee with no changes at all. :(   I expect nothing more from the Big H in these days of OTC repack madness.  The picture of the cloak seems to strengthen that guess.

So, I guess the debate then will be whether "Chema" is Coleman Trebor or Agen Kolar.  Hmmm... from the picture, he looks too small to be Coleman, but I'm not sure.  It sure would be a lot cheaper for Hasbro to just pack out another seated Eeth Koth and renanme him Agen.

Since this is the "Era of Cheapness" aka The "Anti-PotJ", I will fall in line with those who think it's Agen Kolar, simply because that is the cheapest option for Hasbro, and that seems to be the popular choice for them lately...

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #41 on: June 2, 2004, 09:58 AM » has a new feature up on the Jedi Council set 1, along with this picture:

Larger Jedi Council Picture

Looks like a pony tail on the unidentified figure...  looks more and more like Agen Kolar to me.

So, 4 "new" sets = 12 figures.

4x Ep1 repacks (Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, Qui-Gon)
6x kit-bashed monsters - old torso, new legs (Ki, Plo, Eeth, Adi, Shaak, Saesee)
2x recycled junk (Stass Allie & Agen Kolar)

Is this good a good thing?  


I guess I am not surprised that Stass Allie and Agen are being cranked out based on old sculpts since this is the Era of Recycling as Hasbro.

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #42 on: June 3, 2004, 10:47 AM »
GH has a preview of the Second Set

Looks awful

Not sure I want to buy these anymore ::)

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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #43 on: June 3, 2004, 12:16 PM »
I'll get these in a year when they go on sale, just like how I got the first two jedi council sets. kb had them for $8 each a couple months ago so I picked them up.  I like the council set and will eventually get them all ( I hope) eventhough some of the rehashed ep1 figs aren't in themselves intersting. But it'll be a nice display set.
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Re: Jedi Council sets 3 & 4
« Reply #44 on: June 3, 2004, 02:33 PM »
I'm thrilled with the "playset portion" of the sets they're giving us, so we can finally have a complete council, including it's chairs and entire floor.  But the figures totally suck.  That further sucks because I can't customize very well.  I don't need all those standing figures, and the Jedi that weren't ever sitting in the council.  Just give me some nice, and accurate, seated council members.  That's all I ask.  Stupid Hasbro.   >:(