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Messages - Sprry75

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Movie
« on: April 5, 2011, 10:20 PM »
Yeah, I have no problem if they dump Heavy Duty and Breaker (though I liked Scarlett and hope she returns) and add anyother Joes; I just don't want some sort of retconned alternative history.  I'd go nuts if they had Beachhead, Stalker, Recondo, Shipwreck and Dusty in addition to the ones you mentioned, Chew.  I love the idea of the Dreadnoks.

I really just want the character designs to look like this.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Movie
« on: April 4, 2011, 11:02 PM »
Holy **** this is looking baaaaaaaad.

Even if it isn't Cross-Country, who the **** is "Cross?"  Don't make up new characters, use the real ones.  And don't change them, use them as they were (more or less).

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Walmart "New" TIE Bomber
« on: April 4, 2011, 08:10 AM »
I went to a Wal-Mart that I hadn't been before that's within reasonable driving distance (which is less and less due to gas prices), and found 9 of these TIE Bombers on the clearance aisle...for $39 each.  :P

In the grand tradition of Wal-Mart I expect them to remain that price each time I go back, until one day they disappear with never sign of being marked down.

That's like my Wal-Mart.  Everything in the clearance aisle has a new red clearance tag with the item's original price.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:27 PM »
I haven't really been keeping track of what is in what wave since I've had such lousy luck lately, but today I hit pay dirt at a grocery store that has Vintage selling for $7.99, plus had 25% off action figures.  So I got each of these for $5.99:

Weequay - I like him.  Cool head.

General Lando - Pretty cool, but that soft goods cape is a piece of ****.  I swapped it for the plastic cape from the earlier release (can't even remember which line that was in...OTC?) and it looks pretty good.

Dagobah Luke - Holy crap, this might be my favorite figure ever.  It's amazing.  FINALLY a perfect Luke likeness.  Such a cool figure, I love it.

Fi-Ek Sirch - He's quite an upgrade from the AOTC statute.  Nice fabric for the robe and great detail on the head.

Peasant Anakin - Mmmm...not quite as good as I'd hoped, but not bad.

Mace Windu - Mmmm...not quite as good as I'd hoped either, but still better than any other Maces released to date.

Zam Wessel - Really nice surprise.  Chock full of accessories and detail.  Stunning paint job on mine for once.

Rebel Commando - I'd been passing on this guy forever, but for $5.99 he was worth it.  I wish I didn't already have 20 Endor troops from various releases so I could just stalk up on this version.

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Renegades - Cartoon Series
« on: March 26, 2011, 10:04 AM »
I really like Renegades.  This bums me out.

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra (POC)
« on: March 20, 2011, 11:04 PM »
What is the point of those little flipper things that Beachhead comes with?

Joe Defender / Re: Hasbro GI Joe Q&A
« on: March 20, 2011, 10:38 AM »
I don't know when QnA's are going to start happening again but I thought of one.

I just picked up my second G.I. JOE DESTRO Weapons Supplier figure and I love everything about him, especially the case full of money!  Being that Destro is always wheeling and dealing weapons making money, I think it would be a good idea to include this case full of money accessory with every Destro you make from here on out.  I wanna army build phat stacks of cash, and from what I am hearing in the collecting community other do to.  Any chance of seeing this accessory used more in the future?  It really doesn't have to be with Destro only, that suggestion just makes the most sense.

At the risk of veering way off topic, Marauders has a bunch of new briefcase accessories.  Doesn't look like any have the removable cash, but some are pretty cool.  My order hasn't arrived yet but when it does I'll update.

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra (POC)
« on: March 12, 2011, 03:45 PM »
No figure is worth forty bucks by itself, but is the club membership worth it?  What is really included?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Movie
« on: March 6, 2011, 08:39 AM »
But for ****'s sake, get rid of Tatum and find someone who is actually a Joe fan to consult on the script.

That's the best thing the sequel has going for it, it is being written by Zombieland screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.  The first movie Wernick made was a stop motion GI Joe movie when he was a kid, and Reese has said, "we're not allowed to talk about what the movie's about, but just know that we have a deep affection for GI Joe and that we'll bring our absolute best to it."

Additionally, although director John Chu's track record is almost exclusively ****** films that I wouldn't watch if you paid me, but I think he's got the right idea:

[G.I.] Joe, to me, is iconic. It is as American as Coke and the Boy Scouts. To have that kind of history in a brand is so rare these days. And that is so powerful. So you can’t treat Joe like its just another action movie. You can’t treat Joe as just another petty commercial movie. Joe has history. Joe has always been a part of what America is, and now the world. What it means to be a leader and a hero. For me, it is about the fun stuff like Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes, and all the gadgets. All of that stuff. But it has heart. Its heart is what America, and what heroes and leaders around the world, strive to be. I think that is what the brand needs. It needs the respect to be treated in that way.

If Tatum is returning, then I hope it's just so they can kill him off early on.  Nichols is hot, but I can take or leave her.  Sienna Miller was great as the Baroness, but they screwed up that character so bad I won't miss her.

Joe Defender / Re: Hasbro GI Joe Q&A
« on: March 5, 2011, 09:03 PM »
I don't know what kind of response that would get, but I agree, the suitcase of cash is one of the best accessories ever.  I'd love a couple more.

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra
« on: March 4, 2011, 08:59 AM »
Here's the Lava Pod (the vehicle itself is lame but the Volcano Viper is cool):

Here's the Tiger Claw (he's a total parts-mutt, but it's the best Leatherneck they've made so far):

Here is the Polar Sharc with some generic snow guy ("Ice Storm"?) but I am a sucker for snow guys:

There is also a Desert Rockslide with Dusty out there, but I haven't seen one yet:

I think it looks like crap, but I'd get it just to get the web gear for my 25th Dusty and to use the head for customizing the protagonist in my forthcoming photonovel about dirty sanchezes gone awry.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Superman - Man of Steel
« on: March 3, 2011, 10:22 PM »
She's doing mom roles, huh?

Christ, I'm old.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: March 3, 2011, 10:22 PM »
If they're going to do it, do it with style like they did with the TV Movie sequel to Gone With The Wind.   ::)

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra
« on: March 3, 2011, 10:20 PM »
Found the Lava Pod, Tiger Claw, and Polar Sharc at Ross today.  That store rules.

Joe Defender / Re: SDCC Starscream/Cobra Commander
« on: February 19, 2011, 07:53 PM »
Somewhere I heard that the SkyStriker would only seat one pilot, but that cockpit looks like there's room for two.  Anybody know for sure what the deal is?

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