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Messages - EdSolo

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Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow - Vintage eBay Auctions
« on: January 10, 2025, 06:36 AM »
Or, better yet, he sells the house to the person who buys the collection.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Acolyte (Disney+)
« on: January 9, 2025, 07:07 AM »
I honestly think this one is better than Skeleton Crew.  I have a feeling both are going to have the same let down of an ending.

The biggest problem with Acolyte is they basically lied to us as to what the show was about.  It was supposed to be about the Sith, which seemed quite incidental to the plot.  It did show the arrogance of the Jedi and showed how Palpatine was able to bring them to ruin.

I guess we have to assume Vestara didn't say anything of significance to Yoda, otherwise, Yoda kept the existence of the Sith hidden from the rest of the Jedi.

My guess is that some of this will get told through the books/comics since that is where Vestara came from.  I'm terribly behind on the books so I'm still only in the second chunk of High Republic stuff currently.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow - Vintage eBay Auctions
« on: January 9, 2025, 07:00 AM »
Just assembling all the mail away offers had to take some time and money, and he said he was still missing a half dozen or so of those.  I have seen random figures in Kenner baggies up for sale, but I don't think I have ever seen anyone selling a complete mail away set with the box and everything.

You have to wonder what he is going to do with the house now that he is selling.  Complete basement remodel?  Sell it and move? 

I wonder if he also has a G.I. Joe video as well.  I would love to see the display with multiple US Flagg boxes if there were variants of that set.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow - Vintage eBay Auctions
« on: January 8, 2025, 07:38 AM »
That is nuts.  I can't even imagine the amount of money spent.  I'm a little curious to why he is selling.

I haven't even begun to attempt to finish my last 17 figures, let alone ewoks or droids.  I just wanted a full loose collection with major variants.  Blows my mind looking at the total variants collection he has.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything eBay! Scams, questions, etc...
« on: December 20, 2024, 08:10 AM »
USPS can be a pain.  Only experience was with an international shipment on a MR item.  Acrylic cover got damaged in transit.  USPS refused to do anything because buyer didn't take the item back to his post office to document the damage even though he had sent me the pictures which I then sent to USPS.  We had to go round and round with USPS for at least a month until they finally paid the insurance, which buyer had paid for to insure for purchase price.

I don't bother with ebay for selling any more.  I have found FB marketplace to be much easier.  I have sold everything from a few Hasbro figures up to more expensive MR items.  Haven't had any troubles.

At this point, it feels like you almost need to take a video of you packing the item in a box, sealing it, and putting the label on it for shipping.  At the very least, you have the the receipt that shows shipping zip code and weight of the package so he can't say you shipped an empty box.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2025 Kenner Retro Collection ANH Wave
« on: December 10, 2024, 06:37 AM »
I won't be surprised if they do an update based on the rest of the wave.  Every other figure wasn't made in the original line.  They could then later do the regular Walrus man in another wave with Hammerhead and Snaggletooth.  Throw in a few of the other first 20, and you have another ANH 6 pack.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: September 6, 2024, 06:31 AM »
The next SS figure is up for preorder.  He is doing Yarna.  Two different versions, one with cloth skirt and one with plastic skirt.

1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / Re: 1/6 Sideshow Greedo (2024)
« on: September 4, 2024, 06:16 AM »
I'm surprised they hadn't done Greedo before.  They had a bunch of Cantina stuff when they started years ago.  Based on the pictures, it looks like this is just the beginning with the "collect them all picture".  I still can't believe they started these figures off at a price point of $55 based on what they charge now, or even ten years ago.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: August 28, 2024, 06:15 AM »
In a move that will shock no one, TFSB website has now disappeared.  I guess we wait and see if he comes back with another "update" in the future.

It has been delayed for several years in a row at this point.  The new rules are completely ridiculous.  My biggest question is how to you prove base value?  Who has receipts from 20 years ago?  I have been keeping an envelope of shipping receipts every year, only to throw them out when I never receive a 1099 from paypal.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: July 26, 2024, 06:43 AM »
I think it really depends on how many they get in at a time.  They go in order that the orders come in.  They do all preorders before listing the items as in stock.  Generally, I think the figures come in batches from the factory so it is possible preorders will go out in multiple batches.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: July 19, 2024, 07:05 AM »
They sent mine along with the new R4 droid.  Can't believe I am mostly caught up with SS.  Just missing a couple R2 units and some protocol droids.  I passed on items that were remakes of existing vintage items, hoping to get the real deal some day.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Acolyte (Disney+)
« on: July 17, 2024, 07:17 AM »
Knowing Disney, they will probably leave this completely open and drop it like a hot rock.  However, they left a ton of questions to be answered.  I think we were robbed of an after credits sequence that could have named a certain character that seems to have made a brief cameo.

In other lore, I can't believe it took me this long to actually identify the green jedi.  She was in several of the High Republic novels and comics.  She even makes her lightwhip in one of them and hides it from the council because she is worried they wouldn't approve.  She was knighted at age 15 and took on her own padawan at age 16.  They say she is 115 in Acolyte so the original High Republic stuff is 100 years before the show.  I'm so far behind in my reading.  Part 2 of High Republic goes even further back in the timeline.

At this point, we have to have a continuation, or they just wasted our time.  They could have at least had Osha ask her new master what to call him with a reply of you can call me Darth whatever.  At least the entire kill a jedi without a weapon storyline had a payoff.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Acolyte (Disney+)
« on: July 15, 2024, 07:15 AM »
If they don't have a named Sith Lord in the last episode, this will be a gigantic failure.  At this point, they have skated around the "Sith have been extinct for a millennia".  I suppose events haven't been reported to Council.  "Darth Teeth" seems to be a lot more powerful than a Knight of Ren.  I would certainly say he seems stronger than Darth Maul or at least TPM Darth Maul.  I have no problems with him kicking the crap out of the Jedi.  You have to remember the Jedi have become quite arrogant by this time.  This series ties in well with the High Republic stuff.  The Jedi's arrogance has blinded them to threats against the Republic.

I keep wondering if the green Jedi woman is Sith.  They could obviously hide in plain sight based on the prequels, but I wonder if they would go as far to plant themselves in the temple.  I also keep going back to the "I have no name" line.  I was thinking, sure you do, your master gave you a name.  However, I wonder if he is just repeating what has been done to him.  He has put Mae on a quest of revenge, that she must kill a Jedi without a weapon.  We haven't seen a lot of canonical Sith lore, but one of things explored in the post Disney comics, is that a Sith must kill a Jedi and take their saber kyber crystal to bleed it into a red crystal to make their Sith lightsaber.  I wonder if Teeth's master has been doing this to him and thus he was passing some of this on to Mae.

What I have wanted in Star Wars for quite some time, is a canonical Sith lineage from Bane to Sidious.  This show could fill in part of that.  This could be a way of showing the apprentice trying to take over from the master.  That Teeth is the acolyte of the apprentice and is recruited to help him kill the master.  I like the James Luceno Plaqueis novel, but the one thing that surprised me is that Plaquis was still the master going into the events of TPM.  I figured Sidious had been the master for some time by then.  It also made it seem like Maul really wasn't a Sith.  His birth name was Maul and Sidious just gave him the title of Darth while Plagueis was still alive.  Hence why I want a lineage.  I think it could be done via novels and comics for the most part.

We will see where this ends up on Tuesday, but it better not be another flashback episode.  I'm expecting a Sith Lord in their full power kicking someone's butt.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: July 15, 2024, 06:50 AM »
Stan Solo R4-E1 is shipping for those who pre-ordered.  Toninka sisters shouldn't be too far behind.  I think that will catch up on everything he had up.  Waiting to see what new items pop up.

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