Author Topic: Star Wars Celebration III: Indianapolis  (Read 119272 times)

Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2003, 09:25 PM »

I went with the G/F last time, and I'm sure she'll be going along again in 2005.  :) We're also trying to convince our local Star Wars group members to go, as well as some close friends.

Last time, as some of you may know, I took the train instead of flying. A cross county train trip is quite a lot of fun. For about half the price of a first class plane ticket, you can have your own little room on the train, with beds, a shower, etc, etc..3 meals a day included, and not a care in the world. We did that round trip for C2, but this time I'd think about doing it one way and flying back. If I could get a bunch of friends together on that train, it would be a pretty awesome trip.  :)
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2003, 05:59 AM »
I took a road trip with a friend out to C2.  From NY, it was about 11 hours driving.  I also drove out to Wizard World Chicago this past summer.  That was even longer.  And after that, I'm all for flying out to C3.  I'd rather get the travelling over with quick and easy.
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Offline Vator

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2003, 11:09 AM »
Well,me and my family drove up from SC.Ohh yeah,thats a joy.It was actually pretty good until we got up into Kentuky.We were just short of London when we got caught in a supercell thunderstorm,hail about the size of golfballs,lots of cloud to ground lightning,and a wall cloud with a little ropey funnel at the end.We made it through ok,but the just as we passed through London,the car next to us slammed into the median and flipped over.Well,see my dad is a doctor and he had to get out and go check on them.Well,an hour later we were on our way.(The people didn't even get scratched,BTW)Well,we statred running low on gas about 10 miles outside of Lexington,and man,did it start to rain,absoloutly no visibility.
Somehow we made it to the gas station, got some snacks,and were on our way.Now for somereason we took the Cincinatti route,well,that is a VERY
boring route,nothing but farms for 100 miles.
At about 6:00 CST me arrived in Indianapolis,got some subway and went to our hotel.
As we were getting out of the car,my sister was ''attacked'' by a bumble bee,and THAWK!I was blindsided by her into one of those god foresaken prickly bushes.To make matters worse I lost a lense from my glasses in that bush.While she was forced to look for it,I went in the hotel lobby.Some other SW fans told me that ROTJ was coming on soon,so I decided to fix my glasses,take a shower and come back down.
It was pretty cool,we ate some donuts and pizza,talked spoilers(I wasn't very helpful in that regard)and watched ROTJ.Eventually the topic turned to collecting and I showed them the variation on the super battle droid.
Not long after a big triumphant scalper dude showed off his latest scores R4-M9,Teebo and Lama Su.He offerd to sell them for $50 each.I turned him down,knowing that I could get a better deal at the con.I offered to show him the SBD variation(the part with the variation was in my pocket)to which he and his scalper buddies proceeded to have a good laugh because,''Hey,I've got some droids in my pants I'd like to show you,''.Not cool,I was only 12.
Well,after a while I started talking to this girl form Boston about the EU.And then around 10 everyone went to bed.

The next day,was my first convention going expirenece.Wow,those lines were long.So 3 hours later,I'm in the dealers room getting some new figs.Then I went to see The Star Wars Trilogy in 30 min.Then I got picked up and spent the rest of the day with my family.

Saturday I did pretty much the same thing,well other than chatting it up with people at the Galactic Battlegrounds area(I spen the better part of the weekend there actually)

On Sunday we left and got home 11hrs later.All in all,a good expirence.I know that in 05 a couple of my local friends are going and were probably going to stay at the same hotel.Should be fun,and I look foward to meeting many of you at Celebration 3.
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline Snively Bandar

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #33 on: January 9, 2004, 04:59 PM »
Still no confirmation on this, right?  I thought I read somewhere that they'd be announcing it by now.

So where's the Jedidefender hotel going to be?   8)

Offline Vator

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #34 on: January 9, 2004, 05:45 PM »
Yeah,we should have a contest,or something.

I have a few ideas,but I'll hold those off for a little.
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline Boba Binks

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2004, 09:40 AM »
Well according to many in Indy. The various hotels downtwon for this weekend of C3 are starting to fill up. I am not sure if this confirms C3 in Indy or not maybe there is another big event.

I will try to find out some info. I have a friend who works at the Convention Center. Maybe she can ask and confirm C3 for us.
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Offline BidderFett

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2004, 02:02 PM »
Any other Canadians planning on going?
Maybe you can pick me up on the way,
I'm only an 18 hour drive from nowhere!  :P
Maybe Brent can swing by with the dogsled?

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2004, 10:44 PM »
I could do that.  Though there is a rumour we're going to get an airport and I could actually fly there.  I'll believe that when I see it though.
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Offline Mainland05

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2004, 11:00 AM »
count me in, i am definetly going to Celebration 3, it is the last SW film, everyone has to go!! But i live in California, so i will fly, but if it is in Las Vegas, that is sick to, much much better i think!
Born & Raised Modesto Man. :)

Offline BigDumbWookiee

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2004, 03:54 PM »
Well, that is the one good thing about not getting that job at IMS. If I worked at the Indy Motor Speedway, there'd be no way in hell I'd get any of the days off for C3
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Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2004, 12:10 AM »
Well according to many in Indy. The various hotels downtwon for this weekend of C3 are starting to fill up. I am not sure if this confirms C3 in Indy or not maybe there is another big event.

So how are people making these reservations? I called today (after booking comic con) and tried to do  it, but no one seems to be taking reservations yet.
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Offline Deanpaul

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2004, 04:28 AM »
One factor that could keep Celebration out of places like Las Vegas is the labor organizations in all of the venues there. Places like Las Vegas and Chicago are a lot more expensive for exhibitors and organizers because they require Union labor to set the show.

Second tier cities like Indy, Orlando and San Diego do not. I think the cost implications will probably keep C3 out of places like Vegas, even if C3 is trying to go out with a bang.

Just my guess. Can you say "drayage"? I knew you could. ;)
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Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2004, 02:11 PM »
Yeah. Labor. Hotel costs. Travel. Whatever the reason.

It's not going to Vegas. It's in INDY. For sure. Been confirmed by several sources now, so I think it's pretty safe to say that and we can all move on to planning what we'll be up to in that fine city.  :)
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Offline Mainland05

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2004, 02:13 PM »
San Diego would be the way to go!! ;)
Born & Raised Modesto Man. :)

Offline Rob

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Re: Celebration 3 is heating up.
« Reply #44 on: January 16, 2004, 11:59 AM »
I've missed both of the previous Celebrations - and fully intend to make it to this one.  It's a 900 mile drive from here, but what the F.

Any advice on looking for lodging / meeting up with people / how much money to bring, etc.. etc.. etc.. for someone who hasn't been?