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Messages - patreektherodian

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My thought is not exactly glue, It give just enough tack to keep the fig balanced.

A solution for flat surfaces would be to use a smigen of that gummy glue. You know the kind from kinder garden with the bottom that twists. and the cylinder extens? I used it for my collection on the shelf and it's not verry permanent yet povides a bit of tack.

why not use the stands but have them protrude from under the terrain material

With my experience at c3 with Niub's workshop,  Having the area cordoned off worked very well. As for standing up figs, I was the one who glued most of thos stormtroopers in the Emperor's arrival Diorama. It was a lot of work and would have like to do something more creative. I would suggest some sort of stand/peg that is embeded in the floor of the dio

Good idea Smartypants!  (i'm not being sarcastic)

Here is a dimmension we never talked about( I think?)

How about height? At first I was always thinking waist high (on a table).  How about a bit lower(abouve the knee). That way you can look down on everything and there are no obstructive buildings?

I particularly like the last pair. That gives me an crazy Idea. Imagine a Wookie cyborg!  Would't that be just plain sick?

Hey Chewie! I too want to make the Dagobagh swamp with that aquarium tree sculpture

Finally somebody with vision!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I hear the word approved or not?

This is what I think for canyion

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: Are we serious or not??
« on: January 14, 2007, 01:46 PM »
I like what brent said in that small group to make some key decisionon . Like Anakin said to Padme, maybe we need a dictator.

If those little ruggrats lay a finger on anything I will bite their freaking heads off!
PS I'm an elementary school teacher.

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: Are we serious or not??
« on: January 12, 2007, 06:43 PM »
I think the above speaks fo itself. Do you think we can come up with even more threads to waste precious time to debate and make 1/2 desisions?  Not only that but we are now delving into making a website about something that does not physically exist yet! How about a Radio show or group uniforms? We need to stop blowing hot air and get off our butts! I've been waiting for instructions since I submited my canyon scene (please see my last post on concept and design thread.) I tried the frapper thing to keep myself buisy but not very many people latched on. So much energy is spent on indecision and questioning I feel like I'm  shopping for maternity clothing with my wife (does this make my butt look big?).

Let's get glue gun burnt and exacto cuts WE GOT A FREAKING DIO TO BUILD!

ps when it's all done , A website would be nice to bask in.

I need official confirmation on this because I need to plan my february break! I have one week to myself that I am putting asside for this project so I need to know what to do.  In reference to Glassman's image .Is it safe to say that I can be responsible for the topography of  the green space area and others would be in charge of what goes on it?    or should i pick a corner of the green space and do a canyion that resembles  my submission.     or.... would you like to take my submission, cut it up and do what you want with it. Don't forget I can make rock faces as a transition zone between highlands and lowlands.

Either way I'm going to take glassman's image and sketch my input to see what Y'all think.

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