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Thor (Movie & Sequels)

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I Am Sith:
Saw it last night.  Definitely a fun ride with a lot of memorable lines.  It "felt" more like a Guardians movie than the previous two Thor films for sure.  Not just the comedic aspects, but even the look and use of music.  At one point in the beginning I felt like I was watching a TV show with how it was shot.

With everything that was going on, going to have to see it at least one more time on the big screen to catch all the Easter Eggs.

Goldblum and Blanchett didn't disappoint.

Saw Thor 3 over the weekend and it was pretty good.  I think if there weren't so many other great Marvel movies, I would have liked this even more.  The story and visuals were great, but I agree that it didn't really feel like a "Thor" movie to me.  The past two movies seemed more serious or somber to me, whereas this was a lot of joking and physical comedy with Thor and Hulk.  I laughed a lot, but it does have more of a Guardians feel to it.  Given some of the deaths involved, I would not have expected Thor to be goofing around and cracking jokes.  I would have liked more set up on what happened between Loki and Odin as well.  If Loki just cast a spell on him that led to his demise, it seems like should have been more than a light-hearted footnote.  I wasn't overly impressed with Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie either, but Kate Blanchett was excellent. 

*SPOILER ALERT* - Did anyone else catch Loki eyeing up the cosmic cube?  Guessing he grabbed it off screen, which was maybe for the best given what happens to Asgard.  And the immense ship at the end had to be Thanos, right?

We saw Ragnarok this weekend as well, and really enjoyed it. It is definitely different than the previous movies, but I think that is ok. It isn't a perfect story or anything, but a heck of a lot of fun. I've read before that Hemsworth is really a funny guy, and that came through very well here.


I was a little surprised how many characters were killed off (and quickly). I know it has and does happen in comics all the time, with resurrections, but not sure if that will happen here. I think it has been confirmed that the ship in the credits is indeed Sanctuary, Thanos' ride.

That scene kind of reminded me of the two Jedi Mace brings with him to arrest Palpatine and how quickly they went down.

Saw it today in a mostly empty theater (best way!), Ragnarok is the best Thor and Hulk movie in one!  I admit, I was never a Thor fan, though. The first two films were mostly forgettable.


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