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Topics - Jim

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The Prequel Trilogy / New Character Spoiler! Jorus C'baoth?
« on: September 22, 2003, 11:27 AM »
From the

beware of spoilers below!
There's a new Character In Episode Three.
During breaks on Stage 7, Ewan, Hayden and a mystery actor would sit in buggys outside the entry door on the backlot and stretch their legs. The last time they did this was just two, maybe three weeks ago. The mystery actor was there several days in a row and looked a little like an albino Jedi with white eyebrows and a creamy white beard similar to Liam Neeson's beard in TPM - he had quite pale skin and appeared human, and about the same height as Ewan McGreggor.

His gaze was disturbing to behold (perhaps it was the young face behing the short white beard and hair) and he was dressed as a Jedi and carried a lightsaber. Sometimes, Nick Gilliard (choreographer) would sit in the gutter with them. This "Milky Bar" kid was mysterious in that he was often there in uniform with the other two Jedi.

Hayden's costume was dark brown, almost black pleather and all three wore great big boots. The dark leggings on their costumes each appeared dirty as though they'd been rolling in talc. They would always look up to see who was driving past them and seemed bored whist waiting for the sets to be prepared for each take.

When the alarm sounded, they would enter the small door on the side of the stage and the amber flashing "Filming In Progress" light would come on again. But this new character looked very much like an albino Jedi. His costume -from memory- was darker than Ewans, much like Hayden's.

I dont know if anyone else thought this, but the first name that came to mind was Jorus C'baoth (SP) from the Thrawn Trilogy.  The description is a dead ringer.  Look at any pictures of him and you will know what I mean. I know a EU character will appear but could this be the character?  Just a guess.

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Who Overpaid for Walmart 2-packs? Do you regret it?
« on: September 22, 2003, 08:34 AM »
Unfortuneately I just did but I did not regret it. I am hearing that these were a one shot item and once they are gone they are gone.  With the dozens of Walmarts that myself, friends and relatives have checked for in the last week, nothing was to be found.  So, being worried I would find none, I overpaid on ebay, like alot of other people are doing.  I paid roughly double for each set.  I could live with $10 each, since I was at least getting 2 figures.  Your thoughts?  Will you wait it out and see if they are released again?

Power of the Force 2 / Sandtrooper on Speederbike
« on: September 19, 2003, 10:41 AM »
Not sure if this was mentioned before. I was messing around with my speederbikes and have found that the Sandtrooper that comes with the dewback fits perfectly, and looks pretty cool to boot.  

Saga '02-'04 / Silver Fett Arriving!
« on: September 18, 2003, 12:12 PM »
I got my 2 Fetts today in the mail.  Packing job was excellent.  Each fig was individually wrapped.  Although one fig had pretty bad card damage.  One will be an opener so it works out fine with me.  Both cards had alot of bend which looks to be from the heat on the thinner card stock.  I could also assume that to give everyone a chance at a mint one, that those who ordered 2 may be getting a non mint as well.  Just speculation.  

Saga '02-'04 / Jedi Points Possiblities
« on: September 16, 2003, 08:39 AM »
Just was curious as to what people thought will be offered in the JP promotion coming up.  Here is what I would guess or should I say hope for.

Toyfair Vader
Jorg Sacul
Silver R2-D2
Silver Boba Fett
2nd generation commtech chips
Prototype POTF2-SAGA
Wave 2 Cantina
Army Builder Packs (Stormtroopers, Endor, etc)
Posters (Film and Action figure)
Misc. Fanclub items (passes, patches, etc)
Mini Legos
Leftover pegwarmers from fanclub

The Prequel Trilogy / Bruce Spence character is................
« on: September 11, 2003, 10:57 AM »
Is rumored to be a  Bothan.  Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere.  Looks like we will have an explanation  for the connection of the Bothan spies.

Modern Classifieds / Wanted loose POTF2 AT-AT Drivers!
« on: August 27, 2003, 08:57 PM »
I really need 4 more of these guys.  I can pay $5 loose for each one.  Thanks!

Modern Classifieds / Help! I need colored Clone 3-packs
« on: August 27, 2003, 08:21 PM »
If anyone out there can hook me up with any of the following, I will gladly pay cost, plus throw in a little something extra.


Blue Clone Trooper Pack
Green Clone Trooper Pack
Yellow Clone Trooper Pack
Red Clone Trooper Pack
Jedi Army 3=pack

Watto's Junk Yard / Reunions or Concerts that will never happen
« on: August 27, 2003, 07:55 PM »
Im not talking about circumstances such as death that keep a band apart.  But what groups out there will never get back together or tour again?  One band is Pink Floyd.  I came to grips last year that they are no more, whether with Waters coming back or without him.  Pink Floyd was by far the greatest concert experience of my life.  I saw them once in 1987 and three times in '94.   Who else is finished?  I also believe Zep will never tour again.  

I am looking for a Doctor Doom (MIB). He is the last one from the retail series that I need.  I really dont feel like spending alot. $15 shipped if possible.  Its strange that the exclusives are easier to obtain at cheaper prices ??? If you are in your KBs or TRU look if you have the time.  I am finding some of the common ones reappearing in beat up boxes, which I am willing to take.  

Anyone here collect this older series?  I am looking for a checklist of all figs made but am having no luck.  The series ran in the late 80's, early 90's?  I am starting a Alien/Predator toy focus and could use any help regarding any toys in either form.  I am also interested in foreign figures.  I know Asia have a bunch of different toylines out there (Konami, etc) and could use any  info. Thanks in advance.  

Vintage Kenner / Original Leia ROTJ Card
« on: August 21, 2003, 01:41 PM »
When was the last time anyone has seen one of these being offered? Whether it be Ebay or one of the online stores.  I am going to start a complete ROTJ run and thought I would start with the HTF and most expensive figs in the set.  The only problem is that I have been looking for this fig in decent shape for over a year now.  

Saga '02-'04 / Future Waves?
« on: August 20, 2003, 03:01 PM »
Does anyone know what wave comes after the WA-7 and Clone Wars waves?  Im pretty sure that info has not been released yet, but am unsure.  

The Prequel Trilogy / Stormtroopers and Chewies Motivation EP3
« on: August 19, 2003, 11:35 AM »
Here is a quote from

"So you're hearing rumblings that in Episode III there's to be some Wookiee fighting? Yup, Lucas has stated publically there is a small action sequence involving the classic creatures including Chewbacca.
Well, the original version of the scene involved them fighting alongside Yoda - fighting off stormtroopers. They're all dressed up in battle armor and everything. At one point (not sure how this will play out in the end) it was decided that everyone of them would die except Chewbacca, giving him motivation for helping the Rebellion against the Empire in the original Star Wars movies."

Saga '02-'04 / Isnt it time for a Resculpt of Ben Kenobi OT
« on: August 19, 2003, 11:13 AM »
We have gotten 4 different Bens so far:  POTF2 Ben, Flashback Ben, POTJ Ben and the Vader vs Ben 2-pack. All of which IMO are lacking the current SAGA feel.  The likeness on all of them are off, and not one of them fits into a current Landspeeder.  Anyone else suprised we have not seen one yet?  

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